Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who Does John Montello, Law Director for the City of Maple Heights Really Work For?

It's beginning to be a mystery to us as to who John Montello (Maple Heights Law Director) actually works for; considering that the taxpayers of Maple Heights (his employer) pay his salary.  [Remember, this was Mayor Jeffrey Lansky's choice for law director]  He recently put out a legal opinion regarding what he deems a vacancy in city council with the death of Richard Taylor, who just recently won the seat of council person in district 5.  Mr. Taylor who had been ill for quite awhile, never was sworn into office.  

District 5 residents are now becoming aware of Mr. Taylor's passing, and where that leaves them in regards to representation.

NEWS FLASH ... according to the law director, it appears the residents of Maple Heights (district 5) will have literally nothing to say about who will represent them for the next .. what?.. 2 years?.

Is this the attorney who helped negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with the police union, where it looks like police officers in Maple Heights would still only be paying $20 individual/ $40 family for their monthly health insurance premiums (dental and vision care are included in that small premium they are paying)?

In case you forgot what Maple Heights residents are dealing with financially and racially, see our other posts regarding Maple Heights.

Will the law director try to confuse or intimidate the residents of district 5 with legal minutia. (Well,  ... in our "non-legal" opinion, haven't his actions already done that)?   

Regardless of what the law director puts out, it's just his legal opinion (emphasis on "opinion").  Only district 5 residents matter here.  They have to live with the consequences of his actions, and the actions of the Mayor of Maple Heights and Maple Heights City Council.  

What's important is... are the actions [of Maple Heights City Council, and the city law director] ... unconstitutional?  Do their actions violate district 5 residents civil and political rights (constitutional rights) regardless of what's in the city charter?  

Come to think of it, .... are sections of Maple Heights City Charter unconstitutional; or is the whole charter unconstitutional? [Update: Gee Mr. Mayor, have you no sense of humor - lighten up.  Also, just who do you think wrote this post? Do you have ESP or do you have spies lurking around?  Careful, you might be letting the "cat out of the bag".]

What's definitely not funny in any way, shape, or form ... is that this law director, and this city council appear to be using Maple Heights resident's money (yes, that includes the residents of district 5), to disenfranchise them.  We'll say it again, ... use his employer's money to disenfranchise his employers.  Unbelievable!

Bear with us (cause we just thought of this) ... Did this law director go looking (digging) for (1924) case law  ... that (in effect) resulted in the residents of district 5 (his employers) being stripped of their right to vote for their own representative in council? 
The employees of Maple Heights government need to tread lightly ... cause their employers (the residents of district 5) are getting very upset.

Let's look at three wiki articles regarding voting rights:

    Under Jurisdictional Differences/United States, paragraph 2
        (note paragraph 5, in Montello's legal opinion - appears to be targeting one individual in particular 
         (but also targets 1 particular group) in that paragraph - this opens up a "whole can of worms".
         Interesting what Ron Paul says about our military and court system (and he's not wrong about that,
         though we don't like his views about the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

    15th Amendment

    Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Interesting Wiki article (1) Interesting Wiki article regarding segregation in Ohio (2)
        [The leadership (where the power rests) in Maple Heights is predominantly white -  actually, the heads of almost every department are white - most  high salaried positions are held by whites (who may or may not live in Maple Heights); Maple Heights District 5 is predominantly African American, and 70+% of Maple Heights population are non-white]

History of Maple Heights (population, etc)

Addendum: The use of the 1924 case law by this law director, could be construed by members of council, as an act of intimidation ... that if they do not go along with the leadership and majority rule, they could find their seats declared vacant too.



Nicole Gamble said...

Exactly the piece of information I was looking for! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

That act of intimidation? WOW