Friday, June 5, 2009


The doom and gloom about the Middle Class would definitely be a reality under a Republican Administration. As you noticed, every single Republican in Congress voted against the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, as did all but three brave Republican members of the Senate (Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter).

Well, the Recovery and Reinvestment Act specifically addresses the low and middle income. The Middle Class Task Force is working hard to bring GREEN jobs to that sector.

I’ve seen what is going on behind the scenes. Yesterday I was on a conference call that talked about all the projects and training projects going on across the country.

The President didn’t make Van Jones “Green Jobs” adviser for nothing. I would check out “Green for All”.

The other thing, and I know Republicans are dead set against this; unions are not going away. They are the bedrock of the Middle Class and they are here to stay, I hope so under President Obama.

Union workers make more and they did indeed help create a strong Middle Class.
Expect to see GREEN jobs with a strong union component.

The best thing about GM’s bankruptcy was that now, the UAW and Americans own a stake in GM. It has always been my dream for the employees to own the business. This is now becoming a reality. Again, this is something that Republicans are 100% against.

They talk small business, but they never talked about the employees having an ownership stake in big business.

President Obama has done that. GM is not dead. Michael Moore and President Obama talked about hi-speed transit. I see GM being at the center of this move. That will make a lot of union workers and middle Americans very happy; as, I believe, high speed rail can not get done without unions being involved.

So naysayers and the Republican Party … be very afraid cause a new day has come; and the bottom is now going to the top. A flip flop and its definitely a new business model.
This new business model will spread across the world (I hope), ... new GM plants (with employees owning a stake in big business, or owning big business) will transform America and poorer countries who adopt the model and focus on hi-speed rail energizing their economies.
Henry Ford's cars helped build a strong Middle Class. Hi-Speed transit can bring it back.
The one thing we cannot allow is for the Republicans in the Congress and the Senate (and the Republican Party) and a few small minded Democrats to block the Employee Free Choice Act and ACESA
THE UNITED AUTO WORKERS: BUSTED? (I don't think so -my comments)

1 comment:

Even Handed said...

This is fascinating! Let's hear it for the Unions, Van Jones, Michael Moore and President Obama. We've got to do this folks.

Just heard that 75% of Americans are not college educated. This is their ticket out of this dismal economy. This will help build a strong Middle Class once again.