Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who Does John Montello, Law Director for the City of Maple Heights Really Work For?

It's beginning to be a mystery to us as to who John Montello (Maple Heights Law Director) actually works for; considering that the taxpayers of Maple Heights (his employer) pay his salary.  [Remember, this was Mayor Jeffrey Lansky's choice for law director]  He recently put out a legal opinion regarding what he deems a vacancy in city council with the death of Richard Taylor, who just recently won the seat of council person in district 5.  Mr. Taylor who had been ill for quite awhile, never was sworn into office.  

District 5 residents are now becoming aware of Mr. Taylor's passing, and where that leaves them in regards to representation.

NEWS FLASH ... according to the law director, it appears the residents of Maple Heights (district 5) will have literally nothing to say about who will represent them for the next .. what?.. 2 years?.

Is this the attorney who helped negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with the police union, where it looks like police officers in Maple Heights would still only be paying $20 individual/ $40 family for their monthly health insurance premiums (dental and vision care are included in that small premium they are paying)?

In case you forgot what Maple Heights residents are dealing with financially and racially, see our other posts regarding Maple Heights.

Will the law director try to confuse or intimidate the residents of district 5 with legal minutia. (Well,  ... in our "non-legal" opinion, haven't his actions already done that)?   

Regardless of what the law director puts out, it's just his legal opinion (emphasis on "opinion").  Only district 5 residents matter here.  They have to live with the consequences of his actions, and the actions of the Mayor of Maple Heights and Maple Heights City Council.  

What's important is... are the actions [of Maple Heights City Council, and the city law director] ... unconstitutional?  Do their actions violate district 5 residents civil and political rights (constitutional rights) regardless of what's in the city charter?  

Come to think of it, .... are sections of Maple Heights City Charter unconstitutional; or is the whole charter unconstitutional? [Update: Gee Mr. Mayor, have you no sense of humor - lighten up.  Also, just who do you think wrote this post? Do you have ESP or do you have spies lurking around?  Careful, you might be letting the "cat out of the bag".]

What's definitely not funny in any way, shape, or form ... is that this law director, and this city council appear to be using Maple Heights resident's money (yes, that includes the residents of district 5), to disenfranchise them.  We'll say it again, ... use his employer's money to disenfranchise his employers.  Unbelievable!

Bear with us (cause we just thought of this) ... Did this law director go looking (digging) for (1924) case law  ... that (in effect) resulted in the residents of district 5 (his employers) being stripped of their right to vote for their own representative in council? 
The employees of Maple Heights government need to tread lightly ... cause their employers (the residents of district 5) are getting very upset.

Let's look at three wiki articles regarding voting rights:

    Under Jurisdictional Differences/United States, paragraph 2
        (note paragraph 5, in Montello's legal opinion - appears to be targeting one individual in particular 
         (but also targets 1 particular group) in that paragraph - this opens up a "whole can of worms".
         Interesting what Ron Paul says about our military and court system (and he's not wrong about that,
         though we don't like his views about the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

    15th Amendment

    Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Interesting Wiki article (1) Interesting Wiki article regarding segregation in Ohio (2)
        [The leadership (where the power rests) in Maple Heights is predominantly white -  actually, the heads of almost every department are white - most  high salaried positions are held by whites (who may or may not live in Maple Heights); Maple Heights District 5 is predominantly African American, and 70+% of Maple Heights population are non-white]

History of Maple Heights (population, etc)

Addendum: The use of the 1924 case law by this law director, could be construed by members of council, as an act of intimidation ... that if they do not go along with the leadership and majority rule, they could find their seats declared vacant too.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Poor People Are Just Shiftless ... At Least That's What Newt Gingrich Believes

I'll give it to conservatives.  They don't bite their tongue.  They just come out and say exactly what they think of minorities, women, poor people, and especially poor children. 

These people cannot wait to bask in the shade of an Orwellian society.  Well, actually it's pretty dark in that kind of society;  .. but they must think existing in an Orwellian society will be fantastic.  Personally, I don't get it. 

Now we all know how they hate minimum wage laws and child labor laws; and how they love outsourcing to countries that have cheap labor.  They totally embrace and  "tap dance for"  the 1%ers and we know that too. ... So how in the hell do they think they'll get elected?  Here's the reason ... they believe most of us have short memories, and most of us are just plain dumb. ... And judging by the results of the 2010 elections, they must be right.

Why are there so many conservative lunatics among us?  Anyone have an answer?

Let's listen:

On "The Ed Show"

The Rachel Maddow Show

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Day of Action, Thursday, November 17, 2011

Break out your tennis shoes. Thursday will be a "National Day of Action" ... and the "We are the 99% " will be peacefully gathering at events all over the country. 

In Chicago: Occupy Chicago

In Portland: Occupy the Banks

On the international front, people all over the world (Belgium, Germany, Madrid, etc.) will take part in the two month anniversary of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement (#OWS).  

Thursday's Day Of Action - A Big Deal |  by Dave Johnson, November 15, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Boys Are Back in Maple Heights

While the nation has woken up with a fighting spirit, saying "hell no" to a host of efforts to strip them of their civil liberties, women's rights, worker's rights and consumer rights, ... Maple Heights voted back almost the same old crew of years ago.  

Nasty (stinking) politics, arrogance, intimidation, and money rocked Maple Heights, and we don't think the place will ever be the same. 

Folks are leaving Maple Heights, ... fed up with  (or because of) home foreclosures, negative job growth, and high unemployment (pretty much what the nation is fed up with); and fed up with burglaries, taxes (and receiving less for their money), less than desirable student academic performance (2) and racial disparities. 

Malaise permeates the city of  Maple Heights. 

What is and is not funny about what just happened in Maple Heights, is that for all the mayor's focus on county corruption, his city would not have some of the homeowner face lift its received, without county money loaned to homeowners to fix up (or repair) their properties.  Unfortunately, homeowners are still losing their homes to foreclosure because of high unemployment, etc. 

What is and is not funny about what just happened in Maple Heights, is that for all the mayor's focus on issues surrounding issue 6 (and his love of issue 6),  progressive Democrats, and not the business community, were responsible for most of the large projects in his city.

What's depressing, is that a lot of that money, flowed to people (businesses) who largely did not live in Maple Heights, and who hired little to no minorities from Maple Heights.

We see the mayor of Maple Heights doing what (we think)  he does best ... suing people (we aren't saying always successfully) who oppose him.  Perhaps he's delivering a message, ... if you criticize him, ... if you oppose him, you may just get sued or perhaps investigated.  Will someone please give Ciaravino a phone call? 

What will remain (we feel), unless the minority community and all residents of Maple Heights wake up, ... is high unemployment, poor job growth rate, home foreclosures, increasing taxes, continued decline in population and  less than desirable student academic performance.  

What will remain (we feel), is residents (especially property owners) who will be faced with paying a lot of salaries and benefits to a large majority of people who work in Maple Heights government, but don't live in Maple Heights. 

[Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2009: 13.2%(8.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 15.7% for Black residents, 13.3% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 0.0% for American Indian residents, 0.0% for other race residents, 24.1% for two or more races residents)] Figures most likely have changed for 2012, so if you click the link, you may see other figures, but question the accuracy.

What Maple Heights residents must not forget, is that the people  they just rehired (people who have worked for them before), ... do in fact, work for them and not the other way around; and that, they better pay very close attention to the finances, legislation, and projects ... very close attention.  We don't think that these are financial wizards the residents just rehired.  We believe most of them have no clue with regards to innovation, social media, and new technologies; and sorely lack vision for this 21st century.  We believe most of them are stuck in the past, and most are the same ones who were around when the decline started.

& Southgate USA was foreclosed on ... Is it up for sale?  Wouldn't it be funny if .......

Cuyahoga County Election Results

Update 11/21/2011:
 'Income Achievement Gap' Almost Double Black-White Performance Gap, Report Shows
by Louis Freedberg 

What Role for Labor in the Progressive Uprising? A Conversation With Labor Strategist Stephen Lerner | | AlterNet by Amy Dean

We love our unions, but damn, ....
Did this portion of a collective bargaining agreement go through?:
     [collective bargaining agreement regarding health insurance premiums - yep, it says that this group of gov't employees will pay only $20 (individual) / $40 (family) a month - if Maple Heights residents want to see the entire bargaining agreement (if they're allowed to), ... call Maple Hts City Hall]

December 12, 2011 UPDATE: When last we heard, Maple Heights approved this bargaining agreement. 
[Seems after some Maple Heights residents became aware of this bargaining agreement, the next day Maple Heights City Council held a special meeting and approved the bargaining agreement.]

December 21, 2011 [Politifact Ohio] 
Governor's health benefits claim a favorite from 2011




We, of course, have the most of the originals which are much clearer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Don't Forget Bank Transfer Day November 5th

Don't forget!!  Saturday is "Bank Transfer Day".

Can't stand big ole blood sucking banks?  Well, you've got a chance to take part in the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, even if you can't physically be at an #OWS event.  If your bank has horrendous fees, is getting on your last nerve, and you just can't take it anymore ... move your money.  The official national "Bank Transfer Day" is Saturday, November 5th.

["Bank Transfer Day" is not affiliated with "Occupy Wall Street"]

Bold Progressives "Banxodus" website

4 Simple Steps for Taking Your Money Out of the Vampire Banks | | AlterNet, by Lynn Parramore, October 30, 2011

Move Your Money Project

Bank of America Campaign on


Friday, October 21, 2011

Maple Heights Town Hall Meeting Reveals Shocking News

While Southgate in Maple Heights quietly slipped from receivership (2009) into foreclosure a few days ago (potentially taking a major source of revenue from Maple Heights), allegations of voter suppression, voter intimidation, and [perhaps] financial nonfeasance were revealed. 

The Town Hall Meeting at the Maple Heights Library last night (held by the endorsed Democrats in Maple Hts) revealed such shocking news, that even we were not fully aware of, but had sensed for some time (check previous posts).

So that there is little guess work ... the targets of the voter suppression and voter intimidation are Mrs. Mitchell's supporters.  There have also been allegations that white males in camouflage attire have been following the endorsed Democratic female African American candidates; and Mrs. Mitchell has complained that quite a few of the  (vote for Neomia Mitchell) yard signs have been removed by people driving around in trucks (she also states that when she ran against the mayor previously, a lot of her yard signs were missing).  Mrs. Mitchell has also complained that there were voter registration applications she turned in to the Board of Elections that could not be found at the Board of Elections.  The stuff we've heard about or seen for our very own eyes is shocking.

Here is something interesting:
In an early piece of campaign literature put out by the mayor, it shows a picture of a bunch of Mrs. Mitchell's yard signs in a big heap in front of former Mayor Ciaravino's yard signs.  Where did he get that picture?  Better still ... how was he able to get a picture of Mrs. Mitchell's yard signs conveniently placed  in a pile in front of a pile of Ciaravino's yard signs?

The Democratic Party (given the problems that confronted them in Cuyahoga County) we believe, would not endorse a candidate that they felt had any real and substantial and highly incriminating evidence  linking her to any crimes or scandal.   That's why, we think, they chose Mrs. Mitchell.  It seems the mayor wants people to think otherwise (maybe trying to have her investigated).  We feel this is unbecoming of a mayor of any city (see Mayor Lansky's pictorial characterization of his African American female opponent) . 

We also learned that some of the salary raises that were given over the last few years, may not have gone thru city council as they should have (correct us if we're wrong).   Why the council president did not take a stand when it happened (if it happened), is a mystery to us.

Please remember (Maple Hts statistics):
[Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2009: 13.2%(8.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 15.7% for Black residents, 13.3% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 0.0% for American Indian residents, 0.0% for other race residents, 24.1% for two or more races residents)]

The job growth rate in Maple Heights is in the negative figures (around -10%).  Most of the people who work in Maple Heights (esp. those who draw high salaries with fantastic benefits), do not live in Maple Heights.

Where has television and print media been in investigating what appears to have been going on in Maple Heights?  Where are they now?

While the scandal unfolds, we expect public officials to continue to deflect attention away from them unto what they'll state as "politics as usual" (and we think the nasty smear campaign against Mrs. Mitchell will continue ... and probably will get worse); however, this is not "politics as usual" and the people who are suffering, and will continue to suffer (esp. from the repercussions of all this), are the residents (esp. property owners) of Maple Heights. 

We'll update .. as we gather more information.

Information on the Maple Heights financial state audit that was recently completed (which includes information on the 2009, 9.95 million dollar note (debt) which now puts Maple Heights over 18 million in debt) ... 

[By the way, Mrs. Mitchell, the mayor's opponent,  was not a member of council in 2009.  We also just learned that Maple Heights general fund may be in the red. Bond interest payments, (and salaries if we're correct) come from property taxes.]

What Role for Labor in the Progressive Uprising? A Conversation With Labor Strategist Stephen Lerner | | AlterNet  by Amy Dean

Several residents complained that a "Re-Elect Lansky" yard  sign was placed on their lawn without their permission and the letter below was left at their house (we have permission from them to post it).  We leave it up to you if you consider this "voter intimidation".  (Click on the image to enlarge it.)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

That Damn Tax Levy and Those Pesky Municipal Bonds

City government administrations and city council ask residents to approve levies every now and then (usually dealing with schools and safety departments); and  they will also take out loans (for big projects) by issuing bonds.

Did You Know?
"A levy gives a local government a claim on a specific property; and if the taxpayer does not repay the levy, the government can foreclose on the taxpayer's house and sell it to pay off the levy. If the taxpayer sells his house, the new home owner will have to make the future levy payments. Existing levies can make properties in an area more difficult to sell."(1)

Scary ... right?

There can be sound reasons for levies and sound reasons for issuing bonds; however, I ask you ... why do they always come to the property owner for help in times of fiscal trouble?  And further, how do you justify asking property owners and other tax payers to fix past mistakes, or fund things, when residents are losing their homes and their jobs, sometimes because of those past mistakes? 

What to think about before issuing a bond: What's the bond for?  Is the community stable? Can the project wait til the community is financially stable before issuing a bond? What kind of bond will it be? Is the bond insured (if it is, by whom, and who is responsible for the insurance payments?)  Who will be the bondholders? With what are the bonds securedWhat happens if your city defaults? (Think back to 2008)

If you're going to say "yes" on some tax levy your city administration and school system ask for, ask them (mayor/city council/school superintendent/ whoever is asking) to take a cut in salary and/or benefits first.(2)

Also consider: 
Are property values stable?  Is the community stable, and the population and number of homes stable and growing?  What are the projections for property values?

Whatever the city administration and city council (or superintendent of a school via mayor) ask you (tax payers) to do, ... as stated before, ... those levies will usually be paid on the backs of property owners. And with bonds, tax payers will pay the interest until the bond matures.  When it does mature, and if you can't pay, you may be able to refund; however, you can't refinance the loan forever.  

(2)Superintendent Keenan in 2011

This post is not meant to give investment advice, it just points out risks to bond issuers.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mayor of Maple Heights Does the Razzle Dazzle

UPDATE: 10/17/2011

Okay everyone, ... let me back up with a rewrite because folks have been calling, ... and have said in classic Ricky Ricardo style, ... "Lucy, you've got some splaining to do".

So the explanation:
A friend of mine called to tell me that there was a huge piece of campaign literature from the Maple Heights mayor, stuffed in her mailbox.  Like so many of you who saw it, ... she was almost speechless.  Anyway, she gave it to me, and I was also, ... at first,  speechless.  Me, ... speechless ... but not for long.

Well, those who know me, know I always do my research.  After my eyes got adjusted to all that gloss and ego, I focused on the resume portion of his campaign brochure.  While there was quite a bit of stuff there, I jumped to his "education" ..  He says he is a graduate of Maple Heights High School ... great, .. then he hit me with the "WOW"

I was beginning to give the mayor his propers about the "Graduate of Cleveland State University", but dag gum it, my eyes caught the words,  "Leadership Academy" ... see, most people just saw the words graduate of "Cleveland State", but not that Leadership Academy part.  What they don't know is that the Academy holds leadership training, (up to) 2 week courses that cost a pretty penny; but  there's no pass or fail test at the end.  Right?  I then saw "Graduate of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government Leadership in the 21st century".  Harvard U's Leadership for the 21st century program is a 5 to 10 day program (depending on the topic). The program requires participants to be actively engaged in the classroom, in small groups, and in individual reflection. One does have to apply; however, there is no formal educational requirement. Even though the mayor didn't actually graduate from Cleveland State or Harvard University with a Bachelors or Masters Degree, I totally give him his props for wanting to improve his leadership skills.   And, the David C. Sweet Award in 2002 .. you have to be an alumni of the Cleveland State U Leadership Academy (which he says he was) to receive the award (and I'm not sure of the nomination process).

By the way, Mrs. Mitchell, the mayor's opponent (who doesn't boast about her credentials, memberships, associations, etc) is a college graduate.

The mayor also lists "memberships" and "community service". I saw "Founding Sponsor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C."  See, I'm also a "Founding Sponsor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial ..."  How did I become a Founding Sponsor?  I donated money a couple of days ago:. ... and that "Wall of Tolerance Honoree in Montgomery, Al with recognition from Rosa Parks (click here).

Like I said, I always do my research; and I always ask questions (esp. of politicians) ... like ...what do you have to do to become an honoree or a sponsor?  Did you get an invitation in the mail (etc.) to become a member, sponsor or honoree, and does that designation get secured by sending money?

The other thing I want to see are dates ... did this event/honor/service/etc. happen before you started campaigning or after you started campaigning? .....Actually, that question is sort of ridiculous,  since politicians are always in campaign mode.  Anyway, you can do the rest of the research about the mayor's resume, on your own.

This is what get's me about politicians (they throw things out there, and they know you probably won't dig deeper), and this current mayor said it himself ... he's a pro when it comes to campaigning ... and this man is a career politician.

The professional, expensive, glossy brochure (with items referenced above) is a step up from those negative campaign pieces he had previously; however, WOW, this piece was enough to dazzle any number of  African American residents in the (predominantly African American) Maple Heights.  But I'm sure he knew that ... that's probably why the photos, glossy, American flag background, resume, and sports center spread.  
And the final razzle dazzle ... endorsement from (not the Democratic Party), but lo and behold .. the mostly conservative editorial department of the Plain Dealer - Plain Dealer Publishing Co. (member of the mighty and self interested Chamber of Commerce via the Greater Cleveland Partnership).

I think the mayor has definitely learned some valuable lessons from those leadership workshops/seminars, and advice from others.  One lesson he's learned?  The man does make connections, and he does network. Well done!  If he had to switch parties to do it, he did it.  Nothing illegal about that.

God love ya Maple Heights residents ... but you damn better "wake up and smell the coffee", and start asking some important questions about your city finances and those  salaries and benefits that may be sucking you dry. Take a look at those salaries and compare them with other similar size cities with the same economic conditions  (residents, .. if need be, use the Ohio Public Records Law to get information on city finances and salaries;  or ask your council person for them).

 Maple Hts population / Cleveland population / Cleveland Mayor's salary / Shaker Hts population / Shaker Heights Mayor's salary

The mayor is probably a likeable guy in public (definitely not if you oppose him), and he does do some good things; however, the major criticism is, ... not opening the financial books up (esp. the audit) for every resident to see ... and what Maple Heights residents (the mayor's  boss) should be laser focused on; ... If you're in deep (decided to take out the word we previously used) debt (personal, as well as city debt), and residents are paying these higher (compared with ..) salaries with benefits (especially higher than average salaries and benefits to a lot of folks that don't live in Maple Heights) ... and residents are not paying attention (at all) to the legislation, those projects, the revenue losses that are going to shock them, and those smaller dollars that add up, ... and if the council president is just a "yes" man/woman to the mayor (and we're not saying that's what's happening, but Maple Heights residents need to be vigilant), ... at some point, the shit's going to hit the fan, ... and no amount of razzle dazzle is going to shift the focus then.

[While property owners started losing their homes in great numbers to foreclosure starting around 2007, read what Mayor Lansky, along with Superintendent Keenan, were celebrating.  Interest payments on some of those bonds comes due in 2012. Just learned that the general fund is in the red. Interest payments on the bond come from property taxes. One would think that with all these new schools, Maple Heights students would do betterWonder whose taxes are going to go up?]

A suggestion: Maple Heights residents, you need to form a watch dog committee of representatives from every district, who will not  "rubber stamp" everything the mayor or council does. Please attend caucus (before council) meetings and ask questions.  Go over legislation, go over every line, every expenditure ... have them justify the expense, and justify the projections.  Take an interest in what your police do? Examine, Examine, Examine, ......Question, question, question ...  Make suggestions.   Make sure you have someone on the committee that understands finance; and if you have to call your elected officials on the carpet, do it ...
You are their boss, but you gave them, and other government employees, the power to change your life considerably (for the better or the worse).  Share the power or take it back.

What are these candidates plans going forward? What are they going to do to make Maple Heights a better place for all the residents? 

Let me make something clear. ... salaries are paid from the general fund .. which is tax dollars.  If people are jobless (which many are), and there isn't enough money in the general fund, those in the administration will try to come up with creative ways to get the money.   Municipalities almost always look to pass bond/levies for a host of things (contruction projects, school and safety expenditures).  The people who usually pay for these levies are property owners.

Now Maple Hts was one of the worst hit by  home foreclosures ... so who bears the burden of these levies?  Well if these politicians can't get money from property owners, they may dip into money set aside for other things, .. but if they can't legally dip into other funds or those funds are not there,  they'll either raise taxes some other way or borrow (and when you borrow you must pay it back with interest).

Whatever the mayor's administration and city council (or superintendent of a school via mayor) ask you (tax payers) to do, ... as stated before, ... those levies will usually be paid on the backs of property owners. And with bonds, tax payers will pay the interest until the bond matures.  When it does mature, and,  if you can't pay, you may be able to refund; however, you can't refinance the loan forever.  You see where I'm going here?   Think end of 2007 into mid to late 2009 ... businesses closing, people losing their homes and their jobs in the hundreds of thousands.

Maple Heights residents, the shit is about to hit the fan sooner than you think. ... You're losing revenue faster than a train crossing the country. 

In addition: Keep in mind, a majority of the salaries and benefits you are paying are going to people who don't live in Maple Heights; and many of the businesses who are reaping the rewards of  doing projects in Maple Heights  (like building schools), probably don't live in Maple Heights either.

Maple Heights 2007

Maple Heights 2008

Maple Heights 2010 - Charter Amendment

Maple Heights 2011

What Role for Labor in the Progressive Uprising? A Conversation With Labor Strategist Stephen Lerner | | AlterNet  by Amy Dean

Update 11/21/2011:
 'Income Achievement Gap' Almost Double Black-White Performance Gap, Report Shows
by Louis Freedberg 

Maple Heights:
Job Growth (2000 - 2011): -10.8%
Unemployment Rate: 10.3% 

We do not comment on comments.  We also suggest you do not give any information out about how to support one candidate over another candidate.  


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


May 21st, a person by the name of Marcus B sent a not so nice email to Mayor Jeffrey Lansky (or Maple Hts City Council) about the mayor's salary [which, when last we looked, was around $100,000 a year; ... according to, as of 2011, the average yearly salary for a mayor ranged from $35,000 to $83,000, with some mayors in small cities  earning less than $1,000 per month]

 Maple Hts population / Cleveland population / Cleveland Mayor's salary / Shaker Hts population / Shaker Heights Mayor's salary / Lakewood Mayor salary (pop: 52,000)

We've got a question ... Did this mayor's salary increase or decrease with the decline in Maple Heights population (which according to the 2010 US census was 23,138 - That kind of population puts Maple Heights in the small municipality category).  Unfortunately, the mayor's message page still states 26,000 (hopefully that will be updated before the 2011 elections). [Update 7/2012 ... mayor finally corrected the population number on his message page.]

The mayor got down and (you fill in the word) with his reply to that email, seeming to deflect any criticism of him onto an upcoming mayoral race, dragging his opponent into the mix and also implying his opponent is corrupt (so everyone who works for, or worked for Cuyahoga County is corrupt?), and either a criminal or someone who palls around with criminals (does this sound familiar? -2008 BO was accused of palling around w criminals/ or the big "T" word). Just so happens the mayor is Caucasian and his mayoral opponent is African American. What's interesting is, this Mayor was said to have endorsed County Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones (in 2008) who county prosecutors say "traded votes for campaign contributions". To be fair, as far as we know, Jones has not been charged.

About the "double dipping" ... It's not against the law to retire (with a pension) from one employer, and then go to work for another employer (public or private). In addition, there are public employees who work in Maple Heights government, who have retired from another public job.  The mayor chose to single out his opponent.

As hard as his opponent works as a councilwoman for district 7 (in addition to calls she responds to, from residents all over Maple Heights), that little salary (from which she will receive no pension) she gets from Maple Heights, doesn't begin to compensate her fairly.  [Another thing we like about her ... she's not a "kiss ass" ... probably one of the reasons why the mayor has a problem with her]

There's more to this story than meets the eye.

Mayor Jeffrey Lansky is also a former Republican. We call conservative Democrats and  former Republicans who move to the Democratic Party , New Democrats; and these New Democrats seem to be popping up all over Cleveland area suburbs. [Note: Issue 6 pushed by business leaders]

In a city of about 70% minority residents (68%+ African American), it's deplorable that there's never been any African American fire-fighters in Maple Hts. Cleveland had and has African American fire-fighters and fire chiefs, and there are an abundance of African American police officers (even chiefs), so the "they can't pass the test" used to justify no African American fire-fighters in Maple Hts, doesn't fly. [Is the test different? / Do whites receive advanced tutoring on how to pass the test? ]. The Maple Heights police department's diversity record (of hiring full time police officers) is almost as dismal and appears to be getting worse under the current mayor.  [update: As of 8/2011 there was 1 minority / Also learned that candidates may have to go through a 3 part process of hiring which includes being interviewed by the mayor, police chief and one other. African American candidates who have passed the written test, are often eliminated when they go before the "3 man team" for the interview (or so we've been told)],

[Percentage of Maple Heights residents living in poverty in 2009: 13.2%(8.7% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 15.7% for Black residents, 13.3% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 0.0% for American Indian residents, 0.0% for other race residents, 24.1% for two or more races residents)]

Check out the road crews ... if you see any African Americans, please give a shout out cause we've never seen one. As far as we can see, the other 30% (Caucasian) of the population appears to be seemingly catered to in various areas (ever go to one of their summer concerts?), and Caucasian Maple Hts government employees, some who don't even live in alleged financially strapped Maple Hts, seem to be drawing pretty decent to high salaries. In essence, the 30% runs the city. Got something to say about all this ... council meeting at the Maple Hts Senior Center, June 15th at 7pm.

[Maple Heights residents ... start looking into those Maple Heights government employee salaries (particularly benefits), since you're paying these employees.  Remember, they work for you!]

What Role for Labor in the Progressive Uprising? A Conversation With Labor Strategist Stephen Lerner | | AlterNet  by Amy Dean

Is there a pattern that keeps coming up time and time again
[This mayor himself acknowledges he's sued a bunch of folks and counting.  What's up with that?]

Update 11/21/2011:
 'Income Achievement Gap' Almost Double Black-White Performance Gap, Report Shows
by Louis Freedberg 

Contact Fox 8 news for the video  interview with Mayor Lansky, since video is no longer on their server.  We bought a copy of the interview from Fox 8.

Reference with keywords: Richard Trojanski denies involvement,  or "keisha cornbread", or "man named silk"

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I caught this video on The New Yorker site ["Best Wishes, Donald" by Mark Singer, April 29, 2011] I loved it.

After I read Mark's post, my assumptions "all things Trump" were confirmed.

Oh yeah, do catch the president's 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner speech. Trump it appears, was amusing fodder for last night's festivities; however, Trump, pouting those little birdie lips, is clearly not amused. Come on Donald, what do you expect when you wave your insanity all over the place.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

William Bennett's Radical Dreams Become a Reality - Thom Hartmann: FLorida Public schools

In November 2008, right after the election of Barack Obama, the Republican Governors' Association Annual Conference met in Florida. I watched panels of Republican governors and their friends for 2 days on C-SPAN. What's shocking is that most of the governors sounded reasonable, until I heard William Bennett (former education secretary under Reagan) speak. You wouldn't know it to look at him; but, Bill Bennett is a very scary man with radical views regarding education.

With Bennett on one of the panels, discussions turned to how to change the culture/values/ideology/etc. to reflect right-wing values/culture/ideology. The most important, according to Bennett, is to indoctrinate children (using the: internet, media, classroom and text books) with conservative, right wing values, [with a right wing slant/re-write/whitewash].

Now we've found out, Bill Bennett and his Republican cohorts' dreams are about to come true.

Thom Hartmann: FL Public schools - the Wall of Separation is about to Crumble | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show April 29, 2011

Texas Conservatives Win Vote on Textbook Standards - March 12, 2010

2008 Election Cycle - C-SPAN Video Library November 12, 2008 (listen to William Bennett - about 52 minutes in)
I understood back then, that Republicans had found a way to regain power. They had to claim the majority of state governor seats. [and thanks to ill-informed citizens, they did it]

The Corporate State Will Continue its Inexorable Advance Until We're Locked into a Permanent Underclass | | AlterNet by Chris Hedges, April 29, 2011


Sunday, April 10, 2011



April 4, 2011 - Please listen to Greenstein.

Media Briefing: The Ryan Budget’s Radical Priorities — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities this was back in March 2010

Rachel Maddow Tears Into Beltway Media For Paul Ryan Budget Coverage (VIDEO) 4/7/2011



Eric Cantor

ThinkProgress » Cantor Sees Current Medicare and Medicaid Programs As A ‘Safety Net’ For ‘People Who Frankly Don’t Need One 4/10/2011



Tom Graves -
The Last Word - 4/7/2011

Debunking Graves lies:

Under Obama Taxes Reach Lowest Level Since Truman - Robert Schlesinger ( Feb 8, 2011

Daily Kos: Zombie Lie: That Dems "Failed" to Pass Budget - NO, GOP Senators BLOCKED IT 4/7/2011

Ezra Klein - Was Simpson-Bowles really so great? Ezra Klein, 2/16/2011



Thursday, April 7, 2011



This Saturday, thousands will rally at the Statehouse to say "we are Ohio" and voice their opposition to SB 5 and Gov. Kasich's anti-working family agenda.

WHAT: We Are Ohio Campaign Kick-Off Rally

WHEN: Saturday, April 9 starting at noon

WHERE: West Lawn of the Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus

Interested in helping to get SB 5 on the ballot to allow Ohioans to cast a citizen's veto of the bill? Email to become a volunteer petition circulator.

"Last week, Gov. Kasich and his allies in the Ohio General Assembly pushed through the first in what will be many attacks on local communities, working families and services Ohioans rely on everyday. With the passage of Senate Bill 5, lawmakers have shown they are more interested in pursuing a political agenda to destroy good jobs and weaken our communities than focusing on real solutions to job creation and our budget deficit.

As poll after poll shows, this agenda doesn’t represent the will of Ohioans. That is why this Saturday thousands of Ohioans from across the state will rally at the Statehouse to say “We are Ohio.”

Will you stand with other Ohioans this Saturday to protect workers’ rights and work to allow the voices of voters to be heard on this important issue?"

From Tim Burga
Ohio AFL-CIO President

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Has the GOP gone completely insane?!!

Ever since Barack Obama was elected in 2008, Republicans have literally lost whatever sanity they had left [which wasn't much] after [with the help of corporate Democrats] gutting a world's economy and contributing to millions of jobs disappearing in a matter of a few months.

This is going to be very difficult for me to articulate, because what we are witnessing in the chambers/halls of Congress and across this nation, leaves one almost speechless ... I did say almost.

Everyone with any ounce of sense knows that the folks on Wall Street [aided by conservative politicians] gutted this economy; and with utter horror and reluctance, tax payers were forced to bail out the gutter trash.

How does the GOP repay the good people, the regular folk for their act of forced kindness? ... They line up to kick and stomp the ordinary folk who were forced to rescue the gutter trash, and at the same time, the GOP rewards that trash with tax breaks, tax cuts, and the ability to do whatever the hell it wants to do. Insane!!

Look, here's the GOP in one fragment and one sentence:

Deregulate whole industries, ... gut child labor laws, ... gut the unions so workers have no say in their wages, their working conditions, their retirement and health care, ... eliminate the minimum wage, ... allow corporations to continue to outsource jobs with no penalties, ... allow corporations to pollute the water and the environment with impunity, ... start war all over Africa, the Middle East, etc (well, I guess we're doing that now).

In a nutshell, they will hasten our already downward spiral into a third world economy/ country, ... an Orwellian society, where the majority of Americans will be poor, or just above poor, .... and the rich will be richer than ever.

Watch all 4 videos, and enjoy the last one.

Theater of the absurd
- the Last Word - Robert Greenstein - President of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 4, 2011

Blow up the World Economy ... AGAIN! - the Last Word, April 4, 2011

Wendell Potter - Kill Medicare - Death Panels
, April 4, 2011

Who is to Blame if Gas Prices Rise -April 4, 2011

To End on a Hysterically Funny Note - Lawrence O'Donnell - The Last Word - Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and Donal Trump - April 4, 2011