Tuesday, March 31, 2009


If you've been following this blog, you know that I'm constantly talking about labor (the working class, which includes blue and white collar workers). I'm obsessed with closing the income gap between middle income workers and the upper 10% of people who control 80% of the wealth. I am thrilled by the events of today. If you recall, I said, this is a government of the people, by the people ... ; not a government of the Corporations.
Read "The Caucus" post:
If Josh Lyman were the “acting president’s” Rahm Emanuel on TV’s now-defunct show, “The West Wing,” then perhaps Toby Ziegler would be David Axelrod.

At least that’s what the former actors, Bradley Whitford and Richard Schiff, suggested today as they appeared at the opposite end of Pennsylvania Avenue on Capitol Hill to promote union-organizing legislation that is, for the time being, stalled in Congress despite an extremely high-pitched public relations battle on both sides.

And their remarks were particularly partisan. After joking that he couldn’t really be Mr. Emanuel because he wasn’t allowed to swear in his television roles, Mr. Whitford remembered that it would’ve been the 82nd birthday of Cesar Chavez, former head of the United Farm Workers. (And owner of the Si, Se Puede chant adopted by President Obama during his campaign, as the president noted in a statement today.)

“I promise you on the lives of my children we will never ever celebrate Grover Norquist day,” Mr. Whitford said, referring to the conservative Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform. “It’s just not going to happen.”

The actors spent quite a bit of time promoting what’s known as the Employee Free Choice Act, legislation that would allow for easier organizing by workers. Strong opposition by business lobbies and Republicans has helped stall the issue, as the Senate and the House wade through other measures like the $787 billion stimulus package and the $3.6 trillion budget.

In his short talk today, Martin Sheen, the former President Bartlet on the TV show, alluded to the recent pronouncements by or ambivalence of several senators, including Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California. He called her reluctance to support the legislation a “disappointment,” as well as the decision by Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, to oppose it. The waverings by other Democrats and moderate Republicans have effectively squelched the bill for now in the Senate, which does not have the votes to move forward.

The actor often quoted scripture in his TV role, and he invoked a little parable today about fighting hard enough to bear scars, and told the supporting audience, “This is by far not a lost cause.”

As for his own union credentials, Mr. Sheen said that he began life as a caddy at a golf club in Dayton, Ohio, where he and his fellow workers founded what he later learned was the first caddy union in the United States. It didn’t last very long, he added.

After the event today, Mr. Whitford, who is on the board of American Rights at Work, the organization sponsoring the event today, and Martin Sheen, the “acting president,” hopped off one of the trams that run between buildings and wended their way through the basement of the Senate side of the Capitol building. The two were also meeting with various members of Congress. (Video of the news conference here. )

Before the actors even began their advocacy this morning, the opposition (via the prolific fingers of Danny Diaz) emailed statements poking at the event.

“Today’s event on Capitol Hill with actors who played fictional political powerbrokers addressing a fictional problem is like a work of fiction that would be better suited for a comedy if their proposed ‘solution’ wasn’t so devastating to our nation’s economy,” said Katie Packer, executive director of the Workforce Fairness Institute. “Job creators don’t need policy prescriptions from out-of-touch, Hollywood elite who want to drive up costs and encourage a hostile takeover of American small businesses.”
New York Times blog post

Thursday, March 26, 2009


CNN's viewership must be off, because why would they try to stir up trouble by saying America's patience may be wearing thin with President Obama? His administration has been around, what, about 65 days. Come on CNN do you really think Americans are buying into your ridiculous rantings?

Another headline for everyone .... Guess what? .... come on guess ..... ok I'll tell you

The REPUBLICAN PARTY is still the Party of "NO"; and now it's the Party of RUSH; the Party of CHENEY; and the Party AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Bipartisanship? Forgive me, but who keeps saying "NO" to the President's very popular agenda and THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? Yep, you've got it ... the REPUBLICAN PARTY!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


FedEx has some nerve coming out against the Employee Free Choice Act [EFCA]. Never in my life time have I seen such a concerted effort by corporations to block Unions. What does this tell us? It simply means that big business does not want to pay workers fair wages; and it also says that they presently like their corporate structure where the CEO's and management at the top want to keep their inflated, bloated compensation and bonuses and stock options, while the people who truly make these businesses prosper receive an unfair wage.

If you'd like to voice your opinion about what FedEx is doing (threatening to cancel Boeing jet orders [what amounts to legal extortion] if EFCA is enacted) call FedEx CEO, President and Chairman Frederick W. Smith and tell him you're going to take your business elsewhere if he keeps opposing the Employee Free Choice Act. FedEx is a bully and that kind of business and those kinds of tactics are deplorable.

This is Mr. Smith's corporate phone number to voice your disgust with FedEx threatening Boeing. Tell them that their interference in a legal process is evidence that they are a deplorable and an unethical company and you will take your business elsewhere:

The Corporate Address:
FedEx Corporation942 South Shady Grove Road, Memphis, TN 38120


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was pissed before, now I’m … just can’t find the words for how disgusted I am. CNBC Erin Burnett is interviewing Gerald Lipkin, CEO of Valley National Bank, and John Koelmel, CEO of [big ole] First Niagara Bank, who received TARP money but said they didn’t need it. They said they just took it to help the government unfreeze the credit market and lend money to the folks on main street. If you’re a healthy bank, then you can give out loans w/o TARP money. Right?

Next, Lipkin and Koelmel are upset because they don’t want their compensation and bonuses messed with. Erin Burnett shows a great deal of sympathy for these “poor little ole banks” [which aren’t poor by any stretch of the imagination].

Well, let’s examine this. For the sake of clarity, I’m going to call TARP money taxpayer money.

These banks are doing just great, yet they take tax payer money which supposedly will allow them to extend more loans than they would have w/o it. These banks also got bigger by acquiring other banks [do we really want bigger banks?].
Erin Burnett failed to ask some very pertinent questions. CNBC business as usual.
Since they didn't ask, we have to; and, we’ve got to take a peek at all these banks' books and whatever else might be lurking out of regulator range.

Let’s see who wins here:
These healthy banks are potentially going to make a lot of money with the tax-payers money. Is the tax-payer going to get a share in the real profits in proportion to the amount of money these banks received; or will the banks be hiding something so we don’t get our fair share?

Now they say they’re going to give (perhaps tax-payer funded) bonuses to employees (on top of their regular salaries) because they did such a fine job with tax payers’ money (even though they didn’t need the money). I don’t even like that scenario, but let’s see what happens if we find out down the line that these loan officers and underwriters (and other high paid employees) did a really lousy job and the loans went bad.

Even more horrifying: What if First Niagara is involved in a mini AIG-type scandal? FNB owns an insurance brokerage and Gramm-Leach-Bliley and the Commodities Futures Modernization Act still have not been repealed, ... right? They’ve already got the bonus, and perhaps we’ve also been scammed. How screwed are we?
Is this whole thing starting to stink a little, … a lot?

More on Wall Street:
Let’s take a closer look at Wall Street and AIG:
The Big Takeover
Elizabeth Warren – [Nowhere to go but down]

Monday, March 23, 2009


I wasn't going to get on the computer today, but I'm really pissed off. I'm listening to the President of the World Bank, Mr. Robert Zoellick , who was previously managing director of Goldman Sachs and former Vice President of Fannie Mae. During 1999, Zoellick served on a panel that offered Enron executives briefings on economic and political issues. "In the 2000 U.S. presidential election campaign, Zoellick served as a foreign policy advisor to George W. Bush as part of a group, led by Condoleezza Rice, that called itself The Vulcans. James Baker designated him as his second-in-command — "a sort of chief operating officer or chief of staff" — in the 36-day battle over recounting the vote in Florida.[11]" You can read about Zoellick on wikipedia.
Mr. Zoellick's past is more than a little scary to me. I heard him on C-SPAN2 this morning. He was talking about the G20 meeting coming up and his conversation turned to the CEO's of major corporations, etc.
This is my major criticism of these groups (G8, G20, World Bank, etc.) and most politicians and major corporations; that criticism is that labor is left out of almost every discussion. Labor has virtually no representation at all.
Without labor, there is no corporation. What's equally frustrating is that white collar and blue collar labor (management will not be part of these groups) are always at odds. One group thinks it's better than the other group while both groups are getting screwed.
There has always been a concerted effort by the power players to keep labor fractured. ALWAYS! God forbid that they join together as a cohesive group around the world asking for an equal share of the wealth. Wise-up labor. You consistently point fingers at the wrong people instead of forming a united front ... a united labor organization. Do you really want to go back to business as usual? Cause that's where we are headed right now!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


The greatest of men have always been dreamers. Dreamers with a profound vision for the future … your Henry Fords, your Martin Luther Kings.

Every day they woke up with their dream, with their vision. You felt something special when they walked into a room. There was a passion in their eyes and a compelling tone in their voice.

They also were architects, they laid out their plans from beginning to end … then they built a model and displayed it.

When Dr. King spoke it was with strength and conviction. His oratory sent chills down your spine and he lifted you up and you traveled with him thru his dream. You wanted to be part of the dream, his vision.

Dr. King laid out the perils and pitfalls, let you know that the sacrifices would be great … but you were willing to take the chance to be part of something great … something so great, so magnificent, that it would change the course of history and bring opportunity and a better way of life for our children and mankind. Then he put his plan into action.

I remember meeting Dr. King right after he had delivered one of his moving speeches. He had a faraway look in his eyes … like he was dreaming right there in front of me. Sounds weird … but I swear I saw the dream.

Mr. President, Do you have a model of what the future looks like? Do you have a picture of what you see?

If it’s a modern railway system … can you show America what it looks like? Can you show what a modern school looks like … inside and out? What are the students doing? Are they in a classroom working on a project that will revolutionize … (you finish the idea)?

Show us the model (in pictures, in holograms, 3D designs, and a mini movie, whatever).

What do modern day factories look like? What are the workers doing … building solar panels? … Walk us thru your dream. Show us your dream/your vision, the design, the model. Tell us/show us how it can enhance our lives, our children’s lives. Tell us how it will change the course of history and bring peace and prosperity … a testament to America’s greatness and goodness and ingenuity.

If the dream is big enough, so awesome, so compelling, so life changing; people will follow you … travel with you. They will want to be part of that dream.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's time people! I thought those guys in Washington had abandoned the Working Class/Middle Class. It appears that the President hasn't. The President is asking us to stand behind him and urge our representatives to vote for his budget.
Call or email your representatives and tell them to vote for the President's budget.
Let them know if they don't vote for it, you may not vote them back into office.
Please turn off/pause music player to the right of the page before starting this video.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've heard so many people express their ignorance about finance; so today, I'm doing a financial education series: Commodities, Derivatives, Credit Default Swaps, and the Federal Reserve.


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-Henry Ford
"Banking was conceived in iniquity, and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen, they will create enough deposits, to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits."

-Lewis vs. United States, 680 F. 2d 1239 9th Circuit 1982
"Those who create and issue money and credit direct the policies of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people."

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802) 3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)
[The] Bank of the United States... is one of the most deadly hostility existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution... An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so hostile?



Joe Scarborough of "Morning Joe" is at it again. What you ask? ... Talking about things he is completely clueless about.
He has Congressman John Shadegg on his program and says that Shadegg needs to be a leader in the Republican Party because Shadegg initially came out against the bailout as did many Democrats.
Well ya'll, who caved on voting for the bailout? ... yep, John Shadegg.
Then he brings out Senator Bayh a moderate Democrat ... a ConservaDem (God help us)... saying moderates are going to reform things [more like obstruct].* Other ConservaDems have been discovered as obstructionists ... Mary Landrieu and Mark Begich.
Remember my previous post? I'm pissed! The politicians in the United States of America will cause the WORKING CLASS to disappear with their dribble. Starting with Reagan, we've been seeing a decline in class upward mobility. The politicians whose only concern is getting re-elected have sold out labor.
Currently, the United States has the greatest income inequality among developed nations.[84][94]
[2006 statistics] The top 1% pays 27.6% of all federal taxes; the top 10% pays 54.7%.[95] Wealth, like income, is highly concentrated: The richest 10% of the adult population possesses 69.8% of the country's household wealth, the second-highest share among developed nations.[96] The top 1% possesses 33.4% of net wealth.[97]; and basically, the top 2% control 80% of the wealth.
First you have Republican deregulation, now you've got a bunch of Democratic moderates who say they want to modernize financial regulations [uh uh] and tighten their right-leaning spending belts at the worst time since "The Great Depression".
I don't know about ya'll, but I think I'm moving to Denmark. I'll write later.
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About 3 minutes, 59 seconds into this video is where
you will hear Rachel talking about Bayh and the ConservaDems.
This is getting ugly!

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Americans have bought into a lie and cling to it despite all evidence to the contrary.
Americans seem to think that there is more class upward mobility in the United States than there is in other industrialized Nations that have large welfare states.*** Well, their belief is not supported by the facts.
Doesn't surprise me at all. Americans have been listening to the **wrong people for a long time and buying into an ideology that is designed to keep most Americans less mobile. **[There have been more Republican administrations than Democratic administrations.]
I had hoped we were smarter. Probably Americans had the mistaken notion about upward mobility because of the availability of credit cards and refinancing which allowed them to run up a "shameful" amount of debt for things they could not afford ... giving the illusion of being well off or living comfortably.
I would bet, that if these Americans who feel that there is more upward mobility in the United States than elsewhere, would gladly go back into "suck the life out of you" debt just to make a point ... a stupid point ... but Americans are stubborn and so easily "snowed".
Below are graphs which show where Americans stand vs citizens in northern European countries in regards to upward mobility. Americans also have the highest crime rates, the most pollution, the fattest people, the least educated, the most people in prisons, the most people without health care, and we make less money per productivity gains. All this evidence and we still cling to a false belief that countries with large "welfare states" are just horrible and don't allow for upward mobility.


So here's the evidence, but I would bet that the "Americans for Prosperity" would deny it ... even looking at the truth ... that's how deluded most Americans are.
From: "Surveys: Americans grip to Individualism in Economic Storm"
"Not only do voters continue to be convinced, by large majorities, that they, and not government or big corporations, control their own destinies in the midst of the current recession, but they do so despite more long-term evidence suggesting that there is less class mobility in the United States than in most Northern European countries, or in Canada, and that U.S. wages have not kept up with productivity gains for the past three decades.
This conviction underpins the long-standing American hostility to a full-fledged welfare state -- along the lines of many European countries -- and underpins the lack of a strong socialist tradition in the US. It also shapes the debate over policies to deal with the current recession, including the Obama administration's rejection of bank nationalization."

Update November 10, 2010
How the Wealthy Organized to Rip Everyone Else off -- And What You Can Do to Stop It | | AlterNet by Maria Armoudian

*Survey of 2119 respondents conducted by the Democratic firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies for the Pew Economic Mobility Project
***Denmark has a free market capitalist economy, and a large welfare state,[3]. It ranks according to one measure as having the world's highest level of income equality.
"Norway has a Scandinavian welfare model and the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation."
"The French healthcare system was ranked first worldwide by the World Health Organization in 1997.[54] It is almost entirely free for people affected by chronic diseases (Affections de longues durées) such as cancers, AIDS or Cystic Fibrosis. Average life expectancy at birth is 79.73 years."

Monday, March 16, 2009


This video tells it all. I don't have to say another word.



Read recently that American support for the stimulus was dwindling. They sited a poll from the Pew Research Center. The Americans who are now questioning the stimulus have been brainwashed by the "chatter" of Republicans, the conservative Americans for Prosperity and others, and polls from "think tanks" like the PEW Research Center .
I don't want to call those Americans [who listen to chatter] ignorant, but anyone who listens to a Republican, whose entire mission in life is to embrace a laissez-faire attitude towards business (whether its oil, weapons, health insurance companies, financial services corporations, or corporations that pollute the air, etc.) and pass laws so that Big Business flourishes [and then they cripple labor by opposing fair labor laws], is being misled every step of the way.
Republicans are so concerned about government becoming too big and tightening spending, they never get around to addressing the deep-rooted problems facing every American and their children.
They never addressed global warming, which is now in crisis stage ... allowing Big Business to pollute our air ... giving them tax breaks even though they were and are killing us and our children.
Republicans screamed "hands off" when it came to health insurance companies; and therefore let abuses and greed go unchecked while American's health suffered and people died because they could not afford health insurance and/or medicine. If you couldn't afford health insurance or the high cost of your life-saving medicine, well too bad ... not their problem.
Republicans came up with laws that gave the financial services industry carte blanche ... and we see where that got us. [PHIL GRAMM, GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT] Democrats eventually went along with Gramm-Leach-Bliley.
Republicans hate regulation. They believe in letting the markets take care of themselves. This laissez-faire attitude allowed derivatives and credit default swaps to go unrestrained and unregulated. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which allowed corporations to get bigger and bigger, and the lack of regulation, allowed a company like AIG to spread and entrench their tentacles multi-nationally so that now we have little idea how to untangle this "multinational economic ticking time bomb".
And this is part of Republican ideology people ... and it can be a life threatening ideology. Whenever you hear someone oppose the President's plans, look at the companies and people behind the opposition.
The President wants this Nation to move into the 21st century and a "Green Economy" ... what everyone (world-wide) recognizes that this is the direction we have to go. The Big Oil/Natural Gas corporations don't want you to do this. So, I'm going to ask you to look at who's behind the PEW Research Center. Who do you see? Right, big oil ... Sun Oil. Who's behind Americans for Prosperity? Guess who's opposing "cap and trade" and their spurious reasoning behind it?
Wake up ... Wake up ... Wake up People!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Last week we published our first "Going Green" web page. We happened to catch Van Jones, founder of "Green for All" on Laura Flander's GritTV. The video piece is dated October 14, 2008, but it is so relevant for today. Van Jones was on the panel of the first meeting of the "Middle Class Task Force" held in Philadelphia, February 27, 2009. He is also the Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).
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This afternoon I watched the Republican Weekly Address [Chuck Grassley] on C-SPAN. It was supposed to be a response to the President's weekly address; however, today the President talked about his pick for FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION and talked about keeping our food safe, etc.
What was the Republican response? There wasn't a response to the President's address, it was ... yep, you guessed it, same old stuff. They are consistent ... I'll give them that.
They talked about the same old tax policies; then I heard them gripe about spending as usual.
They didn't talk cost/benefit or cost/savings as either. So, does the Republican Party have any new ideas. NO! NO! NO!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Of all the “MOTHER LOVING” gall. Jamie Dimon, “Let them Eat Cake” CEO of JPMorgan Chase (one of the first to make his investment bank a bank holding company who could partake of bailout money) – and now the largest of the bank holding companies – is crying “crocodile tears”, saying we’re picking on “poor little” corporations.
HEY MR. BAILOUT RECIPIENT, weren’t you guys involved in Enron lawsuits?
Weren’t you also the protégé of Sandy Weill, former CEO of Citigroup; and wasn’t Citigroup also involved in the Enron scandal?
Is it a wonder why we don’t trust you or your buddies?
The arrogance of these guys is mindboggling!

FRONTLINE: meltdown - financial crisis timeline | PBS
JPMorgan Chase CEO Says Financial Crisis Will End When We All Stop Picking on Corporations | The Washington Independent by Mary Kane, March 11, 2009
Dimon in the Rough | The Magazine | Vanity Fair April 2011, Graydon Carter

Thursday, March 12, 2009


"Embattled financial giant Citigroup Inc., which has received at least $50 billion in federal bailout funds, hosted a private conference call on Wednesday to build opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act.
The call, which came just one day after the labor-backed legislation was introduced in Congress, represents a growing effort on Citi's behalf to air concerns about the bill, which would make it easier for employees to organize. On Tuesday, the bank
downgraded Wal-Mart's rating over fears that the Employee Free Choice Act could pass.
Wednesday's conference call was led by Glenn Spencer, a senior executive at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and an ardent EFCA opponent. It was promoted as "An Update on the Employee Free Choice Act," but much of the content was focused on demonizing the legislation. EFCA will "inhibit flexibility," "hamper companies from competing effectively," and prove "cumbersome" for business, declared Spencer. "From the Chamber's perspective, and I would say probably from the whole business communities perspective, there are really no amendments you could make to this bill that would make it acceptable."
The lines of attack from the Chamber official were familiar. But Citigroup's participation, led by retail analyst Deborah Weinswig, raised some eyebrows. The bank has received ample taxpayer-funded aid through the TARP program, leading some to question whether rallying support for an anti-union effort was the best use of its time or that money.
"Everyone should recognize that when we are talking about Citigroup here, the emperor has no clothes," said Dan Pedrotty, director of the Office of Investment at the AFL-CIO. "You have a company surviving on taxpayer largess weighing in against workers who want to improve their lives.""
Story by Sam Stein, March 12, 2009
see entire story here:
My response to Citigroup this morning:
"I am deeply troubled by your efforts to derail the Employee Free choice Act. Last year Citigroup settled the last lawsuit surrounding Enron, then you feign financial trouble with your company; next you're taking bailout money, and now I find out you are engaged in conference calls with a host of people telling them about so-called evils of EFCA.
I'm ashamed of you people. Something tells me that you guys are behind the whole economic crisis. Trying to reset wages and ward off unionizing.
I will do everything in my power to spread the word about you people. I am outraged.


We love this. We email the President, email MSNBC's "Morning Joe" with Joe Scarborough (see previous post-"CAN YOU REALLY TRUST CABLE NEWS"), then everybody gets involved with CNBC and Jim Cramer and Joe Scarborough.

Hey, you need to understand this NBC ... the people are not going to stand for your sheinanigans anymore. Your night-time MSNBC slots and a few others like Andrea Mitchell are the only decent things you do. Get your crap together losers!
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009





MSNBC continues to use misleading charts suggesting Obama is responsible for Dow's decline.

Summary: In the past few days, MSNBC has repeatedly used misleading graphics of the Dow Jones industrial average showing a decline since the beginning of November 2008, suggesting that the drop started with the election of President Obama. In fact, the Dow was on a downward trajectory months before the election, dropping 3,738 points from May 2, 2008, to November 3, 2008.


Contrary to the suggestion that the Dow started to decline with the election of Obama, the Dow from October 2007 to the present shows a downward trajectory occurring before Election Day:

As Media Matters has noted, other media outlets, including Bloomberg News and FoxNews.com, have echoed this misleading claim, which also has been highlighted by Matt Drudge.


Monday, March 9, 2009


I've beaten up cable news and commentary today and a while back, so it is my pleasure to congratulate CNN, MSNBC 1600 and CHRIS MATTHEWS today for balanced objective news reporting and commentary. We'll be keeping a watch on cable and lend our comments on how they perform regarding responsible and fair reporting. Unfortunately, we cannot give high marks to FOX news or Chris Plante. Sorry.


I was getting sick of cable "so-called" news channels and other "cable chatter" crap that seemed to be aimed at "putting down" the President and his policies. I was also incensed by their reckless and irresponsible commentary on the economy.
I truly felt their comments helped to create an atmosphere of pessimism and thus affected Wall Street's performance. In effect manipulating the market. Anyway, I emailed the SEC and FINRA last Friday (slightly after midnight). Here is what I said:
"I'm extremely upset by what I'm hearing on CNBC and from the people who appear on CNBC and other cable channels.

The DOW, NASDAQ, etc. are driven by confidence in the market. If you have irresponsible people calling the President of the US a Communist, telling people that the President is destroying the wealth in this country and directing people to buy certain stocks, and/or where to buy these stocks, isn't that manipulating the market? Do these people have a license to do what they're doing? Isn't what they're doing against the law? If not, why not?

Look, if a securities rep wants to sell me something, he has to meet me face to face, ask about my assets and liabilities, short and long range goals, and find out what kind of risk (market, inflation, etc.) I'm willing to take. This person is bound by securities laws. Those laws are in place to protect the consumer.

Well, right now, I'm not being protected ... you're allowing Jim Cramer and others and media conglomerates to control/manipulate the markets. They are not meeting face to face with anyone, asking pertinent financial questions and ascertaining risk ... they are causing uncertainty and panic. This is irresponsible and criminal.

Right now, in this moment ... the American people need you to set boundaries with these people, etc. "

I also emailed MSNBC "Morning Joe" around 8am that Friday morning letting them know I had emailed the SEC. I'm shocked, but right after that, their tone changed and Jim Cramer did a complete about face that evening. Good for them.
Today, however, Joe Scarborough decided to strike out at Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and then made some stupid remark about Congress spending a trillion dollars a day. Following the "Morning Joe" program they said some people didn't like Michelle Obama's sleeveless dresses. Oh please ... give me a break. Then they bring on Warren Buffet who says the President needs to be clearer about his message and focus just on the economy. MSNBC then talks about how the markets were concerned because they didn't know if the President was going to nationalize the banks.
First, we know that media had a lot to do with pessimism on Wall Street. Second, what this is about is a bunch of rich folks who own large blocks of shares in various large banks who are concerned about the price of their shares.
Let's see ... could those people be stakeholders and the management of cable channels and perhaps Warren Buffet (he loves insurance companies - bet he wasn't crazy about AIG) and his cronies. Clearly Mr. Buffet is not perfect given some of the wrong moves and decisions he's made with his own company. Does Buffet care about the rest of us or just his company; and does he want Obama to take the blame for this economy and Berkshire's recent performance rather than assign it [where it belongs] to Wall Street/big banks/investment firms and himself?
[From: "I Blame Warren Buffet" By Rick Aristotle Munarriz
"However, he's also not perfect. As an investor, Buffett is coming off his worst performance -- in absolute terms -- during his 44 years at the helm of Berkshire Hathaway. Sure, he beat the market, but only because he bled less.
He owns up to his mistakes. In discussing his unfortunate decision to buy into ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) when he did, Buffett concedes that "the terrible timing of my purchase has cost Berkshire several billion dollars" in his latest annual shareholder letter.
It's more than that, though. Berkshire Hathaway's book value fell by 9.6% in 2008. There are 14 stocks in which Berkshire Hathaway has stakes worth at least $500 million, but positions that make up less than 20% of the respective companies. Half of those closed out the year worth less than the amount of money that Buffett has put in."]
People can we see what's happening here ... cable is striking back because finally someone is calling for them to be accountable for what they say and how they need to be more responsible in their reporting? Warren Buffet has now become cable's "mouth-piece"; and they are playing his words over and over again.
I think you will see in the weeks ahead that cable media will try to pit Republicans against Democrats and vice versa; and will try to destroy the Democrats plans to make this a Nation that cares about the Middle Class. We've now achieved "class warfare".
They'll also be trotting out more mouth-pieces to lay blame at President Obama's feet, never realizing (or perhaps not caring) that they are manipulating the market.
People let your Democratic leaders know you support them; and don't allow a bunch of rich media conglomerates deflect attention away from them by trying to create "congressional warfare", as well as "class warfare".
We voted for Democrats because we knew they defended the working class and the poor (the majority of Americans). Focus people!
Let's face it ... ratings drive these huge conglomerates and ugly news reporting is a ratings booster. Beware of all deliverers of news and shy away from right-wing commentary ... please.
Kudos to "Morning Joe" for having William Cohan on to talk about his book "House of Cards A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street"