Friday, September 25, 2009


You've got to know how really, really, really pissed I am at right wing media and conservatives who have been on a witch hunt for years to destroy the almost 40 year old grassroots organization called ACORN. I'm also mad at all but 75 House Democrats who have joined the Republicans in trying to defund ACORN.
Folks, these hypocrits in Congress who have joined with the biased and often hypocritical right-wing media (including the conservative Wall Street Journal), have decided to single out an organization that has done more good for low income and moderate income people, despite problems within the organization. An organization, by the way, that has is earnestly trying to address various problems within its Nationwide 1200 chapters.
In the meantime, fraud ridden companies like Lockheed Martin, Blackwater [Xe] and Northrop Grumman, continue to receive millions of taxpayers dollars daily. ACORN pales by comparison to the corruption, greed, fraud, horrendous and vile acts and crimes committed by Lockheed, Blackwater, Northrop, and many other contractors. I don't have the time or energy to list the crimes and corruption within the Bush administration [you can read those at The Long Goodbye]. Many of those individuals and organizations implicated, still go unpunished to this day.
When are we going to wake up people! Money, power, and greed often corrupt politicians in Washington. ACORN is to be commended that it has lasted this long under the constant scrutiny of conservatives, who unwavered in their mission to destroy an organization that fought and continues to fight for the poor and low income.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy




Video: William Sparkman commencement speech for Western Governors University

Berman Exposed

Meet Rick Berman, A.K.A. "Dr. Evil"

Manipulating the Public Agenda: Why ACORN was in the news, and what the news got wrong Occidental College link


The Long Goodbye .. ACORN pales in comparison ...


Defund ACORN ACT see also Washington Examiner


Jeremy Scahill


Jeremy Scahill - The Rise of the Most Powerful Mercenary Army


Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder


Lockheed Bribery Scandals

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