Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My mother, a Republican who voted for President Obama, prays for the president's safety every day. Her friends, who come from almost every race, religion, and culture, also hold prayers for President Obama, and pray for his safety every day. They wish him well.
It is woefully evident however, that there is a Republican far right fringe [esp. the Evangelicals] that does not pray for his safety; they pray for his death, and his liberal [who they call Socialists] supporter’s demise. According to Frank Schaeffer there are probably 22 million individuals who are part of that fringe [“the super conservative Evangelicals”]; and a much smaller minority that would actually carry out their death threats or violence given the right set of circumstances.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, death threats against our president have increased over 400% since he took the oath of office.
That we hear no denunciation of these individuals and groups from moderate, responsible [and supposedly sane] members of the Republican Party is alarming; however, it does not surprise me. These Republicans it would appear, would sell their mother and their soul to cater to what they see is their political base. God help us!
Senator George Voinovich [R-OH] has said he does not recognize his own political party; that they have strayed far away from their principles and southerners have hijacked his party. Other Republicans have also expressed similar sentiments; yet, none that I know of, has publicly called for a stop to the threats against the president. This is the party that is seeking to regain power in Washington, and wants to represent us in the International community.
Why are we not hearing a public denunciation of these death threats and violence from the leadership of the mainstream and Evangelical religious community?
Our president welcomes criticism and our support; he does not deserve the venomous language and hatred (racial and otherwise) that is leveled against him.
What must other countries think of us; what must we think of ourselves?
Several posts ago, I wrote “Why are we worried about Afghanistan, when Afghanistan is in our own back yard”. When I wrote it, I didn’t think about this fringe (largely religious) group “who are the American version of the Taliban”. They themselves would be horrified to know that they possess a similarity to the Taliban.
If we don’t publicly and privately denounce these individuals and groups now, we are giving aid and comfort to violent rhetoric; and if violence results, we have aided and abetted it.
Next time you want to criticize the president and his administration, be very careful of your tone and language. If you don’t have constructive and/or helpful criticisms, keep your thoughts to yourself. We don’t want or need inflammatory rhetoric right now.
It also wouldn’t hurt you to email or fax or publicly praise President Obama when he does something you like or are proud of.
The GOP’s Anti-Obama Propaganda”
Tea Party Protest Turns Violent (VIDEO)
Psalm 109:8, 109:9
Frank Schaeffer: Organizing to Stop Far Right Violence
An Open Letter To Attorney General Eric Holder
“Crazy for God” by Frank Schaeffer
“Patience with God” by Frank Schaeffer
Frank Schaeffer (wikipedia)
Rachel Maddow (wikipedia)
Southern Poverty Law Center
Hatemongers Poised to Exploit Obama Election, Tough Economic Times
Dick Armey
Evangelical Hate Groups
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It’s 4:50am (est.), and I can’t sleep. Anger, resentment, and fear have gripped my heart; and my heart can't stop racing, and each beat becomes louder and louder.
As is my habit when something disturbs me greatly, I have to put pen to paper [key stroke to blog] and release what's gnawing inside me.
I need you to feel my anger, and understand why I'm upset.
I need you to feel my anger, and understand why I'm upset.
Last Saturday, we watched every male Republican (but 1 who voted present), and 62 male Democrats, interfere with, and restrict a woman’s freedom and rights. Two women Democrats, and every female Republican, were co-conspirators; and I wonder, if perhaps, there is self loathing in that group.
I don’t care if you are pro-life or pro-choice. If you did not say no or object to the Stupak-Pitts amendment … you knowingly chose to interfere with, restrict and chip away at a woman’s rights and her freedom. This amendment went beyond the language that was already in the House bill.
Last Saturday, we watched every male Republican (but 1 who voted present), and 62 male Democrats, interfere with, and restrict a woman’s freedom and rights. Two women Democrats, and every female Republican, were co-conspirators; and I wonder, if perhaps, there is self loathing in that group.
I don’t care if you are pro-life or pro-choice. If you did not say no or object to the Stupak-Pitts amendment … you knowingly chose to interfere with, restrict and chip away at a woman’s rights and her freedom. This amendment went beyond the language that was already in the House bill.
The Stupak-Pitts amendment, a male written amendment, was another step in the direction to return women to what many men (around the world) see as a woman’s rightful place. That place is for women [and her body] to be subject to a man’s will and whims.
If you were not outraged, and/or did not write your representatives, or express your anger in some meaningful way, you aided and abetted those men [and their co-conspirators] who felt entitled, and sought to purposely interfere, restrict, and chip away at a woman’s rights and freedoms.
We women have come too far to allow men such as these, and their co-conspirators, to interfere with our rights and freedoms. Women, your body is your own. No man can possess it our own it. No man [or woman] should be able to pass legislation that will ultimately interfere with your decisions about your body, and interfere with and restrict your choice of, and access to health providers who would care for your body. Men would never willingly allow you to do it to them.
If you were not outraged, and/or did not write your representatives, or express your anger in some meaningful way, you aided and abetted those men [and their co-conspirators] who felt entitled, and sought to purposely interfere, restrict, and chip away at a woman’s rights and freedoms.
We women have come too far to allow men such as these, and their co-conspirators, to interfere with our rights and freedoms. Women, your body is your own. No man can possess it our own it. No man [or woman] should be able to pass legislation that will ultimately interfere with your decisions about your body, and interfere with and restrict your choice of, and access to health providers who would care for your body. Men would never willingly allow you to do it to them.
You see, ... people come to America from all over the world to celebrate and embrace freedom and choice. They come to America to be free.
Some, who never enjoyed freedom before, kiss the ground when they step on America's soil. They cry out … I’m free … I’m free. Free from ... imprisonment, or domination, or cruelty, or silence, or human rights abuses, or religious persecution; and they feel free to go where they want, or read what they want, or see what they want to see, ... .
Days, or weeks before the House vote on Healthcare, two men started crafting legislation that would have far reaching implications, and impact and further restrict a woman’s freedom. I want you to really think about this. I’ll say it again, … two men … two men crafted [wrote] legislation to interfere with and further restrict a woman’s freedom. *
I don’t know about you, but most psychologically healthy women would never want any man to interfere with and restrict her freedom.
[In the United States] If a woman decided to get up late one morning, that’s her right, and no man can force her to get up early. If she decided not to cook, that’s her right, and no man can force her to cook.
Some, who never enjoyed freedom before, kiss the ground when they step on America's soil. They cry out … I’m free … I’m free. Free from ... imprisonment, or domination, or cruelty, or silence, or human rights abuses, or religious persecution; and they feel free to go where they want, or read what they want, or see what they want to see, ... .
Days, or weeks before the House vote on Healthcare, two men started crafting legislation that would have far reaching implications, and impact and further restrict a woman’s freedom. I want you to really think about this. I’ll say it again, … two men … two men crafted [wrote] legislation to interfere with and further restrict a woman’s freedom. *
I don’t know about you, but most psychologically healthy women would never want any man to interfere with and restrict her freedom.
[In the United States] If a woman decided to get up late one morning, that’s her right, and no man can force her to get up early. If she decided not to cook, that’s her right, and no man can force her to cook.
If a woman wanted to go to work, that’s her right, and no man can tell her to stay home. If she didn’t want to marry, that’s her right, and no man can tell her that she had to marry. If she wanted to go to school, that’s her right, and no man can tell her she can’t go to school.
For a woman to be paid as much as a man doing the same job, that’s now her right, and no man should be allowed to pay her less.****
If a woman went on a date with a man, and he demanded sex, but she refused, that’s her right, and no man can force himself on her. If some man/men wanted to sell her into slavery**, she has a right to say no, and every man has a duty to come to her aid to prevent her from being sold.
If a woman wanted to go to work, that’s her right, and no man can tell her to stay home. If she didn’t want to marry, that’s her right, and no man can tell her that she had to marry. If she wanted to go to school, that’s her right, and no man can tell her she can’t go to school.
For a woman to be paid as much as a man doing the same job, that’s now her right, and no man should be allowed to pay her less.****
If a woman went on a date with a man, and he demanded sex, but she refused, that’s her right, and no man can force himself on her. If some man/men wanted to sell her into slavery**, she has a right to say no, and every man has a duty to come to her aid to prevent her from being sold.
If a woman wants an abortion, no man [or woman] can tell her she can't have one. If a woman wants to go to a hospital of her own choosing, no man can tell her she can not go. If a woman wants to see a doctor of her choice, no man can tell her she can not go.
In the United States of America, a woman has the same rights and freedoms as a man. She has a right to liberty; and she has a right to happiness. These are fundamental rights. No man can [legally] take her rights away from her. No man has the right to tell her what to do with her life. No man has a right to touch her if she doesn’t want to be touched. Her body is her own and no man … no man can own her. She and she alone own her body.
It is rare for another woman to form a group or start a movement meant to interfere with her own rights and freedoms as a woman. If there was such a woman, I would think you would agree, that something is wrong with her ... that perhaps she is psychologically damaged in some way.
I want you to think about who is at the forefront of almost every group or movement to restrict or interfere or strip away a woman’s rights and freedoms. ... They are almost always men. They are the Randall Terry’s’; they are the "Men Against Abortion" kind of groups; they are the sex slave traders, the rapists, the men who like to abuse women; they are the men who want to control women; they are the cold blooded killers like Scott Roeder; and now the Ben Nelson's, the Jeff Merkley's, the Orrin Hatch's, the Mike Johanns', and Bart Stupaks and Joe Pitts of this world.***
In the United States of America, a woman has the same rights and freedoms as a man. She has a right to liberty; and she has a right to happiness. These are fundamental rights. No man can [legally] take her rights away from her. No man has the right to tell her what to do with her life. No man has a right to touch her if she doesn’t want to be touched. Her body is her own and no man … no man can own her. She and she alone own her body.
It is rare for another woman to form a group or start a movement meant to interfere with her own rights and freedoms as a woman. If there was such a woman, I would think you would agree, that something is wrong with her ... that perhaps she is psychologically damaged in some way.
I want you to think about who is at the forefront of almost every group or movement to restrict or interfere or strip away a woman’s rights and freedoms. ... They are almost always men. They are the Randall Terry’s’; they are the "Men Against Abortion" kind of groups; they are the sex slave traders, the rapists, the men who like to abuse women; they are the men who want to control women; they are the cold blooded killers like Scott Roeder; and now the Ben Nelson's, the Jeff Merkley's, the Orrin Hatch's, the Mike Johanns', and Bart Stupaks and Joe Pitts of this world.***
None of these men would ever willingly allow another man or woman to own his body. He decides how his body is to be used or abused. He makes the decision about his reproductive organs; and he would never willingly allow anyone to interfere with that decision. These men will move heaven and earth; and they will legislate, demand, and fight for a man’s rights and freedoms. [He yells] "Give me liberty or give me death".
That a woman would not fight with every fiber of her being when a man [or another woman] seeks to restrict, take away or strip away her rights and freedoms is incomprehensible; and one would surmise that a woman who does not fight, has low self esteem, or is mentally challenged, or suffers from some other infirmity.
That a woman would not fight with every fiber of her being when a man [or another woman] seeks to restrict, take away or strip away her rights and freedoms is incomprehensible; and one would surmise that a woman who does not fight, has low self esteem, or is mentally challenged, or suffers from some other infirmity.
UPDATE 4/29/2010:
by Mary Alice Carr
Comment: What is so unsettling about the Hyde amendment and the Stupak-Pitts amendment is that we are back to where we were when abortion was illegal.
Rich women always had access to abortion services [legal or illegal].
When abortion became legal, all women had access.
With Hyde and Stupak-Pitts, we are now back to where we were before abortion became legal.
This is now about class, control and unequal access; leaving poor women who can least afford to bear children, having less access, and being pushed deeper into poverty.
Hyde and Stupak-Pitts ultimately gets between a patient and her doctor by denying access to a legal procedure if the patient will be receiving federal monies (subsidies).
Hyde and Stupak-Pitts also prevent health insurance companies from providing coverage for a legal procedure if they receive federal subsidies. [The words "restraint" and "free trade" come to mind]
That men are at the forefront, crafting legislation and making it more and more [extremely] difficult for women to have access to a legal procedure, is so much about control of women and very little about pro-life. The fact that these men have female co-conspirators (as do sexual slave traders with their madams) does not negate the fact that these men seek to control and bend women to their will and whims.
There is so much wrong with Hyde and Stupak-Pitts, I can't for the life of me understand why some smart lawyer can't figure a way to get rid of both.
Rich women always had access to abortion services [legal or illegal].
When abortion became legal, all women had access.
With Hyde and Stupak-Pitts, we are now back to where we were before abortion became legal.
This is now about class, control and unequal access; leaving poor women who can least afford to bear children, having less access, and being pushed deeper into poverty.
Hyde and Stupak-Pitts ultimately gets between a patient and her doctor by denying access to a legal procedure if the patient will be receiving federal monies (subsidies).
Hyde and Stupak-Pitts also prevent health insurance companies from providing coverage for a legal procedure if they receive federal subsidies. [The words "restraint" and "free trade" come to mind]
That men are at the forefront, crafting legislation and making it more and more [extremely] difficult for women to have access to a legal procedure, is so much about control of women and very little about pro-life. The fact that these men have female co-conspirators (as do sexual slave traders with their madams) does not negate the fact that these men seek to control and bend women to their will and whims.
There is so much wrong with Hyde and Stupak-Pitts, I can't for the life of me understand why some smart lawyer can't figure a way to get rid of both.
UPDATE 5/22/2010
UPDATE 4/29/2010:
by Mary Alice Carr
The Assassination of Dr. Tiller
Did C Street Christian Cult influence the Stupak Amendment ?
The Assassination of Dr. Tiller
Did C Street Christian Cult influence the Stupak Amendment ?
Note: When I say "no man" shall restrict ... , I also mean "no woman" shall restrict ...
Monday, November 9, 2009
219 Democrats and 1 brave Republican (Congressman Joseph Cao) did what no previous president’s administration or Congress has sought to accomplish in 40 years.
Saturday evening the historic Affordable Healthcare for America Act [H.R.3962] passed in the House Chamber. While the legislation is far from what needs to be done to give all Americans quality, low cost, universal comprehensive healthcare coverage; and does not really revamp our healthcare system and truly lower healthcare costs*, we do congratulate all who voted for H.R.3962; and give a special thanks to Congressman Steny Hoyer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for their tireless efforts.
Republicans did everything they possibly could to stop this legislation that will:**
1. Prevent private health insurance companies from discriminating against men, women and children who have a preexisting condition.
2. Prevent private health insurance companies from making women pay more for insurance.
3. Reinstate antitrust laws.
4. Expand health care coverage to the approximately 40 million Americans who are currently uninsured by lowering the cost of health care.
5. Prohibit rescission of health insurance coverage without clear and convincing evidence of fraud.
6. Require the option of extending coverage for children under 27 years of age.
7. Prohibit aggregate dollar lifetime limits on benefits.
8. Require guaranteed availability and renewability of health insurance coverage.
9. Prohibit discrimination based on health status factors.
10. Require parity for mental health benefits
11. Prohibits an essential benefits package from imposing any annual or lifetime limits on coverage.
While last week, approximately 100 [+] Americans died from lack of health insurance (or between 22, 000 and 44,000 annually), and approximately another 98,000 [+] Americans may lose their health insurance in the next two weeks, Senate Republicans and Senator Joe Lieberman were smug, telling news organizations that the historic Healthcare House Bill would never see the light of day in the Senate. Republicans continue to offer no real solutions to our broken healthcare system and no solutions to providing universal health care.
Senator Lieberman promised to filibuster with Senate Republicans to make sure Americans would never enjoy quality, affordable, comprehensive universal health care.
Senate Republicans and Senator Lieberman also vowed to make sure that private health insurance CEOs continue to receive outlandish compensation (while 1 out of 6 Americans live in poverty); and they vowed to make sure that private health insurance companies continue to make great profits while Americans struggle to survive. How? By making sure there is no public option in a Senate Healthcare bill (if there ever will be one).***
Saturday evening the historic Affordable Healthcare for America Act [H.R.3962] passed in the House Chamber. While the legislation is far from what needs to be done to give all Americans quality, low cost, universal comprehensive healthcare coverage; and does not really revamp our healthcare system and truly lower healthcare costs*, we do congratulate all who voted for H.R.3962; and give a special thanks to Congressman Steny Hoyer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for their tireless efforts.
Republicans did everything they possibly could to stop this legislation that will:**
1. Prevent private health insurance companies from discriminating against men, women and children who have a preexisting condition.
2. Prevent private health insurance companies from making women pay more for insurance.
3. Reinstate antitrust laws.
4. Expand health care coverage to the approximately 40 million Americans who are currently uninsured by lowering the cost of health care.
5. Prohibit rescission of health insurance coverage without clear and convincing evidence of fraud.
6. Require the option of extending coverage for children under 27 years of age.
7. Prohibit aggregate dollar lifetime limits on benefits.
8. Require guaranteed availability and renewability of health insurance coverage.
9. Prohibit discrimination based on health status factors.
10. Require parity for mental health benefits
11. Prohibits an essential benefits package from imposing any annual or lifetime limits on coverage.
While last week, approximately 100 [+] Americans died from lack of health insurance (or between 22, 000 and 44,000 annually), and approximately another 98,000 [+] Americans may lose their health insurance in the next two weeks, Senate Republicans and Senator Joe Lieberman were smug, telling news organizations that the historic Healthcare House Bill would never see the light of day in the Senate. Republicans continue to offer no real solutions to our broken healthcare system and no solutions to providing universal health care.
Senator Lieberman promised to filibuster with Senate Republicans to make sure Americans would never enjoy quality, affordable, comprehensive universal health care.
Senate Republicans and Senator Lieberman also vowed to make sure that private health insurance CEOs continue to receive outlandish compensation (while 1 out of 6 Americans live in poverty); and they vowed to make sure that private health insurance companies continue to make great profits while Americans struggle to survive. How? By making sure there is no public option in a Senate Healthcare bill (if there ever will be one).***
Also read: Corporate Cartels, High Paid Madams/Pimps and Political Prostitutes.
Note: Those who are proponents of women’s rights, please make sure you do everything possible to unseat Congressman Stupak when he comes up for re-election. We are sick of men trying to interfere with women's rights. [62 male Democrats and all but 1 male Republican]
Note: Those who are proponents of women’s rights, please make sure you do everything possible to unseat Congressman Stupak when he comes up for re-election. We are sick of men trying to interfere with women's rights. [62 male Democrats and all but 1 male Republican]
We applaud Congressman Dennis Kucinich for opposing H.R.3962. He is a strong proponent of a single payer system (what many of us wanted); and he refused to compromise.
We applaud Congressman Dennis Kucinich for opposing H.R.3962. He is a strong proponent of a single payer system (what many of us wanted); and he refused to compromise.
House Passes Historic Health Care Bill
**Affordable Healthcare for America Act Summary
Watch as legislation passes
House Passes Historic Health Care Bill
**Affordable Healthcare for America Act Summary
Watch as legislation passes
Rep. Gingrey Laughs Off 14,000 Americans Losing Their Health Insurance Every Day
Is the House Health Care Bill Better than Nothing?
Wendell Potter
Rep. Gingrey Laughs Off 14,000 Americans Losing Their Health Insurance Every Day
Is the House Health Care Bill Better than Nothing?
Wendell Potter
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