We're progressive, political, controversial, provocative, thought-provoking, entertaining, sometimes comedic, and always extremely interesting and informative. View investigative segments at the side and bottom of this page.
Let's just get one thing straight from jump street. Politics is not about truth, but about winning points and elections. Knowing this fact, is there any hope for America?
Luckily most of the hard work of solving America's problems is not done by politicians, though politicians definitely make solving America's problems considerably harder.
Yesterday we watched a master intellect at work ... dealing with hard questions and political talking points. Yesterday Republican hypocrisy and politics was exposed for everyone to see. (See President Obama's 82 minute speech and sparing with Republican politicians by clicking the CSPAN link at bottom of this page - also, below that is the full question and answer video segment from YouTube - [2 minutes and 13 seconds into the Q&A, the YouTube video will pause, to resume viewing, just move the time slider forward a little])
Here's a number of video and comments [Keith Olbermann's Countdown] from President Obama's meeting with Republican House members at their Republican retreat in Baltimore - remember the full video Q&A is at the bottom of this post:
After viewing the video, do not click on "next" or "return to video", just go to the video below it.
I heard some ignoramus on CNN say that no one should have interfered with the “goings on” of Citigroup, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, etc. because these companies would have recovered on their own (normal business cycle).
I love to tell stories so here goes …
A Real or Fictional Story of Corporate Deceit and Fraud; and the United States Governments involvement to cover it up.
Here’s the story (fiction or non-fiction, you choose):
There were a bunch of parent companies that owned retail banks, commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies (compliments of Congress by repealing the Glass Steagall Act and passing the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act - cooked up by Republicans who got a bunch of Democrats [and a Democratic White House] to go along with it). ***
The investment banks engaged in questionable trades and bought shares of stock (for themselves and other investors) in certain assets and companies that they either knew didn’t exist, or at best, were extremely risky . They got investors (individual and institutional) to buy into their questionable dealings. They also bundled a bunch of risky mortgages from the parent companies retail banks and mortgage companies, and sold them to people all over the world, thereby engaging in a worldwide ponzi scheme.
In addition to that scheme, they also used deposits from their retail banks and bought insurance from their own insurance companies or other insurance companies to hedge their bets. Many of these insurance companies they knew didn’t have enough reserves set aside if things went bad.
In the meantime, executives were siphoning off profits through insanely outrageous salaries and bonuses. Some of the large shareholders (who consisted of company executives, board members, and the “Wall Street connected” extremely wealthy) consistently voted for and wooed certain board members who agreed with these outrageous executive compensation packages, and they recommended to the smaller shareholders that they go along with their choices.
All these companies knew what the other was doing; and they were well aware that their schemes were built on a “house of cards” that could topple world economies; however, they didn’t really worry too much because they knew someone (a sheikh or two, the government, their retail bank depositors, corrupt insurance companies, the FED, etc) would bail them out. -
[In addition, these companies and the military contracting companies they bought shares in, encouraged (lobbied) members of Congress, who engaged in the politics of fear [of real and imagined enemies], to use these military contracting companies.]****
Anyway, when some of these companies “shit hit the fan”, and the stock market kept falling, and people started defaulting on their mortgages because they couldn’t increase their credit card limits anymore or refinance their homes any more (property values that were over-valued had declined; many had lost their jobs because companies couldn’t compete with foreign imports and closed shop [compliments of NAFTA and other government trade policies]; or companies continued offshore outsourcing jobs to cut labor costs starting not at the top, but with middle and bottom wage earners ).
The small business owner lost business because various members of Congress (especially conservative members who championed deregulation), consistently engaged in policies and/or wrote laws that allowed large companies to get bigger (whereby small companies couldn’t compete).
People began realizing that they were living in a fantasy world and they never made enough money to pay for their kids college, or invest for retirement, or buy furniture, or dress for success, or buy a house, etc. They were living on borrowed money, and their bank executives and investment brokers, and other people’s bank executives and investment brokers were living high on the hog with their money [that was eventually mostly gambled away].
The government, to cover up their duplicity in the schemes, yelled the “sky is falling” and feigned gross ignorance. They allowed investment banks to become bank holding companies, and got other countries (debt), the FDIC and tax-payers to loan and bail out all their asses.
Finally (to put the icing on the cake), the (majority conservative) Supreme Court, used a case before it (under the guise of free speech), to allow corporations to further influence politics, thereby giving their blessing to the continuance of these schemes and cover-ups.**
If “Capitalism 201 Gone Wild” hasn’t infected your (especially European) country yet … the story above may become a reality for you.
***John McCain Lies- only 1 Senate Democrat (Hollings) voted for Gramm, Leach, Bliley: All Republicans voted yea, except for 1 who voted present (Fitzgerald) and 1 who did not vote (Inhofe). See also Roll Call Vote
Our capitalistic system is heading your way threatening to destroy your middle class as they’ve done to ours. [Top down economics creeping in to your country like a snake on a mission.]
How would you like to live in a country owned by large corporations?
How would you like a fractured, broken, costly healthcare system where universal healthcare is a thing of the past?
How’s 1% of the population controlling 90-95% of your country's wealth sound to you?
How does the outsourcing of your jobs appeal to you?
I heard some ignoramus on CNN say that the government should not have rushed in to save Citigroup, Bank of America, etc. because most of their problems would have been corrected within the course of a normal business cycle.
I love to tell stories so here goes …
A Real or Fictional Story of Corporate Deceit and Fraud; and the United States Governments involvement to cover it up.
Here’s the story (fiction or non-fiction, you choose):
There were a bunch of parent companies that owned retail banks, commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies (compliments of Congress by repealing the Glass Steagall Act and passing the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act - cooked up by Republicans who got a bunch of Democrats [and a Democratic White House] to go along with it).
The investment banks engaged in questionable trades and bought shares of stock (for themselves and other investors) in certain assets and companies that they either knew didn’t exist, or at best, were extremely risky . They got investors (individual and institutional) to buy into their questionable dealings. They also bundled a bunch of risky mortgages from the parent companies retail banks and mortgage companies, and sold them to people all over the world, thereby engaging in a worldwide ponzi scheme.
In addition to that scheme, they also used deposits from their retail banks and bought insurance from their own insurance companies or other insurance companies to hedge their bets. Many of these insurance companies they knew didn’t have enough reserves set aside if things went bad.
In the meantime, executives were siphoning off profits through insanely outrageous salaries and bonuses. Some of the large shareholders (who consisted of company executives, board members, and the “Wall Street connected” extremely wealthy) consistently voted for and wooed certain board members who agreed with these outrageous executive compensation packages, and they recommended to the smaller shareholders that they go along with their choices.
All these companies knew what the other was doing; and they were well aware that their schemes were built on a “house of cards” that could topple world economies; however, they didn’t really worry too much because they knew someone (a sheikh or two, the government, their retail bank depositors, corrupt insurance companies, the FED, etc) would bail them out.
[In addition, these companies and the military contracting companies they bought shares in, encouraged (lobbied) members of Congress, who engaged in the politics of fear [of real and imagined enemies], to use these military contracting companies.]*****
Anyway, when some of these companies “shit hit the fan”, and the stock market kept falling, and people started defaulting on their mortgages because they couldn’t increase their credit card limits anymore or refinance their homes any more (property values that were over-valued had declined; many had lost their jobs because companies couldn’t compete with foreign imports and closed shop [compliments of NAFTA and other government trade policies]; or companies continued offshore outsourcing jobs to cut labor costs starting not at the top, but with middle and bottom wage earners ).
The small business owner lost business because various members of Congress (especially conservative members who championed deregulation), consistently engaged in policies and/or wrote laws that allowed large companies to get bigger (whereby small companies couldn’t compete).
People began realizing that they were living in a fantasy world and they never made enough money to pay for their kids college, or invest for retirement, or buy furniture, or dress for success, or buy a house, etc. They were living on borrowed money, and their bank executives and investment brokers, and other people’s bank executives and investment brokers were living high on the hog with their money [that was eventually mostly gambled away].
The government, to cover up their duplicity in the schemes, yelled the “sky is falling” and feigned gross ignorance. They allowed investment banks to become bank holding companies, and got other countries (debt), the FDIC and tax-payers to loan and bail out all their asses.
Finally (to put the icing on the cake), the (majority conservative) Supreme Court, used a case before it (under the guise of free speech), to allow corporations to further influence politics, thereby giving their blessing to the continuance of these schemes and cover-ups.
If “Capitalism 201 Gone Wild” hasn’t infected your (especially European) country yet … the story above may become a reality for you.
State Department Victim's Family Hotline: 1.888.407.4747
To Donate: 1800salarmy 18004unicef 1800redcross
For those wishing to donate immediately, text "HAITI" to 90999 and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, charged to your cell phone bill. [see complet info at http://blogs.state.gov/index.php/site/entry/disaster_haiti ]
This year I am bound and determined to cut down on the time I spend emailing certain people, writing in this blog, and keeping tabs on politicians. If you notice, I’ve been writing less and less. It’s a full time job keeping up with politicians, “bad ass” corporate criminals, and “the good”, “the bad”, and “the ugly.
Okay, … I’ve given you my New Year’s resolution.
Now don’t take offense at what I’m going to say in this post. Before you say anything, re-read our group’s description. Yeah …. Read it. It says, we’re progressive, political, controversial, thought-provoking, entertaining, sometimes comedic, …
Today’s subject: Let’s talk about profiling potentially violent “sons of bitches”.
If we’re really serious about cracking down on violent crime, (that means everything from sex offenders, to murderers, to terrorists, etc.), why not look at the group most responsible for these crimes. What do all these violent offenders have in common? Think people … think!
If you guessed … those who possess the “Y” chromosome, you were right on the money.
These violent offenders are of every skin color, job description, from every political party, and religion (though I’d seriously watch those Catholic priests and bishops). The only thing that truly unites them is that damn pesky “Y” chromosome. God forbid they have an extra “Y” chromosome.
These are some scary people folks. You never know when one of them might snap or unveil their “hidden” aggressive/violent tendencies and wreak havoc on others.
So what should we do when one of these “Y” chromosome people gets on a plane, or train, or want a job in a school, or want to get married, or want to work for law enforcement, or for that matter want to do anything? I say strip search em, body scan em, investigate em, and turn their entire life upside down.
Can you really trust these “Y” chromosome people to walk amongst us?
I say … cross the street if one of them comes towards you.
If they make one false move, I say … lock them up and throw away the key. Better still, put each and every one of them on some remote, highly guarded island and let them be leery of, and nervous around each other.
Now … I want to be fair. I don’t want us profiling little kids; however, if there’s an age group that bears watching, it’s probably that group between the ages of 10 and 60. Sounds about right, don’t you think? Can’t afford to have those “Y” chromosome kids viciously attacking others on the playground.
To be perfectly understood, we do not condone acts of violence against U.S., and we do not condone breaking laws, or agree with people who break the law.
An SIT was sent to the FirstEnergy plant after the March 12, 2010 discovery of cracks in the nozzle on the control drive mechanism, some of which were leaking as workers failed to account for peak temperatures inside the reactor vessel.