I'm telling you, when I heard that VARIOUS MEMBERS OF CONGRESS were going to vote against a public health insurance option, I got mad as hell.
And I'm not just talking about a few Democrats; I'm also talking about Republicans and one Independent.
Promise me you'll stay with me to the end of this piece.
The way I see it is, we have a CORPORATE CARTEL (HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES) paying LOBBYISTS (HIGH PAID MADAMS/PIMPS) to manage/ reign in/ manipulate various POLITICIANS to do their bidding.
Did I get that right people? Let’s break down the organizational structure.
First, what is a CARTEL and does the HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY [made up of health insurance companies], fit the description?
There are two definitions [from source]; however, I like the one that describes a CARTEL as an association of independent businesses organized to control prices and production, eliminate competition (by being a monopoly), and reduce the cost of doing business (denying treatment/refusing to pay claims, and refusing enrollment to those with a pre-existing condition).
I ask you, does that description bring it home for you?
Does for me.
Now, on to the HIGH PAID MADAMS/ [OR PIMPS]. -
See, Grayson was close, but I beg to differ …
Grayson called an ex-Enron lobbyist a whore. She deserved it.
"Enron was the world’s largest energy-trading company, with a market value of as much as $68 billion, before it imploded amid allegations of accounting fraud. The bankruptcy wiped out more than 5,000 jobs and at least $1 billion in retirement funds.
A Houston jury found former Enron Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling and former Chairman Kenneth Lay guilty in 2006 of deceiving investors, analysts and employees about the company’s deteriorating financial condition. Skilling is serving a 24-year prison term. Lay died before sentencing."
Ok, Grayson calls em whores. I see lobbyists as MADAMS/PIMPS, looking to manage PROSTITUTES.
The MADAM disperses the money to the prostitute when the prostitute brings home the bacon.
Now the MADAM/PIMP may give out a few favors to hook the politician, but that MADAM won't do that forever unless he/she receives some return on investment. The politician becomes a prostitute when he/she delivers the return on the investment.
Am I close people? Are you feeling me?
What is at stake here? -
If you answered … the health of the "John" [who are the CARTEL'S policyholders/consumers and the prostitute’s constituents], I'll give you a gold star.
The "John" comes to the prostitute asking to be treated right, asking for the prostitute to satisfy a need.**
I hate to insult anyone, but people, ... can you really trust a prostitute?
They will always tell you what you want to hear, but it’s mostly fake. Many times you leave feeling somewhat satisfied, but the feeling is brief, and something doesn’t feel right.
Why? … Because, again … it’s mostly fake (lot of smoke and mirrors) and empty promises. Where is the love? Did he/she really deliver on the promise, and leave you whole, happy and healthy?
And so we enter the brothel, the "Chamber", often begging, pleading, for the prostitute to satisfy this need** you have. Will he/she deliver this time, defying the madam, ... refusing to be paid, ... willing and able to rescue you out of love and devotion and caring?
Will the prostitute find redemption?
We’ll see … won’t we?
**True Healthcare Reform