Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Okay, I plead guilty to going ballistic after hearing about the backroom deals that the White House took part in early on. It seems they decided to not really fix the broken healthcare system we have. They decided (or Rahm Emanuel decided) instead to go with a pro-health insurance industry, health insurance (so called reform) package and call it healthcare reform … eventually the healthcare reform label became health insurance reform.

Now that the jig is up and everyone knows about the deals cut by the White House, the White House is saying “you guys have this all wrong”. They claim what the Senate has done is true health (insurance) reform. At least they’re not calling it healthcare reform (or did you guys hear something else?).

The White House caused a firestorm when Gibbs crucified Dr. Dean (former Chairman of the DNC, and the voice of the progressives who has been fighting for real healthcare reform for quite some time); calling Dr. Dean’s criticisms of the Senate bill as insanity or something to that effect.

Then Senator Rockefeller chimed in and holy hell broke loose on the liberal blogosphere; and I was, and still am, extremely angry at the White House.

Where does that leave things today? Who knows. I’m sure the White House will try to “pull a rabbit out of a hat” and come up with something that they think will appease people who are angry at the White House and various members of Congress.
You'll also be seeing more and more members of Congress talking about what a great Senate bill they have, and how wonderful it will be for so many people.

The president has said (according to Gibbs) that next year, the president plans to pay less attention to criticism of his handling of things. … okay …

You can read my previous post for links to some informative articles regarding the healthcare debate and backroom deals by the White House.

If I don’t post before Christmas, have a fantastic holiday.
PS: Guys I wrote this post this morning, this afternoon I read a post from Drew Westen. I thought I was the only one who felt this way about the president. You ask ... which way? ...

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Ben Nelson, the mouth-piece for the sex-scandal ridden Catholic Church has decided (after getting what he wanted) to vote for the (currently) seriously compromised Senate healthcare bill (which is a gift to the publicly traded health insurance industry), while nobody knows what Senator Webb will do.
In the meantime, the tea partiers and the progressives are mad as hell at their own parties; and they are in full fighting mode, trying to decide who they will get to run against the traitors in their party come 2010 and 2012.
Let's face it, the majority of the Republicans and all but 30 or so Democrats in the Senate are bought and paid for by corporate interests (that includes the Catholic Church).
The House Democrats want to keep their majority; however, those representatives better get their act together, cause their progressive base is foaming at the mouth.
Truly both the tea partiers and the progressives are fed up with most politicians who appear to be more concerned about their own welfare.
One out of 6 Americans live in poverty. The Middle Class is disappearing; 1% of the population control 90% to 95% of the wealth in this country, and that 90-95% group does not include tea partiers or most progressives.
The tea partiers blame immigrants, moderate Republicans and the government for their misfortune; while progressives see the banks, corporate executives and lobbyists as the true culprits.
One thing is clear, neither group is happy, and both think it's time to clean both houses of Congress.

Update November 10, 2010
How the Wealthy Organized to Rip Everyone Else off -- And What You Can Do to Stop It | | AlterNet by Maria Armoudian

Bill Moyers Journal - Matt Taibbi, Robert Kuttner
Conservatives grab for tea party cash (Gee, I hope the tea partiers don't mind being used by the very people they supposedly hate)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ben Nelson Gets His Marching Orders from Sex Scandal Ridden Catholic Church, and it appears it's all about the Money

“It's not enough that Catholic priests and bishops controlled and ruined the lives of many young altar boys; now they want to control the lives and bodies of women.”
The Catholic Church keeps on digging itself deeper into their self-made hole, and are dragging a whole lot of lawmakers with them.
I’ll let you read for yourself the following news and wikipedia articles and blog posts:



Monday, December 7, 2009

Word to the Wise to Members of Congress regarding Abortion Amendments

We women come in all shapes and sizes and with different points of view. Some of us are pro-choice and some are pro-life; however, make no mistake, we don’t want men (or anyone for that matter) dictating and trying to control us (or our bodies), or telling us what doctor we can and cannot see, what treatments we can't have,  what hospitals we can and cannot go to, and what our health insurance should not cover.

For you women in Congress … word to the wise. Unless you start sticking up for us women, you will find yourself, along with your fellow male members of Congress, without your cushy seats in Congress.