Tuesday, September 29, 2009


And the right-wing and industry campaign to destroy ACORN continues. People, we need you to support ACORN. Donate to ACORN. Email your representatives to refund ACORN. Refuse to do business with Bank of America if it continues to refuse to work with ACORN. [And Bank of America ... haven't you ripped off and hurt enough people ... and we bailed you out?]
Our suggestion to ACORN employees ... there is nothing (we believe) that prevents you, as a private citizen, from working for the United States Census Bureau. You've probably already passed the test. The only difference is that you will be paid directly from the government. If the census bureau tries to add some clause (or has added a clause) that says employees of ACORN cannot (as private citizens) work for the Census Bureau, challenge it in court. We would also urge ACORN to get residents in their neighborhoods to sign up to be census workers.
ACORN, we here are on your side.

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

-David Iglesias Joins Maddow For "Truth About The Lies About ACORN" Segment (VIDEO)Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/28/david-iglesias-joins-madd_n_302433.html

Friday, September 25, 2009


You've got to know how really, really, really pissed I am at right wing media and conservatives who have been on a witch hunt for years to destroy the almost 40 year old grassroots organization called ACORN. I'm also mad at all but 75 House Democrats who have joined the Republicans in trying to defund ACORN.
Folks, these hypocrits in Congress who have joined with the biased and often hypocritical right-wing media (including the conservative Wall Street Journal), have decided to single out an organization that has done more good for low income and moderate income people, despite problems within the organization. An organization, by the way, that has is earnestly trying to address various problems within its Nationwide 1200 chapters.
In the meantime, fraud ridden companies like Lockheed Martin, Blackwater [Xe] and Northrop Grumman, continue to receive millions of taxpayers dollars daily. ACORN pales by comparison to the corruption, greed, fraud, horrendous and vile acts and crimes committed by Lockheed, Blackwater, Northrop, and many other contractors. I don't have the time or energy to list the crimes and corruption within the Bush administration [you can read those at The Long Goodbye]. Many of those individuals and organizations implicated, still go unpunished to this day.
When are we going to wake up people! Money, power, and greed often corrupt politicians in Washington. ACORN is to be commended that it has lasted this long under the constant scrutiny of conservatives, who unwavered in their mission to destroy an organization that fought and continues to fight for the poor and low income.

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy




Video: William Sparkman commencement speech for Western Governors University

Berman Exposed

Meet Rick Berman, A.K.A. "Dr. Evil"

Manipulating the Public Agenda: Why ACORN was in the news, and what the news got wrong Occidental College link


The Long Goodbye .. ACORN pales in comparison ...


Defund ACORN ACT see also Washington Examiner


Jeremy Scahill


Jeremy Scahill - The Rise of the Most Powerful Mercenary Army


Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder


Lockheed Bribery Scandals

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


We're spreading the word to make sure the strong robust public option is part of health insurance reform. The public option is a way to keep insurance companies honest; and the means to get to true health care reform.

Hear the stories about how health insurance companies have horrendously abused their customers. Watch the video here and at Sick for Profit. Then energize and spread the word to friends and family so you and they can contact your representatives [see end of this post] and demand a strong robust public option to keep health insurance companies honest!!! Make sure you also say you don't want co-ops or triggers.

Entire PBS interview on Bill Moyers Journal -37 minutes



Robert Reich on the Need for a Strong Public Option


Wendell Potter

Sick for Profit

Contact Your Representatives


Sunday, September 13, 2009


It appears now, that Max Baucus' Senate Finance Committee will be siding with Big Pharma and the private health insurance companies. [The companies that Wendell Potter talked about in Senate Hearings.]

It would also appear that our beloved
Speaker of the House is ready to throw us and a “strong, robust public option” under the bus. Only the Democratic progressives are standing up for the American people and demanding a "strong public option".

The White House is playing politics and kissing everyone’s a….

Everyone knew that single payer health insurance was the best way to dramatically cut costs, cover everyone and get to health care reform. The Democratic caucus and progressive Senators know it. The White House knows it; however, big business owns Washington and so progressives in the House (under pressure) settled for a "public option".

Now, the strong, robust public option is in jeopardy; and unless our representatives are pressured and/or get some big cajones and are willing to stand up 100% for the American people, we will lose the strong public option. You can count all but 2 or 3 Republican Senators out of any discussion to do what's right for the American people. That just leaves the Democrats.

Friday, September 11, 2009, Robert Reich wrote in his blog, the following:

[This is a small except from his post – please read the entire post at http://robertreich.blogspot.com/2009/09/final-sprint-for-health-care-has-now.html ]

The Final Sprint for Health Care Has Now Begun, and Where the White House is Placing Its Bets

The real political race for health care has just begun. The significance of the President's speech to Washington insiders was its signal about where the White House is placing its bets and its support. More on this in a moment. First, let's be clear about who's racing and why. Think of the speech as the starting gate of a two-month sprint between two competitors -- and they're not Democrats and Republicans.

On one side are America's biggest private insurers and Big Pharma. They're drooling over the prospect of tens of millions more Americans buying insurance and drugs because the pending legislation will require them to, or require employers to cover them. The pending expansion of Medicaid will also be a bonanza. Amerigroup Corp., UnitedHealth Group Inc. and other companies that administer Medicaid are looking at 10 million more customers. Healthcare Inc.’s Medicaid enrollment is expected to jump by 43 percent, according to its CEO. WellPoint Inc., the largest U.S. insurer, is also looking at big gains.But the big insurers hate the idea of a public option because it will squeeze their profits. A true public option will force private insurers to compete in markets where there's now very little competition, and also have the bargaining power to force drug companies to offer lower prices. Big Pharma also wants to prevent Medicare and Medicaid from having the power to negotiate lower prices, for the same reason. Private insurers and Big Pharma would rather fudge the question of where the savings will come from or how all this will be paid for. They certainly don't want to pay for wider coverage with a surtax on the rich, because, hey, their executives and shareholders are mainly rich.” ...

“Private insurers and Big Pharma are being represented in this race by Max Baucus and his Senate Finance Committee. Senate Finance is on the verge of reporting out a bill that requires that just about every American have health insurance and just about every business provide it (or else pay a fee). But the bill will not include a public option. Nor will it change current law to allow Medicare to negotiate low drug prices. Nor will it include a surtax on the wealthy. The Committee's only real nod to cost containment is a small tax on expensive insurance policies, which doesn't worry the private insurers because its cost is so easily passed on to the beneficiaries. The Democratic base is being represented by Nancy Pelosi and House Dems, who have reported out a bill that includes a public option, want Medicare and Medicaid to have negotiating power, and will pay for universal coverage with a surcharge on the rich. The Senate's Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee, formerly chaired by Ted Kennedy, also represents the Democratic base, and reported a strong bill that parallels the House.” ....

"Where's the White House? For months now, it's been straddling the fence -- reassuring the Dem base that the President is with them (he did it as recently as Monday with a rousing speech to organized labor), while at the same time nodding and winking in the direction of the private insurers and Big Pharma. Last spring the White House agreed to Big Pharma's demand that Medicare not be permitted to negotiate low drug prices in return for Pharma's agreement to support the health care bill emerging from the Senate Finance Committee. Since then it has quietly told private insurers that it will work with Senate Finance to find less potent alternatives to the public option, such as Kent Conrad's "cooperatives" or Olympia Snowe's "trigger" mechanism, in return for the private insurers' support of the compromise. And it has told the private insurers and Big Pharma that it will not support a surtax on the wealthy."

Please read Robert Reich’s entire post on his blog at:

Now is the time for decent people to call the “snakes” out.
Demand a “strong robust public option” and not co-ops or triggers.

Wendell Potter

Wendell Potter’s entire 32 minute interview with Bill Moyer

Robert Reich


Fight Bad Faith Insurance Companies

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Karl Rove wrote the play book. Just smear people and tell lies over and over again and the “nuts” and “not so nuts” will believe you (probably because they want to believe you). The Republicans succeeded with their “lie” and “smear” campaign and we got 8 years of Bush and Cheney (Iraq and its accompanying loss of American and innocent Iraqi lives; warrantless wiretaps; torture; financial meltdown and massive job layoffs).

And now that
play book is being used to defeat President Obama (in 2012) and his agenda, even though the American people clearly and dramatically voted for him; and then topped it off by electing a majority of Democrats in the House and Senate.

This is not to be taken lightly. These tactics can get people killed. I say that because a large number of people that now make up the Republican Party are very unstable.

This fringe group is filled with hate and they are dangerous and possibly bear investigation, but definitely bear watching. These kinds of people were responsible for assassinating
John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. These kinds of people were responsible for murdering Emmett Till and Medgar Evers and brave souls who fought inequality, oppression, injustice and racism in the South.

Last night the president addressed a
Joint Session of Congress and the American people. FOX News Channel decided not to air the speech. Can you believe it? A major news network did not show the president’s speech. Other major stations and networks carried the speech; yet, FOX didn’t and then lied about what the president said. Well, I guess if you didn’t hear the speech, you might believe the kooks at FOX news.

On Tuesday, the president addressed school children. The conservatives yelled that the president was trying to indoctrinate the children into
socialism. Some parents and schools decided not to show the speech (and some parents kept their children home from school). The children who did watch, said they enjoyed the speech and admired the president. They couldn't understand what the whole "don't watch the president craziness" was about.

No other president has received this amount of disrespect so early in his presidency; and the president has done nothing to deserve such treatment.

Other countries are watching us and are appalled by these “kooks” behavior.

The people that these “kooks” rail against (the socialists) have the healthiest people, the cleanest air, the most educated (and its free), the most upward class mobility, the least crime, and they have quality, affordable, comprehensive universal health care.

I hope it will not take a national tragedy to stop this fringe group. Now is the time for good people to speak up and rebuke the lies, to take their neighbors to task if they hear lies from their neighbor’s lips. Now is the time to rally for health care reform, financial reform, and a
GREEN economy and to focus on positive solutions and to be kind, just, ethical and moral.

The GOP’s Anti-Obama Propaganda





Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Robert explains the public health insurance option in about a minute and a half. Listen up and follow his suggestions.


Last, so you understand what is going on with Republicans and their efforts to kill health care reform and health insurance reform, and to destroy everything that the president campaigned on and was elected on, read HERE.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Word of warning to the Obama administration and all members of Congress and the Senate [Democrat, Independent, and Republican]. If you don’t put the health, welfare and safety of the American people above money and corporate profits, you will totally lose the respect and trust of the American people.

People believe in conspiracy theories because there is evidence of governments experimenting and putting its citizens at bodily risk.

So it is natural that people like Michele Bachmann, Van Jones (an honorable, good man) and others (from the political right and left) have or had trepidation and distrust regarding their government. Some questions and assertions, however, are absolutely ludicrous as Bill Moyers said Friday, in his PBS segment [September 4, 2009].

That said, questions will always arise whenever government gets involved.

That is why government officials and members of Congress/Senate and the President should never lie to the American people. Once you lie, everything you say is suspect.

I always remember Eisenhower’s warning of a military industrial complex. Whenever government gets in bed with private industry in war [or health care], they bear watching and investigation.

In the health care debate, Americans [in their gut] still want a strong public option. They’ve got evidence that government works pretty well in the health insurance arena. Seniors are happy with the care they’ve received with Medicare paying the bills; though it doesn’t mean that there be no need for improvements, especially in controlling costs.

There are numerous examples, however, of government and private industry wrong doing. Government has often engaged private industry in production of weapons and execution of policy. Our government needs to acknowledge that it is not perfect and has regrets; but it also needs to reassure its citizens that they are committed to the health and welfare of its people.

Past Sins:
Experiments on non-consenting individuals by United States [From
In August of 1949 a
U.S. Army Special Operations Division, operating out of Fort Detrick in Maryland, set up its first test at The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Operatives sprayed harmless bacteria into the building's air conditioning system and observed as the microbes spread throughout the Pentagon.[51]
There were massive medical experiments that involved civilians who had not consented to participate. Often, these experiments took place in urban areas in order to test dispersion methods. Questions were raised about detrimental health effects after experiments in San Francisco, California, were followed by a spike in hospital visits; however, in 1977 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that there was no association between the testing and the occurrence of pneumonia or influenza.[52] The San Francisco test involved a U.S. Navy ship that sprayed Serratia marcescens from the bay; it traveled more than 30 miles.[52] One dispersion test involved laboratory personnel disguised as passengers spraying harmless bacteria in Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.[52]
Scientists tested biological pathogens, including Bacillus globigii, which were thought to be harmless, at public places such as subways. A light bulb containing Bacillus globigii was dropped on New York City's subway system; the result was strong enough to affect people prone to illness (also known as Subway Experiment).[53] Based on the circulation measurements, thousands of people would have been killed if a dangerous microbe was released in the same manner.[52]
A jet aircraft released material over Victoria, Texas, that was monitored in the Florida Keys.[52]
GAO Report
In February, 2008, the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) released report GAO-08-366 titled, "Chemical and Biological Defense, DOD and VA Need to Improve Efforts to Identify and Notify Individuals Potentially Exposed during Chemical and Biological Tests." The report stated that tens of thousands of military personnel and civilians may have been exposed to biological and chemical substances through DOD tests. In 2003, the DOD reported it had identified 5,842 military personnel and estimated 350 civilians as being potentially exposed during the testing, known as Project 112.[54]
The GAO asserts that the U.S. Department of Defense's (DOD) 2003 decision to stop searching for people affected by the tests was premature. They also claimed that the DOD made no effort to inform civilians of exposure; furthermore, they assert that the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is not using available resources to inform veterans of possible exposure or to determine if they were deceased. After the DOD halted efforts to find those who may have been affected by the tests, non-DOD sources identified approximately 600 additional individuals who were potentially exposed during Project 112.[54] Some of the individuals were identified after the GAO reviewed records stored at the Dugway Proving Ground, others were identified by the Institute of Medicine.[55] Many of the newly identified suffer from long term illnesses that may have been caused by the biological or chemical testing.[56]

United States involvement in atrocities and aggression in other countries.
[Sources: The History Channel, "History Undercover: Air America: The CIA's Secret Airline" The History Channel, "20th Century with Mike Wallace: The CIA: Fifty Years of Spying" "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia", Alfred W. McCoy, Harper-Colophon Books, 1973]

2. CIA involvement and atrocities in Chile.
3. CIA involvement in Iran
4. CIA involvement in Guatemala
5. CIA involvement in the Congo
6. Iraq
Sources: The History Channel, "Spy Web: The CIA" The History Channel, "History Undercover: Anatomy of a Coup: The CIA in Iran"

United States Experiments on its own people:
1. Plutonium Experiments
Sources: "The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War" by Eileen Welcome, The Dial Press, 1999 The History Channel, "History Undercover: Declassified: Human Experimentation" Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary Press Conference, July 12, 1993 Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments 1994-1995

2. Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Sources: Congressional Hearings, 1973, Senator Kennedy "Bad Blood", James H. Jones, Free Press, New York, 1981, 1993

3. Atomic Bomb Testing on Soldiers
Sources: The Atomic Veteran's Research Institute, Robert Campbell The History Channel, "History Undercover: Declassified: Human Experimentation" "Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans", Jonathan Moreno, Routledge, W. H. Freeman & Co., 2000

4. Chemical Weapons and Bacteria Experiments
Sources: News Night Minnesota 5/25/95 KTCA TV, Minneapolis 1977 The History Channel, "History Undercover: Declassified: Human Experimentation" "Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ-Warfare Tests over Populated Areas", Leonard A. Cole, Rowman & Littlefield, 1988, 1990 "The Eleventh Plague: The Politics of Biological and Chemical Warfare", Leonard A. Cole, W. H. Freeman & Co., 1996, 1998 "Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans", Jonathan Moreno, Routledge, W. H. Freeman & Co., 2000

5. Human Drug Testing
Sources: Congressional Hearings, Human Drug Testing by The CIA, 1975-1977 The History Channel, "History's Mysteries: Getting High: A History of LSD" "Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties and Beyond", Martin Lee, Bruce Shlain, Grove Press, 1986

6. Experimentation with Microwave and EM Weapons
The History Channel, "History's Mysteries: Mind Control: America's Secret War" "Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans", Jonathan Moreno, Routledge, W. H. Freeman & Co., 2000 "Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties and Beyond", Martin Lee, Bruce Shlain, Grove Press, 1986

The United States is not alone in its wrong doing, as we well know.

The knowledge of these atrocities and experiments are the reason why Americans and others sometimes feel powerless, fearful and distrusting of their government.

Members of Congress/Senate, and Mr. President, put the American people first. Tell the truth. You know universal health care and universal health insurance is morally right. You also know that the private “for profit” health insurance and health care industries we currently have, are unsustainable; and there are major problems with those industries that don’t jive with achieving true health care and health insurance reform. [Do you get that Mr. President?].

Put the safety measures in place, make the necessary reforms in our health care system, and show the rest of the world that we can be strong, compassionate leaders with effective, efficient and innovative health care and health care delivery systems.


"Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans", Jonathan Moreno, Routledge, W. H. Freeman & Co., 2000

Congressional Hearings, Abuse of Psychiatry for Political Repression in the Soviet Union, 1972-1974

A & E Investigative Reports: Return to the Killing Fields The History Channel, "History's Crimes and Trials: Pol Pot and the Killing Fields"

The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda

Operation Whitecoat

War Crimes

Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

HAARP [critics and supporters]

Health Care
Mind Control Forum

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Michael Moore’s “Capitalism: a Love Story” will premier at the Venice Film Festival tonight. I can’t wait till it gets to the theaters. [See trailer below]

Is the Capitalism that we’re soaked (or should I say drowning) in today have anything to do with the concept of capitalism of yesteryear, or is it simply “Capitalism 201” gone wild?

I love “mom and pop” stores. I even like franchises and international trade; but Citigroup, Bank of America, and huge “too big to fail”, suck the life out of you; swamp and kill everything in their path behemoths … I think not.

And so we arrive on health care reform’s door steps with several behemoths sucking the life literally out of every American in the US of A. We are at the mercy of behemoth health insurance and pharmaceutical companies; and they play a huge role in whether we live or die while they get richer and richer and richer and richer.
Money Driven Medicine - produced by Alex Gibney, and based on Maggie Mahar's acclaimed book, "Money Driven Medicine: The Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much" GET, BUY, SCREEN AT http://moneydrivenmedicine.org/



Watch September 4, 2009, Bill Moyers Journal HERE or below:


Money-Driven Medicine provides the essential introduction Americans need to become knowledgeable participants in healthcare reform, now and in the years ahead. Produced by Academy Award winner Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side; Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room)