Friday, July 31, 2009


We've been watching Congress and the Senate to see how things are progressing with health care reform. The more liberal members of the Democratic party are getting frustrated with the more conservative members of the party, called Blue Dogs.

Last evening, the Health bill from the Energy and Commerce Committee inched slowly through the House; eventually leading to a number of concessions made with the Blue Dogs. Read more-

What angers us, and we're not sure if you are aware of this; federal employees (that includes, we believe, members of Congress and the Senate) are under a health care program called the "Federal Employees Health Benefits Program"; and guess what, the American tax-payer pays for more than half of these employees health insurance premium.

While the congressional committees and senate committees are haggling over quality, affordable, (not even comprehensive) health care for Americans, Congress and the Senate are getting access to a comprehensive health and benefits plan that would make anyone salivate. And, once again, the American tax-payer foots more than half of their premiums.

Click HERE and see what portion the government (us) pays towards their premiums, and what the federal employee pays.

You will get madder than hell when you see the entire federal employees benefits program.
So, ... Blue Dogs and Republicans are haggling over whether to give us single-payer or a strong public health care option, while we pay much of their health insurance premiums, and even more towards all the benefits federal employees receive. And don't forget, we pay all their salaries and even veterans benefits.
Call your representatives and tell them you want single-payer (like what the seniors get - Medicare; or what the veteran's get - VA), or what members of Congress receive.
Click HERE to find out who your representatives are, and how to contact them (look to the top, left hand corner of the page and enter your zip).


Health Care Realities

Published: July 30, 2009

At a recent town hall meeting, a man stood up and told Representative Bob Inglis to “keep your government hands off my Medicare.” The congressman, a Republican from South Carolina, tried to explain that Medicare is already a government program — but the voter, Mr. Inglis said, “wasn’t having any of it.”

It’s a funny story — but it illustrates the extent to which health reform must climb a wall of misinformation. It’s not just that many Americans don’t understand what President Obama is proposing; many people don’t understand the way American health care works right now. They don’t understand, in particular, that getting the government involved in health care wouldn’t be a radical step: the government is already deeply involved, even in private insurance.

And that government involvement is the only reason our system works at all.

Read more

“As Congress approaches the August recess with health care legislation still in flux, progressive groups are making an early push to target wavering Senate Democrats.

On Friday morning, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, in alliance with Democracy for America., unveiled a new television ad attacking Sen. Ben Nelson, (D-Neb.) for slowing down the reform process. Narrated by a local Nebraska businessman, the spot relies on the same type of highly personalized testimony of health care struggle that has become a dominant theme for reform proponents”
Read more.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care Lies and Health Care Solutions - REQUIRED LISTENING

I'm shocked that Republicans think that people would buy into the lies coming out of that party. Well, some people do believe that stuff, even though it is nutty.
Lobbyists and special interest groups from the Health Insurance Industry are hard at work trying to disseminate false information about health care reform to derail it.
140,000 people will lose their health insurance in the next three weeks. This is horrendous! Do Republicans and big business care? Guess not. Their sole purpose is to kill health care reform.
I want you to listen to (R-MN6) Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's speech before the Conservative Women's Network. If you don't understand that Republicans are trying to kill health care reform after listening, then you truly have a problem:



Now more craziness [GOP sees seniors dying in a better health care system]:





Dr. Howard Dean and Wendell Potter:

Fighting to Keep the Public Option on the Table




Opposition from the Blue Dogs




and more craziness [Kristol on the

Daily Show trips up and admits the government run health care system works - by the way, the VA system is more cost effective and their plan is better than private insurance - see the last video]:





Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy


Think Progress reports that lies about health care reform are not going to go away anytime soon.
In an interview with The New York Times, conservative pollster Frank Luntz admitted that he would continue raising the false specter of a ”Washington takeover” of health care—whether or not that was Obama’s actual proposal. “I’m not a policy person. I’m a language person,” Luntz said.

Click here for a detailed look at the blueprint for the propaganda campaign against health care reform.

READ: Here Come the Big Lies About Health Care Reform


Now that you've heard the truth about health care reform, CONTACT YOUR UNITED STATES ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES and let them know how you feel about health care reform and the public option.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hey Members and Dear Friends,

Our friends and members are growing nationwide and we are even being recognized on a more global scale.

We've come to a crossroad and you're going to have to make a decision.

For the past year we have been focused on making our African American communities, and the larger community, healthier, safer and prosperous. We changed the balance of power in Congress, the Senate and the White House. We now need to keep pressuring Congress/Senate and the White House to do what is best for the African American community and the larger community.

What we will not do, is sacrifice the health and safety of our communities for monetary greed and corruption. That is why we have fully embraced a commitment to a "GREEN" economy, health care reform, and to financial reform (so we never again have a total economic melt-down).

Now there are special interest groups and lobbyists that are sending huge amounts of money to Congress and the Senate to stop reform legislation or to negatively influence legislation that would make quality, affordable, comprehensive health care available to every American.

There are outright lies being disseminated. For instance: Lie: If Congress passes this healthcare bill, it will get rid of Medicare and old people will lose their insurance.

Think Progress reports that lies about health care reform are not going to go away anytime soon.

In an interview with The New York Times, conservative pollster Frank Luntz admitted that he would continue raising the false specter of a ”Washington takeover” of health care—whether or not that was Obama’s actual proposal. “I’m not a policy person. I’m a language person,” Luntz said.

here for a detailed look at the blueprint for the propaganda campaign against health care reform.
Read: Here Come the Big Lies About Health Care Reform

We will boycott and we urge you to stop doing business with any business or individual or group that is trying to negatively influence or stop us from moving forward with quality, affordable, comprehensive health care for every American, and a "GREEN" economy.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Our next project will focus on increasing the number of African American women (and women of color) in media.

We have, for the first time, an African American First Lady (Michelle Obama). We thought there would an immediate change in broadcast media, and that we would be seeing more African American women (and women of color) and especially attractive African American women in positive roles. It hasn't happened. For instance, if you watch the cable channel USA, you will notice that there are hardly any African American women, none in leading roles. In terms of featured or leading television roles in broadcast media, with the exception of Jada Pinkett Smith in "Hawthorne" (on TNT), and a few black sitcoms, there are very few African American women.
With the exceptions of broadcast media founded by Ted Turner (CNN, TBS, TNT), African American women are under-represented or absent altogether. The following scenario is what is prevalent: white female, white male or white male, white female, black male. These are the Hollywood formulas/models.

We want to change that formula; therefore, we will join with groups who want to change that model to include African American women and women of color. We will single out every network and every business that is advertising on a network or television show where there are no women of color or where women of color are under-represented.

We need you to get the word out and be critiquing to see what networks or television shows are under-representing women of color, and who the advertisers are. Ask your friends and family to critique these networks and television shows. In order to change the formula, we need to seriously stop the flow of money to these television networks. Money talks.

Once these networks, television shows and advertisers are identified, we will focus on boycotting these entities. You, of course, don't have to wait. You can do it on your own. Simply refuse to watch the television show or channel or refuse to buy the advertiser's product.

So you've got to make a decision.

1. If you want things to remain the same with rising health care costs, rising health insurance premiums, unequal access to health care and denial of health care, do nothing.

2. If you want to keep on seeing the same old Hollywood formula where women of color are under-represented or absent altogether, do nothing.

3. If you want things to change, then you have to change your behavior. Refuse to do business with a company who puts their interests (profits) first above your health and safety ... refuse to buy their product or use their service ... refuse to watch a television program or television station that has no positive roles for African American women or no positive leading roles for attractive African American women ... support movies and television shows that depict African American women in positive roles ... email or call your representative and voice your opinion on legislation ... use your vote to elect people who will do what you want (esp. on major legislation) ... don't vote for them again if they fail to do what they said they would do (the reason why you voted for them)

Thanks guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Clevelands Secret Club

new website:
Clevelands Place of Dreams (and Truth)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Week of Health Care Reform Discussions, Governor Rick Perry, Citizen's Rights, and Racial Tug of War

Week in Review:
It's been an interesting, yet frustrating week for those of us who were watching the news and following the debates and discussions about health care reform, and then having to shift to discussions about race and police treatment of African American males and discussions about the pent up emotions and tensions that fester between the African American community and the police.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy



Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

White House Post Discussion


Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy




Gates-Crowley Battle Not About Race, but Rather Citizens' Rights BY Ray Hanania
Posted: July 24, 2009 05:07 PM


MY COMMENTS: Let's Be Honest About the Gates vs Crowley Matter



Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy




Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy



Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy



Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy


Friday, July 24, 2009


Rudolph Giuliani (on MSNBC with Carlos Watson) said that stimulus money was going to areas where Democrats won. Well, considering that Democrats won in huge majorities in many states, and Republican governors rejected stimulus money, why is Guliani even bringing the subject up? Well, most of us who are paying attention know why.
Republicans are in the minority and have taken a political beating and they are pretty much the party of no ideas, and have said "no" to almost every piece of legislation. Giuliani himself has not contributed anything since he left office other than to be an obstructionist who is hell bent on propping up his own Party and destroying President Obama and his agenda (even though the American people voted for that agenda). If you have no ideas (and think about this), what do you do? You try to beat up the other person. So Republicans are beating up on the Democrats and President Obama. They are engaged in propaganda and lies.
Furthermore, Republicans are huge supporters of big business and insurance companies. They have consistently drafted legislation that benefited big business and hurt the consumer.

Ex: GRAMM-LEACH-BILEY which helped lead to today's crisis and "too big to fail". They helped create this financial crisis and these huge job lay-offs. Republicans don't want you to remember any of that. Nor do they want you to remember that they got us into two wars, one (Iraq) which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives in a place where we should never have been.

Now Bobby Jindal is trying to take credit for something that he initially rejected. Jindal rejected the stimulus money. He wanted no parts of it. Now he's going around handing out money, half of which comes from the stimulus. HYPOCRITE!

Let's Be Honest About the Gates vs Crowley Matter

This is amazing to me. A lot of white people are lining up ready to defend the police; yet with the election of Barack Obama, millions of white people rush out and purchase guns because they fear that their civil and consitutional rights will be eroded by government. The police are the government, and I would bet that anarchists, libertarians, NRA members, etc. would have done exactly what professor Gates did (which was to get upset). You are a man in your own home (property rights), you’ve done nothing wrong, and you don’t want anyone telling you what to do in your own home.
As far as the African American community is concerned, and members of minority groups around the world are concerned, they all fear the police; and everyone fears police states.
So let's be honest about who we side with in this instance and why we side with them.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Americans Against Food Taxes Are Trying to Influence Health Care Reform- Stop Them With a Boycott

Congress may be considering taxing soda pop to help pay for health care, and coalition members from Americans Against Food Taxes are already trying to stop it.
The Facts:
A Harvard School of Public Health review of 40 years of scientific nutritional studies implicates soft drinks as a major factor in the nation's obesity epidemic.
Regular soft drinks today are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup almost entirely, the introduction of which in the 1970s has been tied to the explosion of overweight people in America in at least one study, which appeared in the April 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A characteristic of fructose is that it does not affect appetite. One has no sense of being satiated in consuming fructose-sweetened drinks, encouraging over-consumption.
Harvard also states that Obesity is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality, causing some 2.6 million deaths worldwide each year. In the U.S., survey data on obesity on a national and state level is obtained using information gathered by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which uses telephone interviews; national data is also collected using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which does in-person interviews and follow-up height and weight measurements on people who agree to a clinical exam. Lead author Majid Ezzati , Associate Professor of International Health at HSPH, and his colleagues analyzed and compared the data from the two surveys in order to quantify the level of bias when people self-report their height and weight, especially in a telephone interview. The prevalence of obesity in the U.S. states has been greatly underestimated. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) analyzed data from health surveys, which are used to estimate obesity levels in states. Because people tend to provide incorrect information about their weight and height, especially in telephone surveys, the researchers concluded that estimates of obesity in individual states have been too low, by more than 50%. Their study, which corrects for misreporting in those surveys, appears in the May 2006 issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
While fat in American diets has decreased in recent years owing to the public’s response to this nationwide epidemic, obesity is still a growing concern. While removing fat from their diets, people will often increase their intake of sugar, high density carbohydrates, and starches. Low protein and fat meals often leave people feeling hungry, leading them to fill their stomachs as soon as possible.
Cardiovascular disease has been linked to obesity. The treatment of heart disease puts a burden on our health care system, which adds to higher health care costs. The consumer pays the price for the obesity of others, in higher health care costs and higher health insurance premiums.
Americans Against Food Taxes say:
"Discriminatory and punitive taxes on soda and juice drinks do not teach our children to have a healthy lifestyle and have no meaningful impact on child obesity or public health. They just further burden working families already struggling in this trying economy."
We say BULL, BULL, BULL! There are obese children and adults, and obesity can lead to heart disease and other illnesses. The consumer pays the price (for their own obesity or the obesity of others) in higher health care costs and higher premiums.
A lot of us are getting sick and tired of business and association lobbyists and special interests trying to derail or influence health care reform legislation. We are a government of the people, by the people, and not a government of the corporations, associations, and big business.
We were particularly dismayed to see ads on television today from "Americans Against Food Taxes" trying to influence health care legislation.
If you are as upset as we are, then we urge you to refuse to do business with Coalition members. If the coalition member is an association, refuse to do business with the association's members. When Coalition members stop trying to influence health care legislation, then and only then should you consider doing business with them again.
Here's a short list of COALITION members:
Arkansas Beverage AssociationArkansas Grocers and Retail Merchants AssociationBernick’s Beverages and VendingBeverage Association of MississippiBeverage Association of TennesseeBeverage Association of VermontBeverage Truck & Trailer, LLC
Clark Beverage GroupCoca-Cola Bottling Co. ConsolidatedCoca-Cola Bottling Co. High CountryCoca-Cola Bottling Co. United, Inc.Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Fort Wayne, INCoca-Cola Bottling Co. of Minden, Inc.Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Winona, MNCoca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc.Coca-Cola Company, TheCoca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
Kwik Trip, Inc.L & E Bottling CompanyLakeside Pepsi-ColaLancer CorporationLinPepCo PartnershipLouisiana Beverage AssociationLouisiana Retailers Association
Ohio Chamber of CommerceOhio Council of Retail MerchantsOhio Grocers AssociationOhio Restaurant AssociationOhio Soft Drink AssociationOregon Beverage Recycling CooperativeOregon Soft Drink AssociationOriginal Roadhouse GrillPace Global Energy ServicesPennsylvania Beverage Association
For the complete list of members:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some White Folks Gone Wild


Pat being a racist is not really news, but his coming apart at the seams over the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor and her rejection of the New Haven firefighters claim, is noteworthy. Pat really let loose on the Rachel Maddow show July 16th; I think he might have blown a hair plug or two (sorry, my bad).

Wacky Pat seems to think that White men built this nation and they are all under attack by the ubiquitous affirmative action police. If you feel like laughing out loud … now is the time.
Recently saw some woman screaming some conspiracy theory regarding the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate. See, we intelligent people know that this whole “birth certificate thing” is really just a roundabout way of calling the President the “N” word.
Could this group be “Pat Buchanan gone wild”?

Lou Dobbs revealed his racism during Barack Obama’s campaign. Y’all remember his vitriol, his constant rantings about ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)? Lou, I never knew anyone could hate poor people so much.

Well, not having succeeded in derailing Barack Obama’s move to the White House, Lou is at his wits end and has joined with the Birthers. Why, oh why, President Obama, don’t you settle this thing by showing us your birth certificate?! Mmm … done that, didn’t stop Lou who just doesn’t understand why the “white guy” didn’t win the presidential election.

About seven months ago, Ted Turner, CNN founder, asked Lou why he always looked like he was about to blow a gasket (my words, not Ted’s). Lou took note about his snarls and growls and it appears he may have been botoxed, or peeled and face-lifted; however, that darn racist thing just won’t go away.

Rep. Bill Posey, R-Florida, introduced legislation (H.R. 1503) on March 12, 2009 requiring candidates to produce a birth certificate to be eligible to run in future presidential elections.
Yep, Congressman, we get it … you’re a racist … but it’s not politically correct to say the "N" word, so instead a bunch of your racist Republicans have decided to draft what amounts to "Jim Crow" legislation (in the midst of the worst economic crisis and health care legislation).

Does anyone know if “The Family” (C STREET HOUSE) has any black members? (SMILE) Just some more White Folks gone wild?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


CIGNA is the health insurance group that has been lobbying to derail the public option in the health care debate.
Wendell Potter (CIGNA whistleblower) testified before the Senate on June 24, 2009 . Below is Wendell's appearance on Bill Moyers Journal.

See other video and links near end of this post:
Just saw several other comments at Center for Media and Democracy from former CIGNA employees and others:

“I practiced medicine for 31 years in the 2nd poorest of 67 Florida counties. It was quite common to see someone die because of no access to health care in a timely manner. Half my patients had no insurance. And, no they were not “mostly illegal immigrants”.
The rare non-English speaking patient(who may or may not have been illegal) always brought cash.

If an imaging study was needed, such as an MRI, it would be a terrible uphill battle and arguing and fighting with a Wall Street owned hospital...etc. I never heard of a Medicare patient complain about access.

What other rich country on earth has such a crude, heartless, despicable and morally reprehensible state of affairs? Is the whole world wrong and only Americans are right? It would be very naive to believe such nonsense?

Our health care delivery system is the laughing stock of the world. One hears this in between-the-lines comments from visiting foreign colleagues at national medical conventions. As a prominent Princeton economist said; “Advanced countries don’t do that to their citizens”. Something has to change where the insurance companies will stop cherry-picking by refusing to give insurance to anyone except the perfectly healthy. From a moral and ethical standpoint, insurance executives, big pharma executives and big finance executives have a lot in common.
From: Anonymous” on July 11, 2009

THIS NEXT COMMENT is dated July 12, 2009 from Steve Williams:

Mr. Potter,

I applaud your decision to leave the health insurance industry and speak out on our failed health care enterprise. I too am an insider having worked for 25 years as a senior manager and consultant for a variety of regional and national health plans, Blue Cross companies and others. I came to the conclusion 10 or 12 years ago that a single payer, government solution was the only one that can work in health care. I won't belabor why I support this approach, but I would like to suggest respectfully to you that your focus on health insurers misses a big part of the reason that our current system won't work, namely, a fractured and unregulated delivery system.

While it is true that for-profit health insurers (though I would argue non-profits aren't much better) are a big part of the problem in health care, providers are the other, and arguably bigger part of the problem. After all, even if administrative costs in health insurance are 20 percent, we still spend the other 80 on providers. And they are just as protective of the status quo, despite their protests to the contrary.

I'm sure you are familiar with John Wennberg's work at Dartmouth and that of others who have written about the variation in costs throughout the country. Reforming the payer community would certainly go a long way toward solving some of our problems, but the provider world must be reformed as well.

It is because of this twin dilemma that I support national health care--there is no way to rationalize the entire enterprise without changing the fundamentals of both payers and providers. I would be interested in your thoughts on providers and other issues. I have written a 5,000 word essay on this issue that I would share with you if you are interested. I would value your comments and thoughts.
Please accept my genuine support for your courage to speak out.

Steve Williams”

“As a former employee of CIGNA, though far from an executive level capacity, I always felt that insurance companies have been ripping us off for years. It may have paid my bills for 6-1/2 years, but the basic principals under which they operated just seemed wrong.

The talking-heads are telling us that having "choices" of which insurance company we're going to buy our mandatory coverage from will bring prices down because of "competition", but car insurance never went down when states passed mandatory coverage. Why should we ever believe that the cost of health care will come down as long as insurance companies have control?

Maybe after they fix health insurance, Congress could pass a similar national car insurance system. “
Submitted by Progressive Patriot

BELOW IS THE COMMENT from CR regarding a
CIGNA orientation he attended (You can see the entire comment at:

“Hi Wendell,
New (corporate) “officers” in CIGNA were flown in for a three day orientation at headquarters in Connecticut. We were given a short presentation on your work. CIGNA thought most highly of you and apologized for your being away lobbying and thus unable to address our class yourself.

What I remember of that module was being told that we were expected to “tithe” 3-10% of our salary to the CIGNA lobbying group. The trainer explained it like a friendly grand-parent to a young child. This is how I remember it.

You see if we can influence legislation to benefit our business then we make more money, and you do too - through our generous profit sharing program. Our lobbyists are skilled at providing and presenting reasons for our duly elected representatives to support legislation that we sometimes write ourselves. Last year we had $3,000,000 in the lobbying budget. There are only a handful of senators and congressmen that we have to get on our side to get our legislation passed. We had one representative who was against one of the pieces of legislation we wanted to pass. We asked some questions and with only a $10,000 check, written in a completely legal way, he changed his vote.
Currently, we are working on influencing the legislature in Quebec, Canada to change the rules to open them up to the American style of health care. Our analysts have determined that once 15% of a population buys their own private health insurance the voters can be influenced to legislate the socialized system away. The reason the percentage is only fifteen percent is that those are the richest and most influential citizens. If you get that 15% to lead, then the herd will follow. Quebec is not that lucrative but once Quebec falls then Ontario will be open and that market is the size of Michigan!
After I flew home, I realized that I felt like I was working for Darth Vader. Something else occurred that concerned me.
Our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) got bonuses (about 20% of their pay) for having better performance statistics in the current year as compared to the prior year. They were expected to deny more people the benefits that our subscribers expected year over year. The first year you may expect to deny benefits that our subscribers did not deserve. However, to have that same program year after year inevitably causes our CSRs to deny legitimate claims. When I raised this question it was suggested that I needed to pay more attention to being a “team player.”
After only eight months I left CIGNA. Self respect is worth more than a big paycheck.
Submitted by CR “


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Congresswoman Marsha Fudge in collaboration with the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) is hosting a foreclosure prevention fair at the Wolstein Center.
Hundreds of mortgage counselors, lenders, and trained volunteers will be on hand to help homeowners restructure their mortgage and save their homes. These experts will provide advice on how you can restructure and secure affordable monthly payments.
Friday, July 17 --- - 9am - 8 pm
Saturday, July 18 --9am - 8 pm
Sunday, July 19 --- 9am - 8 pm
Monday, July 20 --9am - 8 pm
LOCATION: The Wolstein Center, 2000 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Call (216) 522-4900 for more information.



July 17 -20, 2009
Homeowners interested in applying for a reduced rate mortgage need to preregister, which can be done
here. We are hoping you might be interested in spreading the word about this event and hopefully embed or link to this video. [VIDEO ABOVE]

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Matt Taibbi exposes Goldman Sachs and soon after the FBI arrest a man who went to work for Goldman Sachs in May 2007.

I would definitely read Matt Taibbi’s article in Rolling Stone. Matt posted excerpts from his article on July 2, 2009.

On July 3, 2009, the FBI arrest Sergey Aleynikov. Read A Goldman Trading Scandal? by Matthew Goldstein

Does this smell fishy to you; and my second question is, … Why is Matthew Goldstein defending Goldman Sachs?


Taibbi's Goldman Sachs Takedown In Rolling Stone: Bank Has 'Unprecedented Reach And Power'

Is Goldman Sachs Evil? by Matthew Goldstein

The Great American Bubble Machine by Matt Taibbi

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


On "The Ed Show", Donny Deutsch made the statement that Michael Jackson was simply a dancer and singer and he didn't understand why Michael Jackson was being treated like royalty.
Well Donny, ... you just don't get it, and you are dead wrong. Michael Jackson was much more than a singer and dancer. Michael brought average people, world leaders, and people from all walks of life together in love, and he enhanced our lives.

No matter what age group you are in, you loved Michael Jackson and his musical messages of joy, hope, love and peace; Michael's music lifted you up, put a smile on your face, and put a spring in your step. That was Michael's essence.

Michael never uttered a negative word about anyone; and there are so many things that are positive about Michael; however, many of us didn't know how enormously generous, sweet and wonderful Michael was until this past week and today.

Music makes the heart beat with joy; and great music [like Michael's] will embrace your spirit and vanquish your sorrows and tears. Sometimes the same music will bring tears … but tears of joy.

Doctors are able to work long hours in the operating room by having their favorite music playing in the background. I would bet that some of them even listen to Michael Jackson's music. Many of our hard working nurses and public servants listen to Michael's music and it helps them get thru a day that would otherwise be burdensome; or when they get home from a hard days work, they kick off their shoes, and lay back and relax with some of Michael's songs playing in the background.

Hospital patients listen to Michael Jackson's music and they feel better. Music often heals the soul and heart and body, and will nourish you through difficult times.

Music plays a significant role in most cultures.

Great music exemplifies the best in us, and is a great unifier and communicator.

When you watched Michael dance and you heard him sing, you wanted to jump out of your seat and dance and sing along with him. If you were in a crowd and Michael’s music came on, everyone in the crowd was dancing and singing together. People gravitate towards joy, and there's no mistaking, people gravitated to Michael and his music.

You can be in a room with someone who doesn't speak the same language, but the moment someone turns on some great music [like Michael Jackson's music], everyone is tapping their feet, and they are humming along with the music, and there's a smile on their face.

Michael Jackson, the exceptional and gifted musician, entertainer, dancer, visual artist and humanitarian did all the above for us and more.
Loved these comments from Uchenna Oguekwe on Huff:
"Ed looked like he really wanted to tell Donnie off. Donnie Deutsch needs to ask himself how much has he done to help people? MJ gave and gave millions to more charities than anyone, 39 in all. He visited our troops here at home and over seas and visited sick children at hospitals all around the world and gave them gifts. People like Donnie and Peter King don't understand all the attention MJ has been getting because they are the types of people who think MJ was strange or bizarre, as Donnie had stated the other day on Morning Schmoe, and only want to focus on the negative. That is why they think MJ was just a good singer and dancer. But can any of them say that in their lives they have even come close to captivating the hearts of millions worldwide through their talents and kind contributions to the global society? I think not."

Sunday, July 5, 2009


My father died at the age of 52. At that time he was the only remaining brother of a family of 11 siblings. All his brothers died before the age of 60.
My father was a WWII veteran, a good man, a great father, and I was so proud of him; and even though he only had an 8th grade education, he could build a car from the chassis up and he was a whiz at electronics.
Back in the day, just about every male smoked cigarettes. You weren’t cool if you weren’t posturing with a “cig” between your lips. No one knew at that time that cigarettes could lead to cancer and emphysema and other respiratory illnesses and diseases. Cigarette and alcohol advertisers often targeted minority communities. My father smoked unfiltered Chesterfields and he had high blood pressure; and in his late 40’s he contracted emphysema.
A year before he died, my father made a strange statement. He said that if he couldn't smoke, he didn't want to live. WOW father could hardly climb the stairs because of the emphysema, but yet, ... he said that if he couldn't smoke, he didn't want to live. I didn't understand it until years later. I think my father lived a very stressful life.
African American families usually don’t talk about the deaths of their sons and husbands for there exists a long and painful history and African American mothers and wives, while deeply concerned, try not to focus on the truth of their sons and husbands short lives.

My family has not seen my brother in almost 10 years. I certainly haven’t. I don’t think about it much and my mother simply says that perhaps he will contact us when he is ready. There appears to be an older Caucasian woman who knows how to reach him, and we simply accept that fact, though my mother hasn’t spoken to him.

My brother, a former ADA in Brooklyn, New York, has simply disappeared off the face of the earth and we say nothing. What are we afraid of? Could he be in prison or dead?
Though my brother was an Assistant District Attorney and a law abiding citizen, he was stopped by police on more than one occasion. The last time he was stopped, he and my mother were at a shopping mall; the police said he looked like someone they were looking for. Can you imagine how humiliated he felt with my mother watching?
I’ve asked my mother many times to hire a private investigator to find out where my brother is, what he is doing, etc … she retreats to her faith in Jesus Christ and leaves it up to him. I think this is insane, but I’m not looking for him either. I did years ago, but presently, I’m simply left to speculation.

The short lives of Black males are a reality for many families. I’m not sure how we deal with it; but we seem to exist in a state of denial.

We often trace this reality back to slavery and the enormous stress that most Black males lived under and still do live under. Many Black males have even accepted the fact that they may not see old age, some that they may not even see the age of 20.

Why are we not hearing more of an outcry surrounding these blatant truths? Why are we not focused on addressing this human tragedy?

June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson died at the age of 50. All we seem focused on is his troubled past, the bizarre nature of his death and his music legacy. This is the perfect opportunity to look at the causes surrounding the short life span of Black males, and how those short lives impact our neighborhoods, our families, our young people [especially young Black males] and the way we conduct our lives. This is the perfect time to have that discussion that we as a family and Nation have been avoiding.

Yesterday Ex-NFL QB Steve McNair was slain in his downtown condominium. Another Black male struck down in his prime. Where is the anguish? Where is the discussion we yearn for [concerning the short lives of Black males]? Have we just acquiesced and surrendered to the fact that Black males will not live out a full and meaningful life?

We know many Black males drop out of school, end up unemployed, end up in poverty, end up in prison, end up in gangs, end up in poor health, are gunned down by police, … and the list goes on and on.

Do we simply chalk these things up to/ and the Black males' short life span up to risky and irresponsible behavior or racism, etc. without any discussion and quickly move on? If this is true, then I am deeply troubled for our families, for this Nation, … and yes, for our beautiful Black males.
UPDATE: Since posting an excerpt from this article on the Huffington Post this morning, I've received numerous replies. Most of the comments are not unforeseen. Most wanted to blame Black males for their irresponsible behavior rather than looking at why Black males have shorter life spans, and why many Black males engage in behaviors that lead to their untimely death.
It is my belief that, because of discrimination, Black males react to stress differently than White males; thereby causing the Black male to act out in a destructive way, rather than deal with their stress in a more rational, positive way. I can't even imagine the kind of stress that Michael Jackson had to deal with; and I’m sure McNair lived a very stressful life and was subject to the kinds of discrimination that my brother was subjected to.
“For a black man, a stress response to discrimination can be triggered by something as subjective as feeling suspicious eyes on him in a department store. “That can be annoying,” says Michael Johnson, 38, of Inglewood. “You know you’ve got money in your pocket to pay, and somebody is following you around. We’ve all felt that. But you get so used to it, you’re numb to it.”

In one of the first studies to examine the effect of discrimination on lifestyle behaviors, researchers looked at 3,300 adults, black and white, from a range of income groups, ages 18 to 30, and followed them for 15 years. The study, published in the Aug. 13 American Journal of Epidemiology Advanced Access, found that 38% of whites reported feeling discriminated against in housing, education or work, while 89% of blacks reported such feelings of discrimination.
Regardless of income or race, all who felt discrimination were more likely to have unhealthy behaviors, including smoking, drinking and use of marijuana. “When people feel they’re treated unfairly,” says Dr. Luisa Borrell, professor of epidemiology at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and author of the study, “they’re going to find a way to cope with that unfair treatment.”
Stress of racism, people feel and respond to discrimination in similar ways, though the experience of discrimination is more common to blacks. Among blacks, it’s more commonly felt among men, the researchers found.”

Susan Brink goes on to say:
“The shorter life expectancy of black men has been an inflexible truth since slavery. The gap has slowly narrowed throughout the last century, and the most recent improvement is attributed to lower accident and homicide rates, along with life-sustaining treatments for AIDS, all of which afflict a greater proportion of black men.
Still, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and most cancers strike black men sooner, and cut them down more often, than white men. And the higher incidence of disease among black men is set against a backdrop of an increased incidence of poverty, which carries with it a multitude of health problems.
Violence, including accidents and homicide, lays its claim on black men early. Homicide is the leading cause of death for black men ages 15 to 34, followed by unintentional injuries. (For white men those ages, unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death, followed by suicide.) In every decade that follows, for every leading cause of death, the rates of disease for black men are disproportionately high. Once they become sick, they are more likely to suffer worse consequences and die sooner of the disease.
It adds up to an average life span for black men that is 6.2 years less than for white men, and 8.3 less than the national average, 77.8 years, for all races and both genders.”