Sunday, August 30, 2009


An estimated up to 346 people die every week or between 22,000 and 40,000 die annually (depending on which study you access) from lack of health insurance. Thousands of people are losing their health insurance every day because they lost their job, couldn’t (or can't afford to) pay their premiums, or were kicked out by their health insurance company.

These events/occurrences are happening every day while our federal workers and members of Congress enjoy excellent health care benefits and other benefits at tax payer expense. We're entering flu season, and how many uninsured people will die from the H1N1 virus and other viruses.

It is shameful, morally reprehensible, and outrageous; but the tax payer (especially ignorant town hall protesters) seems not to care. They rail at government, but have not the guts to stand up and ask for equal treatment.

On the other hand, members of Congress seem unaware that they have government sponsored health insurance.

We pay about 72% of federal employees (and that includes members of Congress) health insurance premium. I'll say it again, ... the tax payer subsidizes 72% or slightly less of federal employees health insurance premium; and if you think about it, we really pay the entire premium because we pay federal employee’s wages and salary (from which, they pay their share of the balance of that premium).

You can see what I'm talking about, by going to the Federal Employees Health and Benefit website.

Are you looking? Great!... Also look at our federal employees (includes members of Congress) choice of health insurers (tax payer subsidized, of course). Sort of like a health insurance exchange … don’t you think?

What really irks me and is the most reprehensible, is that we (the tax payer) are making the health insurance companies richer and richer while they turn around and deny you and me (the tax payer) treatment, or insurance, or they kick us out after they’ve paid an expensive claim or series of claims (which by the way, they’ve reported to the medical information bureau [MIB] for other health insurance and life insurance company members to see … so those other companies can deny you insurance if they so choose).

So again, hundreds of people are dying every week and thousands losing their health insurance [every day] while health insurance companies (that Wendell Potter talks about) get richer and richer; all the while the tax payer pays members of Congress' health insurance premiums, wages, salary and other benefits.

Do you want this to continue? … Or are you going to tell your Congressman/woman or Senator that you want equal treatment (quality, affordable, comprehensive single payer or public option [in a regulated health insurance exchange]), or you’ll simply not support or vote for them ever again? It’s up to you. Make your choice.

Death by Lack of Health Insurance (2008)

Health Insurance Coverage National Coalition on Health Care (2009)

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance
Trends in Cost and Access

Wendell Potter (also see the entire 32 minute Bill Moyers Journal interview at CSC Blog)

Fact Sheet: April 14, 2009 Fact Sheet: Using a Health-Insurance Exchange to Pool Risk and Protect Enrollees

Friday, August 21, 2009


I was watching CSPAN yesterday and saw a town hall meeting conducted by (D-VA) Rep. James Moran. His guest speaker was Dr. Howard Dean. That meeting was very enlightening because up until yesterday, I hadn't really understood the "health insurance exchange" that the president keeps talking about. Well, after watching that meeting, I understood it. I also understood why it is absolutely necessary to have the public option as part of the "health insurance exchange". Watch Representative Moran's town hall meeting and judge for yourself. Click HERE
C-SPAN also had a doctor from Canada speak about the Canadian Health Care system. Many of the callers had they themselves or loved ones used the Canadian Health Care system. Most were extremely pleased and couldn't understand why Americans don't have universal health care. The doctor said that Canadians were looking to improve their ER wait times and were looking at other European health systems to see where they could make improvements in their system.
There were also callers from other European countries who spoke about their universal health care. None could understand why Americans do not have universal health care. It was interesting that Canadians and other Europeans preferred their system over the American Health Care system.
What Americans value is so far out of sync with European values (in terms of basic human rights). Europeans see health care as being moral and a basic human right. Americans are shamefully "me" oriented vs "we" oriented.
Europeans understand that good health is necessary in order to work and be a productive human being. Universal health care makes sense morally and financially.
Sweden - Comparing US and Scandinavian Economic Policies
Universal Health Care Message to Americans From Canadian Doctors & Health Care Experts

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


According to Wikipedia, in 2004, there were roughly 72 million Democrats, 55 million Republicans and 42 million Independents. “Polls over the last year have found that twenty-one to twenty-six percent of Americans self-identify as Republicans.” [Wikipedia]

That said, the Republican party is still exerting some influence in media and in politics. Particularly disturbing is the number of Republicans who watch the flawed, largely conservative biased, dangerously opinionated and irresponsible news (?) network called FOX News.

What is sad:

I believe, that the Republican party, the minority party, has become a party of conspiracy theorists who reject the truth; whose members are fearful and becoming emotionally unstable.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


On July 31, 2009, I read an article titled “House Votes To Restrict Wall Street Pay” by ANNE FLAHERTY
I then saw the following comment:
“The clowns in Washington have no authority to dictate wages in the private sector. The public is outraged because these same Washington clowns robbed the U.S. treasury to make sure that a bunch of billionaires didn't suffer market losses. If there was no taxpayer bailout of private corporations, then nobody would care what these stupid corporations were paying their employees.”
My reply to that comment:
The government does have authority to dictate wages in the private sector. It's called the minimum wage.
Let's get some things straight. This economy prospers when you have a strong Middle Class. The Middle Class spends more than it saves. Spending stimulates the economy. If all the labor costs are concentrated at the top, then the economy suffers. The top saves more than it spends. Savings/investments are good because that money goes towards investing in new business/
r­esearch/bu­siness expansion, etc. You want to maintain a healthy balance between spending and investing. Since it is governments duty to make sure this "so called capitalistic system" remains viable, then they are obligated to regulate accordingly. Is this a tricky thing to accomplish? Yep!
2% of the population now control 80% of the wealth in this country. This is not a healthy thing for our economy or any economy. Right now, the deck is stacked against the Middle Class because Wall Street was allowed to run wild and big business had practices that were corrupt and harmful to the public. Go on over to the PBS website and click on the tab "expose". You'll get a flavor of what happens when you allow big business and Wall Street to go unchecked.
You can not sustain a growing economy when "too big to fail" businesses go unregulated and the ratio of spending to savings (plus throw in debt) get out of balance.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


according to an observational study of nearly 900 men and women aged 55 - 88, published in an issue of the Archives of Neurology.
The study, which took place over nine years, found that participants who reported eating a weekly average of three servings of oily fish, such as salmon or mackerel, had a significantly reduced risk of all types of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.
Fatty fish is also rich in DHA, a particular type of heart-healthy fatty acid.
Click here for more information about Spirit of Women and Spirit of Women events.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I was about to write-off MSNBC talk show hosts (with 2 exceptions) for being weak-kneed, kowtow to corporate, don't do your homework, mealy mouthed, "talk about nothing" hacks ... and then I would walk away, never to look back. Keith Olbermann was on vacation for what seemed like forever, and all MSNBC really had to offer was Rachel Maddow.
Morning Joe was getting on my nerves; because they hardly ever do their homework.
And Joe and Mika and guests (especially Mika)? ... well, they act like stage actors. They have a script, and they just read from corporate script. Occasionally, there will be a fresh unscripted guest or two, but for the most part ... Morning Joe is not much to look forward to.
Anyway, after yesterday's "Morning Joe" dribble, I was through with MSNBC ... through, through, through ... that is until I tuned into Keith Olbermann last night. Oh my God, .... Keith was back ... and I mean back ... yep, ... corporate wasn't controlling Keith last night. He let loose.
Let's take a peak at what went on. ....
The paid and/ or scripted whack jobs are coming out of their home state asylums (like Texas), and the friends of lobbyists and big industry special interest groups are reaping huge rewards for trying to derail or hi-jack health care reform.


What troubles me is that the far-right of the Republican Party has never stopped their lying and scheming ways. They will do whatever, no matter how under-handed, to win. I don't think they have any other ideas; and I don't get it, because they are "cutting off their nose to spite their face" and they are getting dupes (the people who they're hurting) to help them.

Remember Robert Parry's (Feb. 25, 2009) article? The GOP's Anti-Obama Propaganda"
We brought in some back up for Keith ... though he definitely doesn't need it.

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The Republican Party, the party of "no" and "no ideas (unless it involves lying and scheming)", has been operating behind closed doors for a long time, seeking to derail any legislation or policy or election that will be in the interest of the Middle Class. How do they get away with this crap?
My mother last year told me about receiving an absentee ballot with Barack Obama's name spelled Barack Osama. She resides in an area that was controlled by Republicans.

Remember the GOP’s Voter Suppression scheme in swing states?

And the race card? Give me a break; ... the far-right plays "the race card" better than anyone or any group I know. For heaven sakes, Glenn Beck called President Obama a racist, and it looks like he got away with it!
The popular "cash for clunkers" is helping the auto industry, auto dealers, the environment, and the American people, and Republicans don't like it. We don't GET IT!!!

Well, actually we do get it. The GOP hates government, even though they work for government (uh?). The American tax-payer pays their salary, much of their benefits, etc., and they hate the government? Hey people, these shysters are double dipping. They get money from tax-payers, who they screw over, so they can get paid by big business (lobbyists) to do big business bidding.

Oh you, the tax-payer, might end up with a crumb or two; however, these representatives rake in millions.


More backup:
yeah Rachel ...

Friday night, our group wrote our Senators the following:

"The American tax-payer pays your salary, for your trips out of state and around the world (on government business of course), a large portion of your employee benefits which includes a wonderful Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan. It's marvelous.

We pay for all the active military and veterans benefits and defense employees’ wages and salaries.

We also pay the president's salary and a large portion of his benefits and trips around the world (on government business, of course).

I know there are many, many other perks as a Senator.

So let me refresh, - the tax payer is making your life very safe, very healthy and very comfortable and pleasurable, while you may have a problem (can't be sure -if I'm wrong please forgive) with providing each and every American (who pays for the above), quality, affordable, comprehensive health care much like your own or similar to what our veterans or seniors receive.

You might want to think about that just a little while on break.

Have a nice recess."




I'll grant you that Democrats have their problems and their issues; but they are the party for the Middle Class and the small business owner.
The GOP claims they're on the side of the small business owner; but you can't be for big business and the small business owner; because big business on many occasions discourages competition.
How can it do that? ... Cause it’s too big, people.
Big business can under-cut most small businesses. These big companies do high volume sales; and when the go to market to buy supplies or items for resale, they get better discounts. They also have a lot of advertising dollars to throw around; as well as lobbying monies to give to Congressman and Senators to create, influence or derail legislation that has to do with their interests.
Most small business owners have a hard time competing, given those obstacles. Unless you've got a unique product or service, or dedicated audience, you're usually out-matched. And if you're really, really, really good, ... big ole corporate will try anything to bring you down; they might even buy you out (if nothing else works).
Yep, folks, big ole corporates friend is the GOP; because the GOP, the Republican Party, will not stand in the way of them doing whatever it takes to be king of the land. If a Republican hears the words, "regulation" ... oh my God, ... they will call in the "commie" police.
Remember those businesses that are still "too big to fail"? The legislation that created this economic mess was sponsored by Republicans. [Gramm-Leach-Bliley]
How's the Democrats faring so far? ...
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
Signed: Monday, June 22, 2009
Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009
Signed: Friday, May 22, 2009
Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act
Signed: Friday, May 22, 2009
Helping Families Save Their Homes Act
Signed: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
Signed: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Signed: Wednesday, April 21, 2009
Omnibus Public Lands Management Act
Signed: Monday, March 30, 2009
Small Business Act Temporary Extension
Signed: Friday, March 20, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Signed: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
DTV Delay Act
Signed: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act
Signed: Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Signed: Thursday, January 29, 2009
Oh, ..... and then there's that new post 9/11 G.I. bill.
Democrats, keep up the good work.

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The GOP town hall script: