Well folks, it’s time to wake up. Barack Obama is neither the second coming of Christ; nor is he the anti-Christ. Barack Obama is a corporate Democrat … plain and simple. Well ... actually he embodies "The Third Way". **
For some progresives, that news is the ultimate insult; and if you’re a conservative, I would think, you should bow down and kiss his feet. -
The fact is, with just a few tweaks here and there, ... this president pretty much left things as they were; and for all the talk of financial reform … what little or more of it we get via Congress … will still leave things pretty much the same. [Yikes ... Banks rule the world ... the Sky is really falling]
So on this beautiful Easter Day, don’t fret. The world is not coming to an end [well, maybe Goldman Sachs and/or the IMF will bankrupt most countries and/or hold them hostage], … neither is there going to be a new dawn or new politics …
Yes, the president is a capitalist … a "Third Way" Democrat … (at the mercy of large corporations and big banks, ... just like the rest of us) ... so, get over it and move on.
(Oh, and I will be editing this, as I have lots more to say)
Max Keiser