Friday, February 27, 2009


I like Jim Cramer, but his latest stunt is shameful. We now know where Jim Cramer stands ... well I guess we always knew where Cramer stood. He is after all, Mr. Wall Street.
I did think he was going to stand up to CNBC and not politicize his show; guess I was very very wrong. Ok, I'll stop whining and get down to business. Jim Cramer has sold out to corporate. The minute his show became Cramer versus Obama, it was over.
September 2008 wasn't on Obama's watch, it was on your watch Jim, and on Wall Street's watch. Fess up!
Let's go back to the 90's when everything was rosy and wonderful ... uh uh. Tech stocks, Internet stocks, Real Estate stocks ... everything just about came up winners. Microsoft split 16,000 times (just joking people) and hit record highs. A whole bunch of people who were in the stock market made a boat load of money.
What goes up, must come down. Making a boat load of money, I guess wasn't enough. A bunch of banks/mortgage companies/mortgage brokers/etc. decided to create all kinds of really bad mortgages. Sub prime (pay option, interest only, hybrid) loans, fee ridden loans, let the borrower purchase w both a 1st and 2nd mortgage, and when folks who had run out of money a long time ago, hit their credit card limits, the banks decided to create even more horrendous stuff and almost everyone was allowed to take out mortgages with 100% LTV (esp. Citibank/Citicorp Trust/Citifinancial).
Greed was everywhere! Create whatever kind of financial instrument crap was everywhere! Wall Street was giddy and ponzi schemes flourished.
Eventually the bubble burst, greed and corruption were exposed and the world reeled and plunged. Well Jim Cramer, you were a part of all this mess; but now it's politics and kiss your CNBC media conglomerate's "be..." Ya'll get my drift.


This morning you said a word that Republicans know Americans react negatively to. I’ve heard that word every time a Republican wants to stir up trouble and lie to the American people. That word is “welfare”.

You now have used that word and have become a “mouth piece” for the Republican Party. Shame on you.

The government has always extended a helping hand to those people in need. Always … whether it was under a Republican administration or a Democratic administration … and as we know, over the past 40 years, there have been more Republican administrations than Democratic.

The Madoff types have used ponzi schemes and Wall Street introduced shady financial instruments which helped bring down this Nation. The oil companies made huge profits, CEO's made excessively huge bonuses, stock options, etc. no matter what the company's profits were. Republicans have consistently given favors (welfare) to the rich. You don’t call that welfare … you CNN, and Republicans and a lot of brainwashed people call it farm subsidies, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, preferential treatment to corporations by enacting laws that benefit them, deregulation, etc., etc. Those words sound nicer than “welfare”.

The President will let the Bush tax cuts (that favor the wealthiest Americans) expire and reset those taxes to where it was during the Clinton administration … no longer favoring the rich (no longer providing welfare to those who don't need it).

For some reason, CNN, you always give more credibility to Republicans over Democrats. I wonder what media conglomerate (recipients of corporate “welfare”) you belong to?

If you continue to use those politically and negatively charged words, I will urge my blog followers, friends, family, and club members to watch C-SPAN or Discovery or History Channel or just turn off the television.

Again, shame on you.
I want all you "fat cats", Republicans, CEO's, management of large corporations, the "2% who control 80% of the wealth" in this country ... all of you to wake up and realize that the American people voted for Democrats ... defenders of low-income and middle-income workers, the poor and the sick (those Americans who represent the majority of Americans).

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ok, we all know that there should have been more money for infrastructure spending, but Republicans wanted their tax cuts. So they got some, but then they still voted against the President's Recovery Plan. The President needed more money than $800 Bill; however, he knew he wouldn't get Republican support. Remember that "Oh my God", from Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner when he heard that the President's Plan was going to cost $800 bill? Look, the Chinese allotted a mere $600 billion just for their infrastructure. What the President asked for was pennies in comparison. No big surprise though ... every House Republican and all but three Republican Senators voted "nay" on the President's Plan.
The Republicans who ruled the legislature for 12 years had no problem with Bush's spending [for the last 8 years] even though it drove us into this crisis. Now they're just "acting out", because they're no longer in power. Sore losers!
[Insert: Wednesday, February 25, 2009: I'm editing this post regarding the above statement becaue I wanted to find out if Republicans are reading this blog ... guess they have; cause they used my "spending" comment to blame Democrats for the crisis and justify their opposition to the President's Recovery Plan. Now I can tell you the real reason why we're in this crisis ... it's called Bush policies, lack of regulation, corporate and managerial greed and corruption ... lies and arrogance ... Got that Republicans!]
Anyway, yesterday [2/23], Chris Matthews had Jim Cramer as a guest on his show. Listen to some of Jim Cramer's ideas ... doesn't sound too bad... umm.
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More ideas from Robert Kuttner:

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Republican Govs. Haley Barbour (Miss.), Mark Sanford (S.C.), Bobby Jindal (La.) and Sarah Palin (Alaska) have all said they intend to turn down some of the funding. Other Republican governors have said they will generally accept all the funds allocated to their state, though some have hinted they may join the group over certain portions of the bill they oppose. [Source Politico]
One of those threatening to not accept funds, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-Miss.), didn’t agree with Rendell’s estimation, but did concede that the perceived scope of the threat may be overblown. “I would think that 100 percent will take some percentage of the funding,” he said. Barbour added that he anticipates to turn down roughly $50 million in funding for social programs that he believes would be counterproductive. [Source Politico]
Bobby Jindal's remarks on "Meet the Press" Sunday are suspect.
Plus, many of the part-time workers who Jindal wants to exclude from unemployment benefits, are women with families in addition to low-income workers.
Who is Bobby Jindal?
In the aftermath of Katrina, when poor Whites were shooting at African Americans [see my post on Katrina], ... it's interesting that Jindal holds firm to anti-gun control ... or is that just Republican politics as usual?
Jindal talks ethics reform, but, according to [2/1/2008]:
"Jindal declined to say why he did not propose banning the use of campaign contributions to pay fines, which became a topic of debate last week when he was charged by the state Board of Ethics for failing to report $118,000 in contributions by the state Republican Party.
Jindal's press secretary has said that the governor plans to pay a $2,500 fine to settle the matter, and that the money will come from his campaign account."
I remember Jindal at the Republican Governor's meeting in Florida after the Republican Party's big defeat in the Presidential election and throughout the United States. There was much talk about changing school curriculum's to reflect Republican values and highlighting people who Republicans touted as Conservative/Republican heroes [I heard every word ... I watch C-SPAN often... guess no one else does].
Ever wonder why the poor and low-income people can't get a break? The Politico Source tells all."
No one wants to stay poor or earn very little wages, but there is a vested interest in keeping this group of people (poor and low income Caucasian/Native American/Hispanic/African American/etc.) "in their place". Sound familiar... used to hear that from ....umm .... yep, the South. Well these GOP Southern Governors are proving that they still need to keep certain folks "in their place". Voters ... don't forget these guys!
Ms. Palin has about 98,000 Alaskan Natives and 20,000 African Americans in her state (many poor and low-income) ... guess she doesn't care about them either.
We often hear people say that poor and low income people are ignorant and have low values. Truth is ... the educational system, the health care system and political system have failed them. Since many poor and low-income people are clustered together, needed funds are often diverted from or never get to their districts.
The other thing that has been successful in keeping this group "in their place", is getting them to blame each other for their plight and fight among themselves.
Well, when you cluster people together like pack rats, and deny them good water and sewer systems, lack of access to good health and dental care (and that includes mental health), make illegal drugs and alcohol attractive money making enterprises ... add in overcrowded and ill-equipped classrooms, with poorly trained or under-staffed teachers and decaying schools, that's a "catastrophe waiting to happen" and a "time bomb" ready to go off.
That is why ACORN is such a threat. They bring the poor and low-income together for a common cause and benefit to offer "hope" and a better life. [If you want to keep the poor and low-income "in their place", you never want them to vote or ask for anything... and you want everyone to despise them.] Well, we have plenty of evidence that the poor and low-income are despised, disenfranchised and the most likely to end up in jail or prison.
Once you're in the prison system, you might as well forget it... cause if and when you get out, it will become incredibly hard to integrate into mainstream society.
So people ... parts of the President's Recovery Plan is a threat to those people who wish "those people" would stay "in their place". Guess what parts those GOP Governors want to turn down?
Unless you make this a country where everyone has a chance to live a good decent life with "hope" for the future, this country will stay fractured/ruptured/divided and teetering on the brink of disaster.
One more thing ... I was listening to Rick Sanchez on CNN a few weeks ago, and someone from Jindal's state [LA] twittered ... [in reference to "services" in Louisiana]... The twitterer said "what services?".

Friday, February 20, 2009


You saw the cartoon in the New York Post ... now is the time to act. Quit buying the New York Post, and boycott their advertisers.
Click this link to see the list of advertisers:
The second video (Alan Keyes) is even more serious ... Keyes actually comes out and threatens the life of President Obama.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is really scary. Most of us on the "Net" already know our emails and phone calls are under surveillance by ATT. We also know that we are being tracked wherever we go on the Internet. Warrantless wiretapping it appears may continue. I'm sure that those who seek to do harm have already found their way around the current system that is in place; so all warrantless wiretapping does, is allow the government to continue to collect data on innocent civilians to be used for whatever purpose in the future.
We (Americans, which included Democrats) wanted to impeach Bush when we discovered the things he was doing (ex. warrantless wiretapping); now that Democrats are in power, what are we willing to do to prevent this privacy invasion from continuing?
You must contact your representatives and the White House and voice your opinions.
If this continues, this is definitely not "CHANGE" you can believe in.





1a. In the past, lenders did not really modify a loan. They put late fees, attorney fees, late payments, past due interest, etc. on the back end of the so-called modified loan. This has to stop, and any modifications that were done that way, should be re-modified.
1b. The mortgagor many times has no idea who to talk to, who holds his paper, and is therefore placed at a disadvantage in any negotiation (given there is negotiation). As Prime Minister Gordon Brown has stated, a lot of these mortgage backed securities were sold in Europe and in other countries. The President, I don't believe, has addressed this problem.
2. I have concerns about homeowners slipping back into delinquency. The problem ... no emergency funds for repairs to homes or other kinds of emergencies ... like auto repairs.
3. The budget formulas used by the government, and financial institutions are not realistic (not by any stretch of the imagination).

4. Is the President going to tackle minimum wage? Currently low and moderate income individuals and families are not earning enough money; that is why credit cards were used or refinancing was used in order to help pay for groceries, auto insurance, health insurance, car repairs, home repairs, etc. etc.

Those financial vehicles are no longer available to a great many. It's a good thing and a bad thing; because, we all should have been living within our means ... however, again, like I said before, there's not enough income available for what a family or individual needs.
5. For those people who are low-income earners, the State or Federal government needs to continue providing free roof, plumbing and structural repairs for a certain period of time. The States used to have conservation programs, free plumbing and roof repairs (based on income) ... what happened to those programs?

6. I would also like (as a condition for qualifying under the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan), a stipulation that says, in order to qualify the person has to agree to have money withdrawn from his/her paycheck or social security check, etc. to be set aside in a savings vehicle (of their choice).
That money would be an emergency fund and could not be touched for at least 2-4 years or until there was a significant amount of money set aside for emergencies. This prevents the homeowner from slipping back into delinquency.
7. Next you need to put a cap on how much credit an individual (who takes part in the program) can apply for in the future (at least until they have enough money built up in an emergency fund, or their income increases). A notation would be placed on their credit report which would alert lenders, and prevent the borrower from accessing credit over and above a stipulated amount.
8. The President forgot a vulnerable, but significant group of peopleseniors (60+).
Many seniors wish to continue living in the homes; however, some were duped into refinancing their homes at 100% LTV or had to refinance in order to maintain their home (roof/plumbing or other structural repairs). These seniors are on a fixed income with property taxes, energy costs, etc. skyrocketing.
Many seniors cannot move due to limited affordable rental units, etc. What special mortgage programs and supportive services are there for this group?
This whole thing about living within one's means ... wake up and smell the coffee ... the average low income and moderate income family and individual doesn't earn enough money even for basic necessities and cannot save for emergencies. Forget about health care, dental, auto, homeowners or life insurance.
I recently looked at the Economic Recovery Plan. I am hopeful ... and it is a good start [just doesn't address my above concerns]. So all in all, the President is progressing well with his comprehensive program. He does have an unprecedented amount of issues, etc. on his plate. I wish him well.
Read about the ER Plan by clicking the following link:


The "Minority Party", the "Party of Bad Judgement", the Party that the people of the United States did not vote for, the Party who ripped the economic fabric from this Nation and the World, the "Party of Nothing" is all over the air waves telling people the Recovery Package is BAD, BAD, BAD. They are everywhere ... CNN, C-SPAN (Oh my god!), FOX NEWS (no surprise), CBS, etc.
Well we know there are, but except for Rachel Maddow and Keith Obermann, that news media has to beg for money to stay alive because they are not backed by the powerful Rupert Murdochs and various other media conglomerates of this world.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Why the GOP's "no" on the Recovery (part Stimulus) Package is really evidence that they're all about nothing.
People, let's say it over and over again ... the Republican Party is the "Party of Nothing".
That said, there are 3 exceptions to the "Party of Nothing"; let us applaud and thank Pennsylvania's Alen Specter [who previously had voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - yeah!], Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. Those 3 brave Republicans went against their Party and voted for the Recovery Package. BRAVO!
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Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hey Guys,

It's time again to shut off those televisions and fold the newspaper in half cause the crazies are at it again.
Today is a day of rest and relaxation. Come on over to the BiPolar Ultra Mellow Lounge or see a comedy at the movies or call some friends and hang out and chill (no talk about war, politics or politicians please)!
Just to get things started, I'm adding a Cosby special: Enjoy!
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Friday, February 13, 2009


President Obama addresses the Annual Lincoln Banquet in Springfield, Illinois.
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Betsy McCaughey gives misleading and false information and Fox News, the Drudge Report and Rush Limbaugh run with it. [Side note: Ms. McCaughey received 750 shares in stock options from Cantel Medical before submitting her "op ed" piece to Bloomberg]. Read Wikipedia article and then listen to a segment from Keith Olbermann's "Countdown".
According to Wikipedia:
On February 9, 2009, McCaughey wrote an opinion piece for in which she posited that the 2009 stimulus bill was "dangerous to []our health".[7] She claimed that the stimulus bill would cause a newly created office to "monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective" which was, in essence, "enforcing uniformity." The portions of the text to which she cites, however, do nothing of the sort. Sec. 3001(b) of the bill, which sets forth the "purposes" of the substantive provisions, does not in and of itself do anything but set forth the reason for the substantive provisions.[8] The bill gives the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology no duties to review actual treatments but only to establish standards for a technology infrastructure that would allow doctors to better guide their patients' treatments and to ensure that doctors are given the appropriate tools to establish a proper course of treatment.
The "new position" to which McCaughey referred is the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) This position was already established on April 27, 2004, by President George W. Bush, under Executive Order #13335 [9], and was therefore not a newly created office. Regarding the duties of the ONCHIT, the draft House version of the Bill required, in Title XXX Section 3001[10], that the National Coordinator ensure that medical records meet certain technical standards to protect privacy, ensure physician office records can be communicated with local hospitals to prevent incompatibilities and inefficiencies, and other such technical requirements. The National Coordinator is also tasked with ensuring that the public has the opportunity to participate in the establishment of technical standards to ensure that the process be open, and promote competition in the private sector for health information technology. The Bill thus assigns the National Coordinator a technical role analogous to that of the FCC, which may define the technical standards to ensure that cellphones operate within a system, but has no role in determining the content of speech on cellphones, or how customers choose to use them.
McCaughey's claims that the National Coordinator's office was a "new office" that would control medical treatment was propagated extensively through the media as Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal repeated McCaughey's interpretation of the Stimulus Bill language. [Source: Wikipedia]


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Thursday, February 12, 2009


Gerra Gistand of MacGregor Elementary School [Houston, Texas] won first place during the 13th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory.

I just had to place Ms. Gistand's performance [in video format] on our blog. She is magnificent.
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MLK Oratory winner: Gerra Gistand
Finalists gave original five-minute speeches on the topic: If Dr. King were alive today, what do you think he would say about current events?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This morning I listened to Democracy Now's talk with Nobel Lureate Economist Joseph Stiglitz concerning the Bail Out of Wall Street.
Democracy Now spoke with Mr. Stiglitz on October 2, 2008. Please click on link and listen.
After listening to Mr. Stiglitz, listen to economist James Galbraith author of "The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too": 2/10/09
I wish I could embed the videos, but you'll just have to click on the links.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


P lease turn off/pause music player to the right of this page, before viewing video.

Our favorite Truth Channel [GRITtv]: A Must See!
We want EVERYONE to know the TRUTH. Mr. President will you level with the American people?
And if you do level, what are you willing to do to stop this craziness?
If this video skips ahead 1 day, please go to: and get Monday, 2/9/09 video segment [The Business of War].
Read "Lessons of the Fall: Ike's in, Reagan's out" by Eugene Jarecki:

Monday, February 9, 2009


A fired-up Barack Obama ditched his TelePrompter to rally House Democrats and rip Republican opponents of his recovery package Thursday night - at one point openly mocking the GOP for failing to follow through on promises of bipartisanship.
In what was the most pointedly partisan speech of his young presidency, Obama rejected Republican arguments that massive spending in the $819 billion stimulus bill that passed the House should be replaced by a new round of massive tax cuts.
"I welcome this debate, but we are not going to get relief by turning back to the same policies that for the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin," said President Obama - sounding more like Candidate Obama than at any time since he took the oath of office less than a month ago.
Obama, speaking to about 200 House Democrats at their annual retreat at the Kingsmill Resort and Spa, dismissed Republican attacks against the massive spending in the stimulus.

"What do you think a stimulus is?" Obama asked incredulously. "It's spending - that's the whole point! Seriously."(Source: Politico)
Guys, I am so proud. Finally we've got the President fired-up against the Republican's "let's go back to the way things were and really kill this economy" ridiculous "tax cut problem solving tactics".
Last week [and I repeated it on Sunday], I urged you all to shut off your television and go over to "The BiPolar Ultra Mellow Lounge" or read a book, go to the movies, or if you couldn't tear yourself away from the "nutty tube", watch comedies. Hopefully you did so.
If you did follow my instructions, don't you feel at least 80% better?
Remember people, television (especially cable television -exception: The Rachel Maddow Show) is the last place to get reliable news.* According to media watchdog group "Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting" in consultation with the Survey and Evaluation Research Laboratory at Virginia Commonwealth University, a study that was conducted, showed that a majority of journalists, although relatively liberal on social policies, were significantly to the right of the public on economic, labor, health care and foreign policy issues.[1]
Their study continues: “we learn much more about the political orientation of news content by looking at sourcing patterns rather than journalists' personal views. As this survey shows, it is government officials and business representatives to whom journalists "nearly always" turn when covering economic policy. Labor representatives and consumer advocates were at the bottom of the list. This is consistent with earlier research on sources. For example, analysts from the centrist Brookings Institution and conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute are those most quoted in mainstream news accounts; liberal think tanks are often invisible. When it comes to sources, ‘liberal bias’ is nowhere to be found.”
I don't think media has caught on to certain realities ... for 8 years they sought out Republican officials ... yeah, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. for information. Horrors! But there's a new majority Party in town [the Party of the people]... and evidently, media hasn't gotten the message.
Don't get me wrong, the Republican's used to have some good ideas. That pretty much went the way of the dinosaur starting when the Southern Dixiecrats and racists ran "kicking and screaming" from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party after the 1965 Voting Rights Act.**
Reagan wasn't too bad, ... but he was a "union busting", "tax cut loving [followed by huge deficits]", "kick the disabled off of Social Security, and "kiss the feet" of Big Business and Large Corporations kind of guy.*** Ugh! We languished in the wilderness four years, before businesses started hiring again. Reagan did me no favors, I and my friends had a job before his entrance. Ten months later, I was unemployed and stayed unemployed [there was a job freeze] until mid or late 1985. Thankfully, I was able to go back to college. Those days, college was affordable [and we had Pell Grants].
Interesting Facts and Comments:
Michael Steele's remarks about Jobs
More of Michael Steele and the Republican Party (and this is hilarious)
Corporate Globalization Fact Sheet


Sunday, February 8, 2009


BiPolar Ultra Mellow Lounge


Go to the Movies and Watch a Comedy


Read a Book


If you absolutely have to watch TV today, don't watch the NEWS ... cause if you do, the next thing you'll know, you'll be locked up in some "Funny Farm". Watch some sitcoms for the next few days.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Mr. President,
Your approval rating is down, not because you're doing a lousy job; but because you're dancing around and palling around with Republicans.
If we wanted a bunch of Republicans, we would have voted Republican. Don't you get it? They are the distractions Americans don't want.
[I don't mean to disparage all Republicans, just their policies and many of their ideological arguments. -smile]
I know you're working hard. You probably don't need any more criticism, but if your friends can't give you a reality check, then you're out here all by yourself.
It's time for serious "hardball"; roll those sleeves up some more and get your base together and rally those Governors who support you and lean on whoever you have to ... to get the job done.
Call out the troops, Mr. President! We're here!
More suggestions to the President:
1. Call Christiane Amanpour and have a chat about what's going on around the Globe (Did you miss Christiane's and Fareed's special this past weekend?)
2. Watch the Rachel Maddow Show every night. Ms. Oxford PH.D delivers for us every night.
3. Call in a Computer expert who happens to be a Democrat, and check for back door viruses on your computer systems.
4. Sweep the White House and all your Departments for bugs and sophisticated surveillance apparatus. Do it on a regular basis. Since you haven't reversed "warrantless" wiretapping, you do know AT&T, etc. are listening in on you, your Department heads, and your friends.
5. Huddle with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and come up with an effective way to deal with these banks and banking executives.
6. Get a little paranoid ... not "Nixon paranoid" ... just a little. Let Rahm do his job to help watch your back. It's beginning to look like you have some real enemies on Capitol Hill, etc. May I ask what Karl Rove is doing in his spare time?
7. There seems to be a huge communication problem between you and the mainstream media. I'm not sure if media is looking to Republicans for answers or that Republicans are seeking out media; doesn't really matter ... media is putting the Republican message out in front to the detriment of the American people. You've got to get as many back links on the Internet with your message. Your tech guys know what to do to keep your message front and center ... to drown out that irritating Republican mosquito-like noise.
*Fellow supporters of the President, stop watching the television [except for the Rachel Maddow Show], quit reading the Wall Street Journal, and right wing conservative media (unless you just want to find out what they're up to)
Click below for a list of Progressive media (yeah, the good stuff):
Guys, I'm exhausted ... I think I'm going to take a vacation for about 4 days and get some much needed rest. Catch you later!
Somebody keep the faith while I'm gone.
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President Obama has been in office just 15 days and right-wing and Main Stream Media and the Republican Party are already trying to re-label the Bush/Republican policies and Bush/Republican debacles as “Obama’s _”.
I just heard reference to Afghanistan being “Obama’s Vietnam”. Guys, Obama didn’t create any of this mess. He was just sworn into office 15 days ago … He’s been handed this mess; and the American people voted for a Democrat to fix the mess.
And why does it appear that Mainstream Media is giving more air time to Republicans and appearing to agree with their views by not challenging the veracity of Republican statements?
The Republican Party, the people who created this mess, now want to tell you that what the President is doing to try to fix this mess is better handled by them (again, the creators of the mess).
Unfortunately, Mainstream Media who seems to have been brainwashed into believing Republicans know best … yeah, the very media who weren’t minding the store, when the economy started to crumble and then “blew up”, are now trying to take your mind off of “their failings” and make everything Obama’s fault. Unbelievable!
So what do we have at the moment? It’s looking more and more like a Mainstream Media/Republican conspiracy. Ok, ... maybe not an out an out conspiracy, but this just doesn't smell right.

Next discussion:
David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan…….. the David Duke who mainstream media never reported racist statements coming from him regarding the appointments of Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State or Ms. Rice’s predecessor Colin Powell …. suddenly Duke's upset with the Republican Party because the RNC elected an African American chairman?. Look the Republican Party has always had some African Americans in their Party. Did David Duke abandon the Party? No! Who’s fooling who?
Before the election of Michael Steele, I emailed House Republicans and Senate Republicans (see previous posts) and asked them this question: "Why are racists and malcontents attracted to the Republican Party? "-
Not wanting that label (even though it’s true), they go (kicking and screaming) and elect Michael Steele.
We believe some Republican Party leaders went to the “Almighty Supreme Republican Racist” Duke and asked him to say something to make it appear that the Republican Party has changed so much that the racists are suddenly not attracted to the party anymore because of the election of Michael Steele. What makes this whole thing seem contrived … is that Duke called Steele a racist. Clever guys, but how stupid do you think we are?