Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Mr. President,
Your approval rating is down, not because you're doing a lousy job; but because you're dancing around and palling around with Republicans.
If we wanted a bunch of Republicans, we would have voted Republican. Don't you get it? They are the distractions Americans don't want.
[I don't mean to disparage all Republicans, just their policies and many of their ideological arguments. -smile]
I know you're working hard. You probably don't need any more criticism, but if your friends can't give you a reality check, then you're out here all by yourself.
It's time for serious "hardball"; roll those sleeves up some more and get your base together and rally those Governors who support you and lean on whoever you have to ... to get the job done.
Call out the troops, Mr. President! We're here!
More suggestions to the President:
1. Call Christiane Amanpour and have a chat about what's going on around the Globe (Did you miss Christiane's and Fareed's special this past weekend?)
2. Watch the Rachel Maddow Show every night. Ms. Oxford PH.D delivers for us every night.
3. Call in a Computer expert who happens to be a Democrat, and check for back door viruses on your computer systems.
4. Sweep the White House and all your Departments for bugs and sophisticated surveillance apparatus. Do it on a regular basis. Since you haven't reversed "warrantless" wiretapping, you do know AT&T, etc. are listening in on you, your Department heads, and your friends.
5. Huddle with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and come up with an effective way to deal with these banks and banking executives.
6. Get a little paranoid ... not "Nixon paranoid" ... just a little. Let Rahm do his job to help watch your back. It's beginning to look like you have some real enemies on Capitol Hill, etc. May I ask what Karl Rove is doing in his spare time?
7. There seems to be a huge communication problem between you and the mainstream media. I'm not sure if media is looking to Republicans for answers or that Republicans are seeking out media; doesn't really matter ... media is putting the Republican message out in front to the detriment of the American people. You've got to get as many back links on the Internet with your message. Your tech guys know what to do to keep your message front and center ... to drown out that irritating Republican mosquito-like noise.
*Fellow supporters of the President, stop watching the television [except for the Rachel Maddow Show], quit reading the Wall Street Journal, and right wing conservative media (unless you just want to find out what they're up to)
Click below for a list of Progressive media (yeah, the good stuff):
Guys, I'm exhausted ... I think I'm going to take a vacation for about 4 days and get some much needed rest. Catch you later!
Somebody keep the faith while I'm gone.
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