Tuesday, June 30, 2009


For years, we had story after story about what the Soviet Union was doing and the threat of Communism. We yelled … the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming! … Scared the shit out of a whole bunch of ordinary Americans. The name of the conflict and tension that existed between the Soviet Union and its satellites, and the Western World led by the United States after World War II, was called the Cold War; and it lasted 50 years or more.

According to Wikipedia, “Throughout this period, the conflict was expressed through military coalitions, espionage, weapons development, invasions, propaganda, and competitive technological development, which included the space race. The conflict included costly defense spending, a massive conventional and nuclear arms race, and numerous proxy wars; the two superpowers never fought one another directly.”

Though the term Axis of Evil was coined by U.S. President George W. Bush, I believe that what one sees as Axis of evil shift throughout history; and the Soviet Union and its satellites were probably considered [by us] the Axis of some kind of evil during the Cold War. I won’t go into the specifics of the Cold War; you can read the details on Wikipedia or go to the library.

George Orwell, in an essay entitled “You and the Atomic Bomb” [published Oct. 19, 1945] called the Cold War, “the ideological confrontation between the Soviet Union and the western powers”.

I like that phrase because I believe ideological differences are at the heart of every major dispute.

What I'm getting at, ladies and gentlemen, is there have always been ideological differences; and we, as citizens of the world and the United States, have always lived under the threat of war, be it internal or external. If you look at the many civil wars, pacts [and broken pacts], treaties [and broken treaties], alliances [and broken alliances] and who is engaged in disputes and with whom, you would simply be in a perpetual state of anxiety ... which we indeed are.

What usually occurs when you are in a state of anxiety is that you look for the source of that anxiety and fixate on it.

The North Koreans are anxious about nearly everybody. South Korea is fixated on North Korea. The United States is fixated on the so-called “War on Terrorism”; Iran is in a state of political upheaval and its anxiety-ridden people are fixated on their own government, while the Iranian government is in denial and fixated on who they see is the source of their anxiety, the United States and Great Britain. Russia and China have their own anxiety to deal with, and personally, I don’t know how Japan gets through the day with its many disputes.

When there is anxiety, there is no trust and the anxious become paranoid.

So where are we with all these governments in a state of anxiety and its citizens in a state of anxiety? What will be the consequences?

Can the citizens of the world and their governments find something constructive to fixate on to ease their anxiety? How about a “GREEN ECONOMY”? How about fixating (focusing) on relieving hunger and human suffering and pain?

How about governments stop their human rights and civil rights violations to help ease the anxieties of its people? How about open communication between governments and citizens; and how about government transparency?

How about fixating (focusing) on ways to attain peace? Yeah, … how about doing just that?

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I was reading Center for Media and Democracy and came across a comment from someone who may have some interesting information about Cigna (the health insurance group that has been lobbying to derail the public option in the health care debate).

Sorry folks, we needed to add more content and so we've moved the contents to HERE.


Friday, June 26, 2009


They say you will always remember where you were and what you were doing when someone of great importance dies.

Well, yesterday afternoon I was sitting at my computer about to respond to a CNN “Cafferty file” question about taxes w regards to health care.

The comment section was closed, so I accessed their “contact” and submitted my comments there. The screen that came up next said “Breaking News” and reported that Michael Jackson had a cardiac arrest. I immediately switched my television channel to CNN and called my friend Darlene. Not one to disguise her feelings, she stumbled over her words of disbelief, shock and concern.

Shortly thereafter, CNN announced that Michael Jackson had passed. The phone calling to friends and family began … and there were mixed reactions, from outbursts of tears to denial and some totally heartbroken.

After speaking to some friends, a severe thunderstorm erupted in the area where I live, and reluctantly, I turned off my computer and television, though just in time, because the electrical power shortly after was knocked out.

The news of Michael’s death did not bring tears last night, just a strange feeling that I couldn’t put my finger on. I hadn’t thought about Michael in over a year or so and since I watch a lot of politically oriented news, I didn’t see any stories about him.

Later that evening (around 10:25pm), while I was on my cell phone talking to my Mom, the power was restored. When I turned on the television, the news media was still talking about Michael, showing his videos, playing his music, and showing his fan's reactions to his death. It was then that I truly got a sense of how deeply Michael Jackson was loved and how deeply he had impacted the entire world.

Michael was bigger than life … yes, he was an icon.

This morning the tears flowed and I feel a great sense of loss.

Each morning I go through a routine … checking my website, blogs and emails, etc. etc. I don’t want to deal with any of that today. I simply want to share this day with Michael’s countless fans across the world, remembering the Michael Jackson we knew and loved and still love.

Words cannot adequately express what Michael Jackson, the multi-talented genius, innovative artist, and very shy and gracious man-child, means to me and many others.

I/we love you and you will be greatly missed. Thank you for leaving us a legacy of moving, captivating songs and visual artistry.

Farewell, … peace be with you.



Thriller Video

Michael Jackson, Child of America, Gone

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I would absolutely not put too much weight behind the Washington Post poll taken about feelings on health care costs, limiting of doctors, etc.

During the Presidential campaign, whenever a poll was announced, people would email their friends and load the poll up with a one sided view. I don't care if the poll is online or on the street, etc.; those polls can all be manipulated.

Look, I can only afford a PPO. I can go to whoever I please; however, if the doctor is out of network, I pay a lot more for his services.

This whole scare tactic perpetrated by the Republicans is ridiculous. The majority of people want the public option. Everyone who has health insurance knows that there are problems with these “for profit” health insurance companies; and all health insurance companies have limitations on who is covered, what is covered, what they will and will not pay, etc. etc. If you don't want any limitations, then you self-insure and then cross your fingers that you don't ever have to deal with a catastrophic illness.

I will say though, if I'm looking to do business with a doctor, I will ask what insurance plans he accepts. If I want to keep that doctor, I may look into the different plans he accepts and choose from one of them after I do some research. The more likely scenario ... if I like my doctor and he doesn't accept the plan I currently have, I ask him to participate in the plan. If he's a doctor I've had for a long time, you bet he'll participate.

The reality most doctors face is that if a lot of people use a particular health insurance company plan, the doctor will be forced to accept that plan. If he doesn't, he loses business.
One more thing ... at the drop of a hat, the United States spends trillions on war (where no one has declared war on us) and the return is death and injury and suffering; yet, we squabble about the costs of health care where the (having health care) return is better health and ease of suffering.
The United States sends billions (if not trillions) to other countries and the IMF yet we can't afford to pay for quality, affordable universal health care for all its citizens?
BULL ..!! Somebody is not paying attention, and I'm afraid it's the American people. WAKE UP!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Republicans, Republican strategist Rich Galen, and CNN (who have allowed irresponsible Republicans to speak), don’t want to accept any responsibility for any violence or uptick in violence in Iran and therefore are pointing their fingers at President Obama. According to the majority of experts, President Obama is taking the right tone, response, and non-meddling position regarding Iran.

speak with forked tongues. Nothing new.

Friday, June 19, 2009


President Obama delivered a humorous speech about the role of media in American society, commenting on his administration's policies and foibles as well as the practice of journalism. At the end of his remarks he praised the work of journalists and new media outlets in bringing news of Iranian democratic protests to the world.

Mr. Hodgman roasted the president for being a "nerd," referencing his place in popular culture and passion for comics and science fiction.

The Radio and Television Correspondents' Association's 65th annual dinner also presented awards to journalists for their contributions to the news industry. Video clips of the winning entries were shown. The event included music from Sweet Honey in the Rock, the all-female African-American a capella group.

A special video tribute of Tim Russert, Tony Snow and Bill Headline was shown. [CSPAN]

SEE ENTIRE HOUR LONG DINNER AT: http://www.c-spanarchives.org/library/vidLink.php?b=1245457162&e=1245461362&n=1


We think President Obama is handling "all things concerning Iran" just fine. Aren't you just thrilled that McCain and what's her name (that I said I would never speak of again) didn't get elected? After listening to Senator McCain's remarks these past few days, I'm ever so grateful that Barack Obama took the (Presidential) oath of office on January 20th.
We are thankful that President Obama refuses to meddle in Iran's business, and we are thankful that he continues to present a calm temperament in these most difficult times.
We have no ill will toward Iran or the Iranian people. We refuse to meddle in its affairs.

Rachel Maddow -Allahu Akbar

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Andrew Sullivan
Leading the charge in spreading news on what is going on Iran, with analysis and tweets interweaved throughout. Updated constantly.

The Lede Blog (NY Times)
Constantly updated news, videos, and pictures.

A good overview on the events that led up to the elections, coupled with the aftermath of the rigging.

Allahu Akbar

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


When Bush became President, I called my mother and told her that I thought the American people had elected “Howdy Doody” … yep, that’s right, you heard what I said … I said that the American people had elected a puppet.

Well, we now know that to be somewhat true. He was groomed for his role.*

Dick Cheney and George W. Bush however, we're co-presidents.**

**[Update 2010: Note: Shirley Anne Warshaw (Professor Political Science, Gettysburg College) did extensive research ... She called Bush and Cheney Co-Presidents.
C-SPAN had Professor Warshaw on their program as a political science guest panelist discussing her research and at that time soon to be released book (originally aired November 22, 2008, and again 2009) ... I forgot to update this post]. Click HERE for the C-SPAN video.

Fast forward, the American people fed up with the Bush/Cheney regime … were wooed by CHANGE and thought with the election of Barack Obama they got change.

Did we just get a "Howdy Doody"; is this the Obama/Emanuel administration with Rahm [or Geithner] being the person running the financial/business arm of the administration (just like Cheney)? How about who is running the social arm of the administration … who could that be? What about Commander in Chief ... we know it's the President, but who is whispering in the President's ear (the CIA perhaps)?

The American people hate Wall Street … that is not a small number of Americans, it’s most Americans. They are tired of living off refi’s and credit cards in order to live. So, instead of letting that old guard die, we reengage the status quo, give lip service to reform, and that’s it; and get this … the American people [who hate Wall Street] helped them; well, … not really, … we had no choice.
It will be interesting to see if GM CEO pick, Edward Whitacre Jr. [former "old-school" AT&T executive, innovator and engineer] will turn GM into just a hybrid car producer, or will he diversify into something more innovative and a game-changer ... hi-speed rail, wind turbines and solar products. Most important, will the worker be the majority or near majority owner (the union workers), or will the rich and powerful get away with screwing the American Middle Class worker one more time).
The vast majority of young people, our future leaders, voted for CHANGE. These young people grew up not caring if you’re African American, Asian, Caucasian or whatever (well, there still is tension between "street Hispanics" and "street Blacks"). These young people could care less if you’re Gay or straight or Gays getting married (and for that matter, most Americans could care less if you’re Gay or straight; and I believe, most Americans don't care if Gays marry or serve openly in the military). So what does the social arm of the administration do? They defend the marriage act … yep, they defend "DOMA" and don't undo "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL".


Everyone in the world knows that the Bush/Cheney administration detained people indefinitely, in secret and tortured. The pictures, letters, etc have been around since 2003. We became a pariah and we helped the extremists recruit. So, what does the Obama/Rahm/Holder administration do … yep, they do a cover-up of the crooks … the very crooks that the world spit upon, that the world, and now most of the American people, abhor and want brought to justice.
TORTURING DEMOCRACY –produced by Sherry Jones
Maybe I'm misreading everything. Could there be something different brewing beneath what appears apparent? Maybe President Obama is making it look like he's business as usual with a liberal twist every now and then, or again I ask ... is there just the appearance of business as usual, and is his true CHANGE agenda coming soon? Maybe he just wants to get through HEALTH CARE REFORM first. Should we give him the benefit of the doubt?
Is this the time to show who is boss? Is it Rahm, Holder or whoever, or is it President Obama? Just who is running the show ... or should we wait a while longer for "the benefit of the doubt"?

*LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: THE REAL GEORGE W. BUSH by Stephen Pizzo, October 27, 2005

** "The Co-Presidency of Bush and Cheney" [Stanford Politics and Policy] by Shirley Anne Warshaw

Friday, June 12, 2009

What do Sarah Palin and former Miss California have in common?

I think Fridays will be my day to wrap things up for the week. Here goes …
1. These are the people I will not be talking about from this day forward (use Keith Olbermann's opening "Countdown" voice and say that phrase aloud again). Anyway, these people are: Sarah Palin and former
Miss California, Carrie Prejean.
Why? Because they stand for mediocrity and for that matter, they stand for nothing. They add nothing to the conversation, and they use their looks and not their brains to get noticed. What's worse, they are opportunists posing as Christians; and unfortunately, they are also the shells I talked about in “Women’s Rights Opponents – Pro-Lifers”. Too bad that they’ve volunteered to be the shells.

2. Today is a day of significance for the Iranian people, and especially the young Iranian people. Whatever happens today, this is a significant step toward positive change in that region. Hopefully, the election of Barack Obama has made Americans think more deeply about their own politics and government. They certainly need to bone up on geography, American and World History and political issues and their own political representatives. Americans criticize other nations, but it is most unfortunate that they themselves have absolutely no clue how their own government works. Totally clueless. See: How Stupid Are We?
3. I am disappointed with the Obama administration’s choice for GM CEO. Rahm Emanuel probably had a hand in the decision; which is probably why, to my dismay, the choice is former AT&T retired executive, Edward E. Whitacre Jr. Whitacre is a veteran Republican fundraiser.

A bundler for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, Whitacre and his wife Linda have donated a total of $81,000 to political candidates since 1990. To the President’s credit, none have gone to him; however, 80% of the Whitacre’s contributions have gone to the GOP. Yes, my wonderful union workers, my wonderful UAWthe President has chosen a supporter of union busters. Do you think he did that on purpose? Could be … I’d definitely be calling him to have him explain why? Then I’d get my union members together to see how to get a bigger stake in GM. If you want to know what the next move should be, leave me a comment or e-mail and/or call Michael Moore.

4. The fact that Republicans are saying they have to reach out to minorities if they are to ever win national elections again, sort of underscores the racism factor and amplifies their current description … “right-wing” or "far right". The fact is, that once the 1965 Voting Rights Act was signed, the southern racist dixiecrats ran kicking and screaming from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party and have largely remained there ever since; and, in fact, their voices control the Republican side of the Senate and the Republican side of the Congress.

5. I think Joe Scarborough just loves to rattle people’s cages because he is constantly saying dumb, ignorant things.
This morning Joe goes on and on about James W. von Brunn, trying to decide if he was a left-wing or right-wing extremist. Then the guests on “Morning Joe” and I believe Joe himself, decide to say that Mr. Brunn was mentally ill.
That really burned my but. My response:
So now you want to give any cold-blooded killer, extremist cold-blooded killer, fixated cold-blooded killer the mental illness label. Ignorance does abound on your set today; and people want to label it anything other than what it is … cold-blooded killing. How dare you try to give these killers an insanity defense.”

6. I hope some group decides to name a humanitarian charitable fund in Stephen Tyrone Johns' name (
slain Holocaust Museum guard). I’d be the first to donate.

7. Finally, I’m sick and tired of politicians over-reacting and chalking their paranoia and fears of not being re-elected, up to “so called” fears coming from their constituents.

Do you really think that Americans are scared to death to have terrorists in our prisons? We've got our own "home-grown" ones there now in addition to foreign terrorists. I can understand the hesitancy surrounding suspected terrorists roaming our streets; but fear over imprisoning convicted terrorists in the United States is ridiculous. No wonder other countries call Americans "soft". I'm more afraid of the home-grown" ones, because, like Brunn, they're all around us and they lie in wait ready to inflict cataclysmic harm.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Those people or groups who seek to do violence against people of a different religion, race or ethnic group are right–wing extremists. Let me be clear; there are right-wing extremists of every religion, color, race, ethnic origin, and gender and s. orientation. Don’t confuse this fact.

We must never elect those kinds of people. We want peace-seeking Moderates and peaceful people who are inclusive and believe in inclusiveness (of peace-seeking people). That is what the Democratic Party stands for and the Democratic leadership stands for.

I was saddened when Ed Schultz (of “The Ed Show) in response to someone calling the President Muslim, said quickly that the President wasn’t Muslim. He didn’t even have the guts to say, “though there’s nothing wrong with being Muslim” or the other phrase that many use, “though I have friends who are Muslim”. At least Colin Powell was brave enough to say there’s nothing wrong with being Muslim.

For the sake of clarity, when I say left-leaning, I am speaking about those left-leaning groups in the United States that stand behind our constitutional rights and human rights. I am not talking about left-leaning groups in any other country; though many of those left-leaning groups have similar beliefs.

The majority of violent extremist groups are right wing extremist groups; they seek to exclude people from enjoying, Human Rights, Women's Rights, Constitutional rights, or Civil rights.

I’m also irritated when news commentators or others want to say that liberals and left leaning progressives have violent extremist groups. The very nature of the group being left-leaning means you tend to abhor violence against another group of people.

You will, however, find right-wing Progressives and some groups who call themselves Progressive, who would advocate violence. That’s why you have to distinguish the group from right-leaning or left-leaning or Progressive. I am a left leaning Progressive and abhor violence.

Perhaps media and others should look up the word Progressives in Wikipedia.

I don’t know any left-leaning/liberal or any left-leaning group driving around plotting to kill pro-lifers. I don’t know any left-leaning/liberal or any left-leaning group driving around or meeting to kill racists. I don’t see any left-leaning/liberal groups driving around or meeting to kill those who want to deny others of their basic human rights. I do know Moderates, left-leaning people and left-leaning/liberal/left-leaning progressive groups who will use peaceful means to try to get violent groups to stop their hate filled and violent acts.

On the lighter side … the only people that absolutely drive me insane are those people who drive around with their radios turned up loud with the base, coming from their car stereos, which reverberate and penetrate my home. I love peace and quiet. Could this group be associated with right-wing extremism? (smile)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The other night I listened to “Anderson Cooper 360” and I got so mad, I could spit. The program was on abortion rights.

The more I heard Anderson Cooper, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Tiller's cold blooded killer's ex-wife speak, the madder I got.

The President was very eloquent when he spoke (in Cairo) of women’s rights. I applaud his speech; but, somehow I don’t think any man has any idea what women’s rights are really about … not when I hear the crazy nauseating rhetoric, and witness, read or hear about the ever increasing violence against women and violence against those who defend women’s rights.

See, I’m a survivor of rape. I’m just one of the many, many, many survivors of rape. We’re the ones who really get what women’s rights mean.

Years ago, poor women were dying from back-alley abortions and self abortion (that means you stick a sharp object into your vag…).
Rich women didn’t have to worry about putting themselves at risk because they’ve always had access to reproductive rights whether it was legal or not.

Violence against women is on the increase; it is not declining. Every minute a woman or young girl is raped and/or battered or murdered or sold into slavery. Some women are denied basic civil rights and freedoms depending on where you travel.

Before sitting down to write, there was shocking news of a 14 year old girl who was gang raped. Sexual slavery exists in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and in almost every country around the world including the United States.

Women it seems are increasingly treated like shells or things or vessels; vessels or bodies that are simply factories for fertilization of eggs (or carriers of fertilized eggs); or they are hand maidens, or someone’s sex toy, or some trophy, or some man’s boot slave that he violates whenever he feels like it. Don’t kid yourself if you think this doesn’t go on. If you think it doesn’t exist, you’re in denial.

This process of reducing women and young girls to just a body, or vessel or shell is ever present.

Women are losing the battle to have dominion over their own bodies.
Pro-lifers want to own her body, some governments or lawmakers want to own her body, the batterer wants to own her body, some husbands want to own her body, and some slave ring does own her body.
I find it interesting that many pro-life supporters are gun toting, anti-gun law, pro death penalty hypocrites that would probably step right over a poor man who was reduced to living in the streets. They'd probably be the first to call the police to come and arrest him.

Poor Russian women and young girls are tricked and sold into sexual slavery and whisked away from their families and they basically disappear from the face of the earth; she becomes a shell of a body where many men violate her daily.

Women and young girls are continuously preyed upon by men and portrayed as sex objects.

If you women feel you are truly free, walk down the street alone at night or alone in some parking garage; or leave the side door to your house open for a half hour and see how safe you feel.

Perhaps you’ve signed up for the “notification of sex offenders” which alerts you when “one of them” move into your neighborhood. Have you noticed an increase in the numbers recently?

The most vocal opponents of women’s rights are men (the Randall Terry’s’, Men Against Abortion”, cold blooded killers like Scott Roeder). Ever wonder why? Perhaps you didn't read my previous paragraphs.

UPDATE MARCH 28, 2011:

The Dylan Ratigan Show, March 24, 2011

Who Killed Dr. Tiller

Friday, June 5, 2009


The doom and gloom about the Middle Class would definitely be a reality under a Republican Administration. As you noticed, every single Republican in Congress voted against the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, as did all but three brave Republican members of the Senate (Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter).

Well, the Recovery and Reinvestment Act specifically addresses the low and middle income. The Middle Class Task Force is working hard to bring GREEN jobs to that sector.

I’ve seen what is going on behind the scenes. Yesterday I was on a conference call that talked about all the projects and training projects going on across the country.

The President didn’t make Van Jones “Green Jobs” adviser for nothing. I would check out “Green for All”.

The other thing, and I know Republicans are dead set against this; unions are not going away. They are the bedrock of the Middle Class and they are here to stay, I hope so under President Obama.

Union workers make more and they did indeed help create a strong Middle Class.
Expect to see GREEN jobs with a strong union component.

The best thing about GM’s bankruptcy was that now, the UAW and Americans own a stake in GM. It has always been my dream for the employees to own the business. This is now becoming a reality. Again, this is something that Republicans are 100% against.

They talk small business, but they never talked about the employees having an ownership stake in big business.

President Obama has done that. GM is not dead. Michael Moore and President Obama talked about hi-speed transit. I see GM being at the center of this move. That will make a lot of union workers and middle Americans very happy; as, I believe, high speed rail can not get done without unions being involved.

So naysayers and the Republican Party … be very afraid cause a new day has come; and the bottom is now going to the top. A flip flop and its definitely a new business model.
This new business model will spread across the world (I hope), ... new GM plants (with employees owning a stake in big business, or owning big business) will transform America and poorer countries who adopt the model and focus on hi-speed rail energizing their economies.
Henry Ford's cars helped build a strong Middle Class. Hi-Speed transit can bring it back.
The one thing we cannot allow is for the Republicans in the Congress and the Senate (and the Republican Party) and a few small minded Democrats to block the Employee Free Choice Act and ACESA
THE UNITED AUTO WORKERS: BUSTED? (I don't think so -my comments)

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Dear President Obama,

As you know, I am one of your most vocal/and written supporters and one of your most vocal/and written critics; however, I am very proud of, and thankful for, your leadership.

Today was a day I was most proud. At times, I think, that when I criticize something you've done or have not done that you or your staff may feel I am a non-Christian; however, I am a Christian, and for that reason, whenever, I think our people are intolerant, racist, greedy, unethical, and have done heinous and egregious things; I feel I must speak out.

I am a defender of those who cannot speak for themselves or where the most powerful have drowned them out or stripped them (or tried to strip them) of their rights and liberty.

I'm for the average American, whether they be Jew, Muslim or Gentile, male or female, young or old, sick or healthy, brown/yellow/black/or white. That's why I'm a Progressive.

When I see injustice or people speaking with impunity or not being held accountable for unspeakable crimes, I will be most vocal.

I loved when you spoke of human and women's rights and the right for women to choose. The key word, choice.

The protection of a woman's right to choose must be upheld and those who seek to prevent it here in America, punished.

A clear message must be sent to fringe groups ... that violence against people who are defenders of a woman's right to choose will not be tolerated and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

A clear message must be sent to those who hate and seek to do harm to other Americans will not be tolerated.

Your speech was not just to the Muslim world, but it was also meant for Americans. There will be some Americans who won’t get that.

I applaud everything you said and tried to convey to the Middle Eastern people, and what you wanted all of us to strive for ... to be a respectful, ethical, loving, peaceful people. I am thankful for your leadership.

Monday, June 1, 2009


This whole madness about Judge Sonia Sotomayor is unbelievable and we are seeing an increasing radicalized right that is frightening.

I’m especially shocked by the horrendous attacks on Judge Sotomayor’s character, her intellect, her legal record, her race and gender.

I want those of you who are decent, sane people to think about what I’m going to say.

Do you belong to a racial/ethnic group?

Are you Jewish, African American, Irish, Italian, Polish, Greek, German, Muslim, Hispanic …?

Do you belong to the
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, National Council of Jewish Women, B'nai B'rith, NAACP, Slovene National Benefit Society, Ancient Order of Hibernians, National Council of La Raza, Order Sons of Italy in America, Polish Roman Catholic Union of America or other ethnic organization where you network, celebrate your heritage, help people of like heritage get jobs? Is your organization charitable; provide educational assistance to your members? Do you have celebrations or special holidays to celebrate your heritage (for instance, St. Patrick’s Day)?

How about your religious affiliation? Are you Protestant, Unitarian, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Episcopalian...?


Then why are we seeing an increasing number of right wing radicals, who know very little about Judge Sotomayor, spewing venom and racial epithets at this woman because she celebrates her heritage, gender and ethnicity?

President Obama, a kind, just, husband/father/man who seeks balance and peace, is called everything but a child of God; and the poor man has more to deal with than any other President … and what does he get … constant vocal assault … from the right wing.

These right-wingers have nothing good to say about the President. You know you’re dealing with radicals when all they spew is hatred and criticism.

Now you have Dr. Tiller murdered. These right wing radicals and their spokesmen are frightening and they are intimidating good, decent Americans. Some of the spokesmen of whom I speak are Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Tom Tancredo, Randall Terry, David Duke, Army of God, etc.

Remember what they used to say … “You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater”. Well, you can’t incite violence, … and these right wing radicals are inciting violence.

I’m hoping Homeland Security, the FBI, the Secret Service, local police, etc. are watching these nut jobs, because they are truly dangerous people.

Over 900 hate groups and right-wing whack jobs are in the United States and we’re worried about Al Qaeda in the Middle East.