Here's a small tidbit. We were told by a credible source that there were over 560 foreclosure filings in the city of Maple Heights in 2012 so far (in a city of about 23,100 residents), and that there are many houses vacant. It also appears that the population declined from about 26,000 to the now about 23,100 (according to 2010 census) during the current Mayor's term in office, and the school's student enrollment has also declined (see our other posts). Now before we allow these city employees to say that things are bad all over Ohio, Maple Heights is one of the worst in terms of home foreclosures, and the market values and assessed values of the homes in Maple Heights has declined significantly.
If any employee who works for Maple Heights government knows of a cover up, or any acts of wrong doing, or acts of racism by Maple Heights public employees, our suggestion is to come forward now. If there's a scandal coming, you don't want to be swept up in it.
Update 12/20/2012:
Mr. Blair Melling has decided to dip his toe .. wait ... no, dip his foot into the muck and mire in Maple Hts. Did Mr. Montello sick Mr. Melling on those poor folks in Maple Hts? Careful Mr. Melling, do you really want to get caught up in these murky waters? Just asking. [Re: Melling and Montello, click Here (about 10 paragraphs down) and Here. ] We'll keep you updated but it looks like besides issues stated on this post, constitutional issues also keep popping up.
This post is open to further editing if corrections or additions need to be made.